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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesinteriors
Product NameYugumo Standard Housekeeping Lockers
NomenclatureType 45
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks, Yugumo Corporation
Year ReleasedYE 45

NAM Terratech Breakthrough Armorsuit - "Cyclops"

-Not to be confused with the Cyclops Heavy Combat Mecha

The NAM Terratech Breakthrough armor suit - “Cyclops” is a new powered armor frame by NAM designed for the resurgence of ID-SOL and their entry back into production on New Bernese in YE 40 as a unique armor suit made to capitalize on the SOLs' already considerable size, strength, and natural biological armor to create an indomitable powered armor frame with little need of conventional shielding.

About the Armor

Designed in YE40 and put into production shortly after, the Cyclops was the brainchild of the minds at NAM's Terratech division. Finding that some of the Imperium's large suits like the VOID, Aggressor, and EARTH armors were adequate but found to limit the potential of the ID-SOL body and the natural strength and power provided.

Statistics & Performance


At a glance, the most distinguishing items of the armor are the single "Monoeye" Directional Sensor Suite that glows brightly from its head, the protruding weapons and spikes that give warning to any who would doubt the intentions such an armor might broach, and the three sinister claws that slide from each gauntlet as effortlessly as they cleave through armor and flesh alike.

A minimalist aesthetic with a large profile and sporting the iconic Nepleslian monoeye, the Cyclops lives up to its namesake of an indomitable one-eyed giant capable of untold acts of savagery. Thick tertiary armor with protruding spikes and weapons complement the bulky frame and give the Cyclops a dominating presence.


Built on the other side of the coin from the Aggressor Heavy Assault Armor, the Cylops was designed on commission by NAM in YE40 exclusively for the ID-SOL and half SOL forces of the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps. The recent fighting on New Bernese and the new production of ID-SOL originating on the planet had called into question the legitimacy and usefulness of the SOL as soldiers beyond simply being bigger and stronger.

The decision was made to avoid simply updating old equipment with SOL specific modifications, but instead to design completely new and exclusive gear catered towards their size and strength as well as their role as the shock-troops of the Democratic Imperium and a critical and underutilized strategic military asset.

The final product was put into production in YE 40 to outfit the newest batch of ID-SOL with mass production following shortly after.


  • Thick armor and surprisingly powerful jump jets give the Cyclops an unexpected dashing potential to close into melee range even from a distance while shrugging off lighter attacks.
  • Physically stronger than other armors its' class.
  • Considerable close-combat oriented weaponry.


  • The bulky and armored frame weighs the Cyclops down, making it difficult to deal with faster frames that can easily outmaneuver it or avoid close-quarters combat.
  • The close combat focus of the armor limits its utility in classic line fighting as it lacks long-ranged weaponry when compared to its sister armors, such as mini-missiles.
  • Lack of traditional all-around shielding makes the frame almost entirely dependant on its armor to protect it from fire and damage, making it vulnerable to more powerful weaponry that might otherwise be mitigated by shielding.


  • Ground Speed (Running): 63 kph. (129kph when using jump jets.)
  • Max. Atmospheric Speed: See: 129 kph.
  • Max. Sublight: See: .335c (Buildup)

Armor Size

Height 4.5m (15ft)1)
Width 1.6m (5.3ft)
Weight 2.2 Tonnes

Damage Capacity Stats

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for a guide to damage ratings to include.

DRv3 Tier:

Armor: T-9 Heavy Mecha. Shields: T-9 Heavy

Getting In and Out

The Cyclops is entered through the back of the armor where a series of pressurized hinges hold the armor shut. The pilot enters the frame feet first much like a normal power armor with the feet going into the boots and the hands going down the arms and into the gauntlets, depending on the size of the occupant will either fit snugly into the gauntlet and fingers or into a series of trigger holes that will mimic the movements of the fingers when pulled.

The head fits firmly into the secured helmet and despite the monoeye allows peripheral vision even when the armor is deactivated. The armor senses the movement of the arms and legs and moves the armor accordingly to avoid falling over when donning it, and then starts up on its own.

The armor is deactivated and exited much the same way with the exception that the user must flex their pectoral muscles forwards when stationary much like they are shrugging off the armor. In which case the armor will go limp when secured and the rear hatch will unlock (But not open until either opened from the back or the pilot pushes out to avoid giving a gunman a target on the pilots back.)


