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EASE-C Construction Suit

A stripped down, commercial-grade application of the basic technology behind the BW-XA-1a E.A.S.E., the EASE-C is meant to improve the capability and safety of workers when larger frames, such as the Bee or Oxen aren't appropriate.

β€œMake construction EASE-C!”


The development of the original, military-issue EASE was always intended to lead to civilian uses for its tech. Default was one of the first companies to pick it up, although it was in normal Default fashion.

Decommissioned or destroyed EASE units were found at a site that Default was cleaning up and preparing to work on. The NDC frontier spirit overtook the workers and it wasn't long before they were operating a stripped down unit, free of all its military-specific technology and operating on spare parts. In truth, it was little more than the shell of an EASE with construction-grade hydraulics and some levers, but it worked surprisingly well. Even better, no one snapped their limbs in half getting the joints to work.

Before the group of intrepid β€œengineers” project was able to go on for too long, their supervisor came by and put an end to it. The results spoke for themselves, however, and it was apparent why the group's productivity had skyrocketed. It wasn't long before more official inquiries were made about securing EASE technology for Default's use in commercially available construction products.

About the Armor

As far as Power Armors go, the EASE-C is only a step above an exoskeleton. It greatly improves the operator's strength, stamina, and overall capabilities. It gives them access to construction equipment that would normally be too large for them to hold in their own hands.

It does not suddenly make them a power house on the battlefield, though they'd certainly put up a better fight than an unarmored foe.

Statistics & Performance

The EASE-C is a civilian-grade construction power armor designed to be dependable and affordable.

General Statistics for the EASE-C
Year Introduced YE 45
Class/Nomenclature DEF-M1-1A
Designers Default Industrial Tools and Manufacturing
Manufacturer Default Industrial Tools and Manufacturing
Fielded By Any
Range 3 Days Fuel and Life Support, no onboard rations
Maintenance Cycle Monthly
Lifespan 10 Years
Pricing 8500 KS


The EASE-C is a sturdy looking power armor with thick plates and a clear canopy. It has two additional β€œarms” over each shoulder that can hold a variety of large tools for the suit's occupant, such as a multistruct or winch. If a multistruct is equipped, then a large drum is attached to it on the EASE-C's upper back.

Two powerful lights side on either side of its chest.


Operators of the EASE-C are stronger and more resilient than they would be without it. They can wield a larger variety of heavy-duty tools with minimal fatigue.

The EASE-C has sufficient life support to allow its operator to operate in aquatic or space environments without the need for a helmet. Default still recommends an environment suit with the helmet on.


Like other Default products, the EASE-C is built to be tough and effective, not fast and flashy. It is more than sufficient for the types of work it is designed to do, but does not hold a candle to military power armors.


The propulsion mechanisms of the power armor go here, as well as any specialized movement capabilities the armor has.

  • Ground Speed (Running): 22 km/h

Armor Size

Height 3m (without extra arms), 4.5 meters (with extra arms)
Width 1.75 meters
Weight 1.3 Tons

Damage Capacity Stats

DRv3 Tier: T6, Heavy Armor

Getting In and Out

To enter, lift the canopy, hop in, then shut the canopy. The operators arms and legs should go into the suit's arms and legs once the chest harness has been secured.

As the EASE-C is taller than its operators, and operators will have varying heights, operators will find that the suit's interior will adjust to their size by simple tension. When the operator turns the suit on (a simple button press within the right or left control gauntlet), the adjustments are locked in.

Controlling the Armor

Initial operation of the EASE-C is fairly natural, though Default recommends training and certification before operators are allowed to use an EASE-C on the job.

The EASE-C translates the user's own motions into its motions. After a brief period of disconnect, the sensation that their legs aren't truly moving quickly fades away, as the pressure of their legs pushing against the EASE-C's leg restraints are turned into movement. The same is true for arm and torso control.

Operation of the sub-arms is largely performed via the look-operated HUD. The operator need simply look at the icon corresponding to the sub-arm for long enough to select it, then select the desired function. The suit will then attempt to follow through.

As much as possible, the EASE-C protects it operator against movements that would harm them. This includes arm or leg movements that would unwittingly snap a limb in half, turning the torso so much that it twists the operator apart, and so on.

There is sufficient slack in the arm restraints that, should the operator desire it, they could awkwardly pull one or both arms free from the EASE-C's arms without exiting the suit.


The EASE-C has relatively simple systems for a PA, mostly focused on the operation of itself or the tools it is equipped with, as well as the health and well-being of its operator.


The EASE-C's shell is made of durandium, with madite for much of the rest.

Life Support

Once the canopy has sealed, the EASE-C can support its operator for up to a day without needing additional air or power. It is not designed for extended operation and has no capacity for rations, though it can store a day's worth of chilled water that is supplied through an easy-to-reach tube.

The suit is sufficiently sealed to allow it to operate in vacuum, aquatic environments, and so on. It is resistant to corrosive gases and extreme heats, within reason.

Power Systems

The EASE-C does not carry a power generator. It must be charged or supplied with fresh power cells for each full day's worth of operation.

Sensors and Communications

A basic communications package is included.

The EASE-C can tie into larger construction networks to display project info on its HUD, including topographical data, project needs, and more.

The onboard sensors are surprisingly good for such a simple power armor and are able to penetrate most objects/terrain to a depth of 2 meters. This is intended to make digging, disassembly, and so on more effective/safe for the operator.


The EASE-C carries no weapons, though it does have the potential to wield power armor scale weaponry.

Its lift/grip strength meets or exceeds many other suits in its category, though it is far slower and less maneuverable. Default does not recommend using the EASE-C in combat conditions.


Behind each shoulder is a utility hardpoint, typically used for construction-grade sub-arms.

By default, the EASE-C is equipped with a PA-scale multistruct and a crane arm for lifting things.

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2023/01/22 21:22.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriespower armor
Product NameEASE-C Construction Suit
ManufacturerDefault Industrial Tools and Manufacturing
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)8β€―,500.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 6
Mass (kg)1,300 kg
Approval ThreadLink

corp/default/ease-c.txt Β· Last modified: 2025/01/15 08:34 by demibear