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Shasta no Sekai Pulse Weaponry

The pulse weaponry designed by Shasta No Sekai is a non continuous wave form laser energy weapons system for use in mecha and vehicle platforms such as those used by the Strays of the Terror Wolf Project.


Unlike a continuous wavelength and sold-beam system such as those used in most laser weapon systems, the Shastas' World pulse weaponry much like its name is a rapid-fire energy weapon that uses pulse pumping of various wavelength emitters to rapidly emit multi-spectrum energy beams at a rapid pace.

While rapid-fire lasers are not uncommon the SnS pulse laser is unique in that it fires multi-spectrum energy pulses as compared to single-wavelength energy. As such the pulse laser works by emitting high-energy bursts of light in pulses, rather than a continuous beam like other types of lasers. These bursts can be extremely powerful, and capable of delivering a tremendous amount of energy to a target in a very short amount of time. This makes pulse lasers ideal for certain types of applications, such as cutting through thick materials or damaging enemy defenses.

Where it excels compared to other lasers is against shielded targets and those with energy-dampening materials or effects.

Shields are typically designed to absorb energy in a controlled manner, preventing it from penetrating the shield and reaching the protected object. However, a high-powered pulse laser using energy pulses from different wavelength lasers overloads the shield's capacitors and causes it to fail as it is bombarded by multiple energy wavelengths.

Nomenclature Information

  • Year Created: Ye45
  • Designer: Shasta No Sekai
  • Manufacturer: Shasta No Sekai
  • Name: Pulse weaponry
  • Type: Energy Weapon
  • Role: Variable
  • Damage: Variable
  • Nomenclature: Sw-M1-W4500


Pulse lasers as a concept are not new or particularly advanced. But lacking an established market from which to purchase them the corporation was required to bootstrap their own in YE 44 for their mecha or otherwise risk too-expensive custom-built pulse lasers catered towards their energy sources.

Taking a standard laser concept and modifying the cells and lenses as well as the emitters was only a minor leap for the corporations already existing laser-based weapons. The challenge was instead maintaining the cell-shutter with multiple different-wavelength emitters which could only be achieved by bypassing or removing perceived redundant safety features. By doing so the pulse-laser platform for the corporation was built and made efficient enough by mid YE 45 to field with the corporations mecha.


Fielded by the Shastas' World corporation for use in its mechs and vehicles as well as certain drones.


Being a weapons system the pulse laser has no key or specific form but instead is an interchangeable system that can be found in a variety of platforms and sizes.

Micro Pulse Laser

Useable in small arms and built-in personal-scale weaponry the Micro pulse laser can be built into small arms such as pistols or rifles. While it lacks the punch of other weapons platforms its size it makes up for the deficit with its ability to do significant prolonged damage against shields or energy-dampening systems.

  • Damage Rating: T1-2 Light-medium anti personnel (T-4 against shields and energy absorbing materials)
  • Damage Description: Leaves a small energy burn on any hardcover. Burns and/or scorches light materials including wood, paper, and clothing.
  • Effective Range: 1km maximum range before energy falloff becomes passive.
  • Recoil: discharge creates minimum recoil no greater than that of a light pistol.
  • Fire rate: 2,500 rpm.

Meso Pulse Laser

A larger-scale pulse weapon the Meso pulse laser is installed in heavier, less man-portable platforms such as powered armor and light vehicles and mecha. It includes a much greater range, fire rate, and damage output and can overload shields or strip energy-absorbing materials with little required exposure.

  • Damage Rating: T6 heavy anti-armor (Tier-8 against shields or energy-absorbing materials.)
  • Damage Description: Leaves a large energy burn through any hardcover. Burns completely through most hard materials and armors with continued exposure.
  • Effective Range: 3km maximum range before energy falloff becomes passive.
  • Recoil: discharge creates minimum recoil no greater than that of a light pistol.
  • Fire rate: 5,000 rpm.

Macro Pulse Laser

A heavy primary weapon for Mecha and some fighters the Macro pulse laser is an energy-intensive hog of a weapon. Capable of burning holes through the shields of light starships if within range. The macro pulse laser does not have a significantly increased fire rate, unlike the meso pulse laser due to the extreme energy drain required.

  • Damage Rating: T8 medium anti mecha (T-10 light anti starship against shields or energy absorbing materials)
  • Damage Description: Leaves a large energy burn through any hardcover or heavy armor. Overloads shields of any kind and burns through energy-mitigating materials.
  • Effective Range: 4km maximum range before energy falloff becomes passive.
  • Recoil: discharge creates minimum recoil no greater than that of a light pistol.
  • Fire rate: 2,000 rpm.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2023/04/10 12:57.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/05/201).

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: vehicle mounted
Product NameSnS Pulse Weaponry
ManufacturerShasta No Sekai
Year ReleasedYE 45

corp/shasta_no_sekai/weapons/pulse_weaponry.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:21 by