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NO-M1-W2900 Xaser Pulse Cannon

NovaCorp Logo A TC Company

The NO-M1-W2900 was developed for use with the NO-M1-1a - Mantus Infantry Power Armor, it became available in YE 29.

About the NO-M1-W2900

Built in to the forearms of the power armor these powerful weapons fire pulses of electromagnetic energy well in to band of the X-rays. These pulses have very high energy, and their natural penetrating ability grants them very long range and the ability to wreck havoc even through significant armor. These weapons are known to either melt through most metal or cause matter to explode due to the extreme temperature difference. The XPC is particularly damaging to electronic systems and biological constructs (including life forms).

  • Location: Incorporated in to the fore arms of the armor.
  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry
  • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor/Assault.
  • Damage: 5 ADR (Heavy – Very Heavy. )
  • Range: 450 km in atmosphere.
  • Rate of Fire: 1 pulse a second.
  • Payload Effectively unlimited while the power source still functions.


Manufacturer: NovaCorp Nomenclature: NO-M1-W2900 Type: X-RAY Class: Weapon Designer: NovaCorp

Alternative Setting: Laser Pulse Canon

Given the Grasers formidable penetrative power, which at times can be overly potent and risk damaging civilians, friendlies and cause other collateral damage it was decided relatively late in the project that in addition to the PEP setting the XPC would be designed to also fire a standard (although high power and concentration) laser pulse instead of the graser pulse. At close range this can actually be more effective as more of the energy interacts with the target.

  • Location: Incorporated in to the fore arms of the armor.
  • Primary Purpose: Assault
  • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Matterial/Anti-Amour.
  • Damage: 4 ADR (Medium-Heavy. )
  • Range: 10 km in atmosphere.
  • Rate of Fire: 1 pulse a second.
  • Payload Effectively unlimited while the power source still functions.

Alternative Setting: Pulse Energy Projectile Setting

Not so much an alternate weapon as an alternate setting, the Xaser Pulse Cannon can quickly be reset to this mode by the instruction of the pilot. It is in effect the Less Than Lethal option of the weapon, or at least the weapon of choice if you don’t want to blow something up. It functions by emitting an invisible laser pulse which when it makes contact with the target evaporates part of the surface, which creates a small amount of exploding plasma which then results in a sound and shock wave which stuns the target along side electromagnetic radiation which affects nerve cells to cause great pain. The weapon has two settings: Less than Lethal and Lethal where the power of the laser and thus the plasma explosion is significantly higher, high enough to kill.

  • Location: Incorporated in to the fore arms of the armor.
  • Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry
  • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Civilian.
  • Damage: 1 ADR (Light (still very capable of being lethal to a lightly armed target though).)
  • Range: 500m in atmosphere.
  • Rate of Fire: 1 pulse per second.
  • Payload Effectively unlimited while the power source still functions.

corp/novacorp/no-m1-w2900.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:57 by