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Mining Guild

Business Information


The Mining Guild is Divided into many Divisions as a corporation.

Board of Directors

Corporate Security

Exploration Team

Resource extraction Team

Creative and Development



Expedition Team



Mining Guild Property





    • Ironskin Settlement
    • Mount Venture Settlement
    • Astral Settlement
    • Tundra plains Settlement
    • Freezy Land Settlement

Space Station

Mobile Settlements


The Mining Guild has its own Shipyard




Dune Rider-class Rover:first land vehicle.

AI and Technology


Systems Owned

Mining Guild Contingent

Shared Control


This is an old revision of the document!

Miner Undersuit

The Miner Undersuit is a special suit for ANT Power Armor used by the Mining Guild beginning in YE 41. The Miner Undersuit is available from Mining Guild supply storage.


When creating their ANT Power Armor for simple digging work, the Guild became worried about it being stolen or used for evil, and they were concerned with the control of the Power armor, as well as the potential for bathroom related accidents in terms of not making it so they created a suit that would prevent these accidents and keep the user dressed since the New Dusk Conclave aren’t like Yamatai in that regard. Alongside the power armor, the undersuit was given to the Miners, though over time, when an idea came to mind, the undersuits were recalled so that improvements could be made. It was decided that the focus on comfort and usefulness over style was needed.


The Undersuit is designed to connect to the ANT Power Armor, and it was designed to provide comfort to the wearer and to provide a cushioned barrier between the armor itself, and the person using it. It was designed with a similar appearance to that of a drysuit

Armor Connectivity

The control section of the Undersuit connects to the nervous system of an individual at the base of the neck. This allows the user to control the power armor without the use of a remote control device, or leaving the body. Though it technically implants into the body, the user does not feel this due to pain relief and micro healing. Should the user happen to be implanted with a Geist, then it can simply connect to that for the same effect.


The suit is made with a synthetic polymer that combines Kinugoshi-ko with a stretchy, flexible material that allows the suit to stretch with the user. This is layered for the cushion effect as well as for warmth. On the outside of this layer was a thin layer of hybrid polymer nano-composite (artificial muscle) that conforms to the body and maintains constant pressure. The layer also helps with temperature regulation and ensures the suit is both water/airtight.

Everything is then protected with a final layer of Kinugoshi-ko coated with a hybrid polymer that has limited self-repair abilities against radiation and microfractures. 

Color Customization

The suit is available in multiple kinds of coloring, specific to the user. The Mining Guild does not force them to adopt one color, but allows them this freedom to express their individuality.

Waste Management

From the groin to the rear end of the inner layer is a special gel-lined pad. At the front end are multiple pockets, designed to catch liquids that can clean its user’s processes with a specially designed Mining Guild’s preferred waste management services, in addition to using nanomachines and gravity.  When waste is detected by the suit systems, the urine is purified into drinkable water, as well as body sweat. It also deals with solid waste by transporting it elsewhere to be removed later.

Cleaning Systems

In addition to the waste system, the technology also has the job of keeping the user’s “region” clean of sweat and dead skin as the Undersuit is designed to be worn without undergarments.

Power Systems

The majority of the suit’s power needs are provided by The Power Armor’s core Battery, but should it get damaged, or the user got trapped somewhere and the armor loses power, the suit can also generate power using a bioelectric generator that uses the body’s own heat, and movement to create electricity. The excess electricity is used to recharge the battery if it had ran low on power.


Environmental Systems and Life Support

The suit’s environmental system is largely Mining Guild. When in the Armor, the air is filtered, and it has a rebreather that can last for 48 hours. Powered pumps and gates are needed to make sure enough airflow is maintained and to ensure the seal between the suit and helmet is airtight when needed. Recycled water from purification is located in the suit’s tanks and is pumped to an attached helmet or induction port (straw) if the helmet has it. The suit materials protect common types of radiation and integrated gloves and socks ensure the system is airtight. The internal pressure layer provides high-G protection and works to keep the internal temperature at a comfortable level.

Sensors and Computer System

The armor has a specialized computer system, which is connected to the suit, and the computer is powerful enough to make use of a dumb AI to monitor the suit’s basic internal and external sensors to ensure proper operation. The internal sensors monitor the vital signs of the wearer and internal temperature while the external sensors monitor the outside environment for hazards, temperatures, and g-forces.

Data is accessible to the user via the user’s digital access via the Geist, or otherwise, wirelessly to a compatible wearable display (such as glasses), and to the user’s Helmet HUD. The suit has connection points on the shoulders and chest for additional electronics such as communication systems. The suit will alert the user if there is a problem, or if the time was up.


The item is worn as a means of allowing the user to operate, but not while undressed as well as aid in their bodily functions that they just don't have time for.

Back up top in the offices of the mines as well as HQ is a machine capable of washing them.

OOC Notes

charaa created this article on 2019/09/05 18:27.

Approved by Ametheliana November 19 2019

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesclothing
Product NameMining Undersuit
ManufacturerMining Guild
Year ReleasedYE 41
Price (KS)50.00 KS

corp/mining_guild/equipment/miner_undersuit.1697380565.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:18 (external edit)