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Abwehran Shipboard Administration and Organization

Every ship is its own community and every community has its own form of government. This makes it much easier to do day-to-day activities/duties necessary to survive, the military is just the same. Weltraumflotte starships are all commanded by their own Commanding Officer, whom are the 'Masters of their Ships under Monarch'.

Administration by Ship Type

Every Officer has the ability to command, whether it's a Leutnant or an Admiral (Abwehran), but you would never find a Hauptmann commanding a lowly Custom's Monitor. The following chart lists the minimum rank needed to obtain command of certain ship types.

Ship Type Minimum Rank
Monitors Leutnant
Frigates Oberleutnant
Destroyers Befehlshaber
Light Cruisers Befehlshaber
Heavy Cruisers Befehlshaber
Light Capital Ships Hauptmann
Heavy Capital Ships Hauptmann
Small Outposts/Stations Hauptmann
Main Hub Stations Kommodore


Every ship is broken up into various Departments to run the vessel. Those Departments are often broken up into Divisions. Though this system seems fairly factionalized, every department and division work together as a whole. The following list is in relative order of priority, rather than alphabetical.


Though technically not a department or division, Command is very important. Solely revolving around the Ship Commander, s/he is the supreme commander of her vessel and in charge of bringing all her subordinates together.

Administration Department

The Administration Department is what runs the ships planning and clerical duties. Though most would consider it to be very low in priority, it is actually one of the more responsible departments on a ship.


Advising Division Commanded by a ships Strategic Officer (whom is normally Ship XO), the Advision Division is actually responsible for mission planning.
Personnel Division Responsible for maintaining important paper work and executing clerical functions on board a vessel.

Starship Operation Department

The Bridge Crew and supporting personnel make up the Starship Operation Department. Though normally made of of three individuals per division in smaller vessels, much larger vessels have a greater number of people in this department.


Astrogation Division Responsible for plotting a ships course through sub-light and faster-than-light travel.
Communications Division Responsible for detection and communication both internally and externally. This division can be divided into the Communications and Sensors Sub-Divisions when on much larger vessels.
Tactical Division Responsible for running all offensive and defensive technologies onboard a warship, this division can be divided into the following three Sub-Divisions when on Larger Vessels: Weapons, Defenses, Electronic Warfare.


One of the largest Departments on any vessel, the Engineering Department is responsible for maintaining all technologies and equipment on a starship. Each Division has their own Engineer(s), Machinists, and Technicians. Damage Control Specialists, Mechanics, and Armorers all are specialists for certain divisions.


Armor Division Responsible for maintaining Power Armor and Infantry Weaponry.
Damage Control Division Responsible for administering damage control.
Drive Division Responsible for maintaining a ships Sub-Light and Faster-Than-Light Drives.
Electronics Division Responsible for all electronic relays, connections, etc.
Environmental Division Responsible for maintaining all environmental systems.
Parasite Division Responsible for maintaining all a ship's Parasite Craft
Power Division Responsible for maintaining all ship reactors and batteries.

Support Department

A department largely created for the continued survival and welfare of a ship's crew as well as its stores, the Support Department is the second clerical department. Though it deals less with clerical duties and more with services.


Distribution and Storage Division Responsible for the distrubition and storage of a ship's cargo.
Food Service Division Responsible for maintaining the daily production of meals for a ship's crew.
Service Division A Division that is responsible for the remaining Support duties of a ship including cleaning, laundry, and counseling services.

Medical/Science Department

Responsible for the Scientific pursuit of knowledge and the physical health/welfare of the crew, the Medical/Science Department as always been combined into a single department due to the lack of need for a dedicated Science Department.


Medical Division Responsible for maintaining a crews physical health and well being.
Science Division Responsible for scientific research and discoveries onboard a warship.

Aerospace Corp

A semi-detached part of the ship's contingent, the Aerospace Corp has long been associated with Parasite Craft of a warships ranging from shuttle craft to fighters. Recently, however, a ship's own Helmsmen have starting coming from the Aerospace Corp.

Marine Corp

A semi-detached part of a ship's contingent that is responsible for providing internal security, backing up weapon systems in case of control run damage, and providing a solid base of infantry for possible ground action.

faction/abwehran_star_empire/military/wtf/shipboard_administration.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 05:25 (external edit)