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Aurora Synaptic Controller Interface

Just as it is named, the Aurora (Also referred to as the A.S.C.I) is a simple yet effective control interface that can be implemented into mechas, exo suits, power armours and the like.

Designer: Galactic Horizon
Nomenclature: GH-U1-7A
Price: 50ks


The gh-u3-a7 was developed in YE 40 from easily accessible components that were altered, modified and improved upon until Anaska DePolanskaya was happy with the final product. The product was built with the intention of providing the masses with a high quality synaptic controller that could easily be implemented into various contraptions.


The Aurora is a conductive hood that is lined with electrodes that reads the brain's electrical activity and translates it into a trigger for a function that has been programmed into the attached piece of technology. A low-profile bioelectric generator is built into the hood, it can generate enough power passively to power the Aurora indefinitely1) and translate data - removing that worry of additional power consumption from the minds of any tinkerers and designers who choose to use it.

The Aurora was designed with compatibility in mind and so the device supports a wide variety of input/output methods that should work for any projects, one way or another.


The Aurora is a padded, aviation-cap-styled hood that contains an array of semiconductors, wires and other electronic components - the hood can be unzipped to allow ease of access to these parts, a tail of sleeved cables run out the back, near the base of the hood. The innermost components have a particularly noticeable section that runs from each temple and around the back of the head, kind of like a broken Halo.

The hood is available in a wide variety of colours, chances are if you can think of it - it comes in that colour.

Size: One size fits all, adds +1cm to the covered part of the wearer's head.


The gh-u3-a7 is available in most hobbyist electronic stores or through Galactic Horizon's website as either a physical item or a one time use blueprint that can be used at most fabricators.

Recommended Retail Price: 50KS/refer to here for currency exchange

*disclaimer: no matter where the unit is sold or fabricated, the components have a Galactic Horizon watermark engraved into them.

OOC Notes

SirSkully created this article on 2018/05/29 07:44.

Approval info here

while worn

corp/galactic_horizon/gh-u1-7a_synaptic_controller.1700312424.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 20:42 (external edit)