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Mining Guild

Business Information



Expedition Team



Mining Guild Property





    • Ironskin Settlement
    • Mount Venture Settlement
    • Astral Settlement
    • Tundra plains Settlement
    • Freezy Land Settlement

Space Station

Mobile Settlements


The Mining Guild has its own Shipyard




AI and Technology


Systems Owned

Mining Guild Contingent

Shared Control


This is an old revision of the document!

Mining Operations

This is a subarticle of mining_guild

About Mining Guild Operations

Below is a list of Mining Operations that the Mining Guild is currently operating in, these are split into locations that the Guild owned and the Star systems. Currently there is only one Star System owned by the Mining Guild, and that's the asteroid_field Draco Eridanus system.


Sirris VI

Twin Springs Mine

The very first Mine that they had opened up, was called the Twin Springs mine, this was in part because the Kurosaki sisters were twins also because there was a spring water pond close by. To this day it is still operational, located due south eastern direction from Obsidian city. Due to the fact they needed to open more mines, and because Astrid wanted to remain at HQ to oversee things there, they chose to leave their childhood friend, and former Refugee - Alara in charge of the mine. It is rich in Bauxite ore, Gemstones, and additionally other metal ores. Its about 4 days travel to Obsidian City from here

Ironskin Mine

Named for a small creature that lived nearby, this mine was found to be rich in Iron ore, and later it was found to have copper ore, and diamonds. This was the second mine to open, and it was located in the opposite direction of the first Mine. About a day’s travel to Obsidian City. The one placed in chrge of this mine was G61-61

Obsidian Depths Mineshaft

This mine was opened to create more jobs, but also have something closer to Obsidian City. This mine was rich in metal Ores, and also capable of producing Gemstones, The closeness of this mine meant that it was a mere hour travel time to get to it, and this it was the perfect choice for Separa’shan refugee achilles_slither who was soon placed in charge of it, because he had young kids that he needed to get back too.

Astral Mine

Some of the less knowledgeable members of the Guild thought that Astral Mine, which was recently opened, was a possible source of Aetherium. Of course, this wasn’t true, but they did discover that this mine would be so littered with Gemstones, it was all over the place. The mine was managed by Overseer unit 1, along with security to watch so that things aren’t destroyed in order to steal the Gemstones.

Mount Venture Mines

Mount Venture was a rocky location that had an elevation height enough to be considered a mountain, so the Mine here was carved into it after the Locators discovered that the mine was a source rich in bauxite ore, various gemstones, as well as other metals. The mine was called Mount Venture Mines, as an affectionate feeling to the Mountain location and it was managed by Jason who was Alara’s brother.

On Terra Multa

None as yet

Systems owned

There is one System location owned by the Mining guild and its a Asteroid field called Draco Eridani System

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

corp/mining_guild/mining_operations.1586060897.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:55 (external edit)