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Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 46
Last ReviewYE 46
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesmiscellaneous
Product NameKe-P8-R4600 Teleportation Pad
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)1β€―,000β€―,000β€―,000.00 KS

Daughters of Eve

An uncompleted page with (hopefully) helpful info.

Notable assets at the disposal of the Daughters of Eve

  • They possess around 15 KFY-built vessels that they acquired through Black Spiral.
  • They have access to most SAINT/Black Spiral equipment, though in more limited quantities.
  • They have an ongoing project named Amaya's Gate
  • They have access to the Nepleslian Black Market, through which they may obtain other resources such as the Vale-class raiding cruiser.
  • Though to a lack of fondness for using sprites as combat fodder, they instead use synthetic humanoid drone mechas named 'nekomachina'.
  • They have access to allies amongst the SMX, whom they in turn assist by providing intelligence on the enemies of the SMX. It is an uneasy relationship.
  • They have some measure of PANTHEON-access, allowing them the uncanny ability of being able to obtain certain Soul Transfer Backups.
  • They are apparently pretty rich. How is not known.

Individuals of note

  • Eve (Naraku)
  • Meni
  • Mani
  • Amaya

Info on Eve/Naraku

I don't have the details on the Daughters of Eve, but judging from the name, they're not the people you'd want to meet in a dark alley. I'd guess from the name that they are followers of Eve… Oh dear.

The Star Army knows (ICly):

1. Eve was one of the first Nekos created, and is considered Yui's sister only because they were created at around the same time, and possibly because they have close genetic ties. Being artificial beings, they don't have β€œparents” in the true sense of the word. Eve's current status is unknown, but her dark deeds are infamous among the citizenry of Yamatai and Nepleslia.

Aside: How did Eve become a psycho / cannibal / assassin / arch-villain? It's anyone guess, really. Both Yui and Eve were β€œtest” Nekos. No one knew how they were going to turn out. Yui matured into a warrior poet and a Heroine of the People β„’, and Eve matured into a pyscho killer. Maybe it's chance. Maybe it's fate. (Ooo. Deep.)

I believe that since Eve and Yui were test weapons, they raised both Nekos in different environments to see what would happen. Some of this info was accessible when the SARPG was still developing and we had the chance to learn about Neko history. I do remember that she had a horn in the middle of her forehead, was a pennyeater and liked killing children. ~ Kim

Some of Eve's Evil

Eve was known for having kidnapped, tortured and murdered about a 100 children of Ayanee's Capital City(?) early in her lifetime. She left such an impact that for several decades, parents used her name to scare small children into behaving.

2. Naraku killed the late Taisho Ashigari Kai. She is a dangerous assassin and aligned with the Daughters of Eve. There is a bounty on her head.

What many people don't know, at least not ICly:

Naraku = Eve

*cue dramatic musical notes*

I (Yangfan) have some studying to do. More commentary later.

faction/daughters_of_eve.1480265732.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:44 (external edit)