
Goa'ismâ (Scout) Stako Yanuto

The Goa'ismâ is the lightest of the Stako Yanuto (Exo-Skel), designed for survey and reconnaissance work. The current model came into production in 754 CY (YE 35).

About the Goa'ismâ

Scout - Walker The Goa'ismâ was the second generation Stako Yanuto used by the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. Built using the original cargo/construction unit it was enclosed to provide environmental protection for the occupant. The most distinctive difference between the first generation was the addition of the head where the sensors are mounted. The Goa'ismâ is fast and maneuverable. The unit can be operated manually, but ideal operation requires the use of a Iginâ Yoqa (Neural Link).

The Goa'ismâ is capable of lifting more than its own weight. This also means that the unit has better agility and any of the other Stako Yanuto. It is capable of leaping over obstacles 2 meters high. It can also climb surfaces provided there are sufficient strong hand and foot grips.

Goa'ismâ are commonly found on Seeker and Gatherer ships. It is one of the few Stako Yanuto that can be operated by any of the Poku'vonai species.

The operator enters the unit by opening the back of the torso and climbing into the seat and strapping themselves in. Entering and exiting is done with the unit squatting. Focusing on sensors over weapons, the Goa'ismâ is lightly armed. The operator can use it with or without a Niomu Iun (Vacuum Suit). The upper torso is capable of turning sixty degrees to the left and the right.

The Goa'ismâ can squat and elevate making the unit taller or shorter depending on needs. Squatting is used a lower profile such as for cover, and it also how the unit is stored. Extending is typically done when stationary, as the unit is less stable. By rising up to the full limit of the legs it can survey the area and improve LOS.

The Goa'ismâ can take a controlled 10 meter drop without taking damage.


The Goa'ismâ Yanuto Stako was originally developed before the Norka (The Exodus). They are the only series that remained in wide use over the centuries the clan has been in the sector.

Work on the MK IX generation of the unit began in (751 CY YE 32). It was a direct result of the resurgence of the idea of finding a new home world for the clan.


The Goa'ismâ was designed to resemble the basic appearance of a Poku'vonai. The head is a stylized version of the species. Since the hands have five digits, each of which can be moved independently. The basic version is done in shades of gray, color schemes are typically done to represent those who own it.

Statistical Data


Class: Goa'ismâ (Scout) Nomenclature: HS-ML1-9a Type: Frame Designers: Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) Manufacturer: Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) on Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth)

Crew and Accommodations

Crew: 1


  • Length: 1.6 meters ( 5.24 feet)
  • Width: 2 meters meters ( 6.5 feet) at shoulders
  • Height:
    • Normal: 4 meters ( 13.12 feet)
    • Squat: 3.3 meters ( 10.83 feet)
    • Extend: 4.6 meters ( 15.08 feet)
  • Mass: 800 kg

Propulsion and Range


The Goa'ismâ is a very nimble frame.

  • Ground:
    • Walking: 24 kmph 15 mph
    • Running: 104 kmph 65 mph
  • Atmospheric:
  • Requires Flight Rig
  • Space
  • Requires Space Rig

Physical ability

  • Jump: 2.25 meters vertical
  • Lift: 1,200 kg

Durability and Maintenance

Service Lifespan: Estimated 10 years of constant use, possibly longer with refits.

Refit Cycle: Routine updates are done by technicians from the Silver Moon Sect

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Frame: 6 ADR
  • Shields: N/A by default

Inside the Goa'ismâ

The operator sits in the cockpit which is in the torso of the unit. The cockpit can best described as cozy, with only room for the essential. They are seated in a seat that is padded with acceleration foam. There are padded straps that hold the operator secure in the seat. There is a Iginâ Yoqa (Neural Link) in the seat that the operator can connect to.

There are four displays at eye level that can be configured as they wish. Standard configuration is for the two center ones to display a panoramic view of what is in front of the unit. They can overlay the display with a HUD.

There are internal lights that the operator can adjust, most prefer to keep them at low levels.

There is a console with a keyboard and two control sticks. The console has controls for communications, life support.

The operator for short excursions can wear normal clothing. For long duration events they typically wear a Moviumatgo (Spacesuit) with or without the helmet, which allows them to deal with bodily needs.



Most of the systems in the Goa'isma are based on standard technology used within the clan.

HS-M1-G350x Power System

The Goa'ismâ is equipped with a modular power system that features a primary and an emergency system. Operating on the emergency system, the unit can not move faster than walking.

HS-M1-G3500 Fusion Reactor

The Goa'ismâ uses a compact Sumanâ-a Tyokanorjopa (Fusion Reactors) and Gean Norjopa (Generator) for its primary power. It has sufficient fuel for 104 hours of operation.

HS-M1-G3501 Fuel Cells

In the event of a failure of the the primary system, the unit is equipped with a Gianaka Gean (Fuel Cells) to power life support, communications and basic movement. The cells are capable of operating for 32 hours.

HS-M1-E3502 Sensors

The Goa'ismâ uses components from the HS-AF1-E720xx Tin'sa Mâbor'a (Small craft Sensors). Some of the systems are available as options to the frame. The sensors are mounted in the head.


  • HS-V1-E1103 Targeting RADAR
  • HS-V1-E1102 Ranging
  • HS-V1-E1101 Imaging Cluster


  • HS-V1-E1100 Gravimetric Scanner
  • HS-V1-E1104 Geological Sensor
  • HS-V1-E1105 Life Detection
  • HS-M1-E3502 Emission Scanner
  • HS-M1-E3503 Chemical Scanner

HS-M1-F3500 Structure

The Goa'ismâ is constructed primarily out of Mâqitua (Light Metal). This gives the unit excellent durability, and yet keeps it light for agility. All of the joints are sealed to keep contaminants out and move in a manner consistent with Poku'vonai.


The Goa'ismâ uses a Jodau Fiqorka (Module Brain) for its control system. In addition to physical controls in the pilot compartment, it also has a Iginâ Yoqa (Neural Link) connection for use by the operator.

HS-M1-E3500 Communications array

The Goa'ismâ communications array allows the unit to communicate with other scouts, ships. The array features clan Radio and Subspace systems from the Ta'te Goly Norjopa (Far Talking Systems) suite.

These systems are provided:

  • Radio limited by LOS and max range is two light seconds.
  • Subspace range 2 LY max

HS-M1-P3500 Musculature

The Goa'ismâ musculature is composed of advanced Electroactive polymers. These are arranged in striated muscle grouping similar to those found in their bodies. They are durable and can be easily repaired. Battle damage repairs can be made for example by taking bundles from an arm to restore operation of a damaged leg.

HS-M1-V3500 Life Support

The Goa'ismâ uses a compact Niufofi'a Norjopa (Atmosphere Systems). It can operate as long as the system has power. In the event of a failure there is sufficient stored gases to keep the operator alive for up to 12 hours.

HS-M1-W3500 Phased Plasma Cannon

The HS-M1-W3500 firing mechanish is located in the head. When the weapon is activated, the jaw opens the the barrel extends. Weapon active

The Phased Plasma Cannon fires a large plasma charge of superheated nitrogen suspended in a magnetic field and then projected from the weapon. The charge glows with a neon purple light. The cannon has two firing modes, single and three round burst. The weapon consists of a chamber where the nitrogen is heated to a plasma state. It is then channeled into the firing chamber where it is contained in a magnetic bubble and then accelerated by magnetics.

  • Muzzle Velocity: 900 m/s (2,952 ft/s)
  • Effective Range 2 km 1.24 miles
    • Charges: 120 per nitrogen canister

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.


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