Many of the Cyclops systems are focus around tailoring to its close combat needs from its layered armor design and forearm armor and shields to the powerful back thrusters and nano muscle.

Neural Probe

The Cyclops makes use of an advanced non-invasive neural probe system to detect the pilot's brain waves and move the suit accordingly so that the suit acts as an extension of the soldier wearing it. In the event that the neural probe should cease to function, most commands will have to be made by speaking the commands directly into the armor.


Nanomuscles designed to contract when exposed to a specific electrical frequency line the suit. These muscles contract at a rate faster than capable by biological muscle, allowing the suit to increase reaction time while also assisting in strength and agility. This layer of nanomuscle expands with the internal padding to shape to the wearer and fit like a glove for maximum effect.

Heads Up Display

Consisting of a high-definition display, supplemented by short-range volumetric imaging software. This HUD displays battlefield data typical to all other NAM armors and would adjust the view if the pilot turns his head.

Battlefield data includes a readout of the pilots' life signals, as well as indicators for squad members in close proximity, status-reports for the armor itself, prospected data on enemy armor and status based on known data. The HUD keeps track of fuel, ammunition, communications with squad members, and command vessels as well.


An Advanced Command/Combat Executive AI is installed in the Cyclops.


Na-M/V-E3600 Brainspammer in installed in this armor.


While one might expect the frame to be heavy from the use of Nerimium. The Cyclops is made from a three-tier armor system. With the nerimium making up the innermost armor with the least mass. Followed shortly after this by a lighter Leptonium armored shell and lightest of all Durandium tertiary armor to soak up the initial fire and is easily replaceable when in need of repairs.

This system makes the Cyclops hardy and formidable without being overly heavy or unwieldy for its size by soaking up more and more damage the more damage it takes as weaker armor is destroyed or disabled and without hindering the armor in doing so as most of the systems and movement are easily linked to the inner exoskeleton and not the armor on top of it.

The thickest belt of armor is centered around the torso and chest on the front of the armor where it will usually be hit when charging towards the enemy.

Forearm Plates

A series of interlocking Nerimium-laced ablative plates cover the forearms of the Cyclops over its forearm provide a small measure of extra protection. The plates are built to withstand heavy attack whilst absorbing most of the trauma and diverting it away from the rest of the armor. The plates are meshed directly with the armor itself and are not removable.

Forearm Shields

Rather than conventional shields such as those that envelope the armor or are directional in nature, the Cyclops uses rectangular shields each located on the outer portion of the forearm. When active, each shield is roughly a third longer than the forearm of the frame itself and half again as wide to allow the pilot to block damage situationally by simply blocking with the forearm much the way of traditional metal shields and bucklers.

Due to the constraints of being powered by built-in antimatter batteries and in the gauntlets, the shield is not exceptionally powerful and is considerably weaker than what would usually be allotted to an armored frame of that class but none the less still perform well against most direct energy, kinetic, or physical-based weaponry attacks.

Life Support

An old but staple nepleslian tecnology known as a MEC-H is installed in the armor. When critical damage is recorded, the MEC-H automatically beheads and cyrofreezes the pilot's head and jettisons it within the protected and sealed helmet. The purpose of this system is to preserve the head and NAM Medtech - Cerebral Chip of the soldier in hope that genetic material and a working brain can still be salvaged from the dead body, just in case this particular soldier held some meaningful knowledge before his or her death. The system is imperative and can instantly be inserted into a Twinmaker to re-clone the head and brain spider into a new body within a couple of days.

likewise, a Internal Medical System is installed in this armor and responds to pain and damage accordingly to administer pre-installed drugs and medical facility treatments and otherwise mitigate damage until a medic can apply life-saving treatment to the pilot.

Power Systems

A bank of antimatter batteries are installed in the Cyclops around its frame to act as a primary power source to offset the immense weight usually carried by such an armor through multiple compact fusion generators. This reduction in weight allows the Cyclops its speed and maneuverability in its thrusters without the hindrance to multiple generators.

One singular NAM Ultra Compact Fusion Generator is installed in the Cyclops to power the weaponry, propulsion, and systems as a backup or to decrease the workload of the batteries.

The lack of general energy shielding calls for lower power requirements compared to its predecessors. Space has been left around the fusion generator in case of future needs or upgrades call for more power such as more batteries or specialized equipment for the future upgrades.


Compact Gravimetric Drives are installed on the lower back of the suit and allow it to get up to speed when the armor is in charge or in motion. When requiring flight or even more speed, two larger Variable Impulse Magneto-Plasma Drive System activate to propel the suit at considerable speeds for its size and can easily achieve flight in the atmosphere or planetside or even sustain a form of booster assisted jumps.


PPG Push Pull Guard is installed in the Cyclops. This is primarily for quick agile movements by sending out the tractor field towards larger immobile objects, ‘pulling’ the armor itself towards the object, or using the repulsion field can be used to rebound and push away from objects to acquires the same effect. When utilized this system drastically improves mobility, dexterity, and acceleration, but does not greatly affect the top speed of the armor itself. The effective range for the P/P system is roughly 100 meters, with 30 being the optimum distance.

Sensors and Communications

A "Monoeye" Directional Sensor Suite is installed in this armor.

When active, the monoeye acts as broad-range sensor systems based mostly on visual data, but can also see through the various spectrum. When focused on a target, the mono-directional emitters located within the sensors will glow. When activated, the Monoeye array sends out a broad range of particles towards an area in a tight stream, which then returns back in a similar fashion akin to radar. It is very effective at determining the exact positioning and movement of objects caught in the stream, as well as providing detailed and instantaneous data on targets, but will sometimes give away the armors’ position from the bright green glow. Each monoeye can only focus on a single target in Focusing mode.


Most of the Cyclops' weapons are mounted on their arms and wrists with the exception of two devastating VSPR weapons on the back that fire over the shoulders.

The purpose of this is that the Cyclops can fire from the hip or while using its claws and strike the same target simultaneously. Often adding additional damage to anything the claws are digging into, or hitting targets missed by the claws.

In addition to these are several spiked areas of the armor including the bicep, shoulders, and knees, ensuring that lighter armor and infantry that the Cyclops rushes through or strikes with these zones are at risk to be pierced from contact.

The Cyclops is not limited to just the weapons bellow. The retractable claws mean there is a free range of movement for the hands of the suit making it able to wield power armor grade handheld weapons and not damage it when the claws come out of the gauntlet. This allows the Cyclops to use longer range and more unique weaponry when not in close quarters combat. As well as NAM High Endurance Armor Tactical Weapon Line and other melee weapons if the claws are undesirable by the pilot. Though this may impede the use of the other wrist-mounted weapons in some cases.

The wrist-mounted weapons are aimed by simply pointing the gauntleted fist at an enemy and firing by command. The two primary wrist-mounted weapons, however, have considerably reduced range due to being cut down in a snub-nosed fashion in order to fit inside the gauntlet.

  • x2 NAM Variable Speed Plasma Rifle VSPR-01a are installed in this armor, one over each shoulder. They rest on the back until readied by the pilot. The VSPR can fire in a 45-degree arc in front of the armor. T5-8 damage depending on fire mode.
  • x2 12.7mm Medium Chain Gun are installed in this armored gauntlets with their barrels cut drastically short in a snub nose fashion to allow it to fit. Two interlocking 500 round drums are installed in the interior of the weapon housing and are not reloadable unless the gauntlet is opened in the proper repair and refit facilities but none the less give a whopping 2,000 rounds of 12.7mm carnage to call on in battle. One on the back of each wrist and above the claws. Damage (Variable)

Nerimium Claws: Each wrist gauntlet contains three deadly claws made of nerimimum and function the same way as NAM High Endurance Armor Tactical Weapon Line. Claws retract when not in use by the pilot and lock in place when they are. T4-5 damage (Variable)

OOC Notes

charmaylarg created this article on 2019/11/04 13:48.

Model made by charmaylarg using DoGa L3 and Metasequoia4 and rendered in blender using various mecha and armor hardsurface kitbash parts kits by Oleg Ushenok, Vitaly Bulgarov, and others under a standard personal-use license2)

Approved by syaoran on 5/14/2020

Despite being taller than the Aggressor. The Cyclops weighs less and is less bulky.
For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).

faction/nepleslia/equipment/cyclops.1589466700.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:56 (external edit)