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Akemi's Umbrella

Akemi's Umbrella is the conglomerate that owns Akemi's, Akemi's Fashion Line, Akemi's Stations, Akemi's Kawaii Cafe, Akemi's Gazelle, Tenth Life and KOgama.

More about Akemi's Umbrella

Akemi's Umbrella is a corporation that owns the businesses and ventures that the charming, dashing, physically attractive, and mentally capable man, a bachelor named Koga Akemi, has founded and owns. The corporation is comprised of those such as a news agency, locations, restaurants, media, and a fashion line. It is mostly run smoothly and with care, though the head of finance and accounting is less than desirable and needs her team to clean up her work for her. Akemi does most of the spending for all of his businesses, though, and is pretty good at it, so there's little concern.

The Akemi's Umbrella logo is a cat face within a blooming light pink camellia with a pale yellow center, where the smiling cat face (with ears) is located.

General Information

Akemi is the CEO, it is an independent business, and its product symbol is an, โ€œA.โ€

Akemi's Umbrella
CEO Koga Akemi
Faction Independent
Product Symbol A

Headquarters and Facilities

Sanran Station is owned by Akemi and the place where the head of operations typically work, though they may hit the road or hit up a different station of Akemi's for their business. The Tengoku is where the Akemi's Gazelle is located. The rest of Akemi's ventures and businesses within his umbrella are not in static places but instead move about often.


The structure of the business is divided into some sections such as marketing, finance/accounting, HR, and IT. They are explained further below.


How to make more sales are configured here.

Finance and Accounting

The finance department is pretty fun and deals with where and how money is going places within and out of the business.

Human Resource

Sexual harassment complaints are handled. What work that is done here is moving people around to different locations, like Akemi's Stations, such as Iromakuanhe Mecha Frame Runners, ship commanders, or general personnel of the stations and charities, business endeavors, and so on.


What they do is a partial mystery to many but Akemi, but it involves fleet management strategists. They work around making sure Akemi's ships, weapons, and mecha, power armor, and shielding, body armor, and other goods are accounted for in the appropriate locations.

Notable Personnel

Some notable personnel are below.


He is the CEO of his umbrella. He is fun-loving and charismatic, eager to please and eager to help others and himself equally!

Holl Glo

Holl Glo is the official head of marketing and has long brunette and red hair with golden eyes and heroic nature, but she's stayed alive long enough to have some pretty interesting adventures and experiences. Well-rounded, worldly, and brash.


She is a small-statured, grey-haired, and three-eyed woman that oversees this department but is not on payroll or ever hired formally, therefore not considered personnel.

Leena Dirtham

She has sandy brown hair and brown eyes, a wide chest, and a lackluster personality. Akemi has yet to meet her but will fire her from her job as head of finance and accounting when he does.

Lis Mani

This woman is ready to tell nothing about her job as head of IT, but is friendly with her coworkers within the department, has dark blue hair, a resting sad face, and is ready for a quick hookup.

Products and Projects

Akemi's Umbrella works with several divisions of business and businesses, listed below.

Current Products and Projects

These are the current products and projects of Akemi's:

  • Akemi's: A burger and brothel joint not allowed in Yamatai but fun to be in.
  • Akemi's Stations: Four stations placed around the Kikyล Sector and beyond.
  • KOgama: A pop duo Akemi is a part of. Very popular with the young, hip crowds.
  • Tenth Life: A music production company/record label.
  • Anti-matter mining: Akemi has anti-matter production satellites set up near a space port of his in the Ozoo system.
  • Heartbreakers, Inc.: This is a free fandub, not for sale, rent or auction. (This includes you, Funky Frank. I remember what you did at YamaCon.)

Future Products and Projects

  • Akemi's Kawaii Cafe: A business in which rescued kawaii are able to be pet while one enjoys a libation or food.
  • Akemi's Gazelle: This is Akemi's news source that takes on several mediums.
  • Akemi's Fashion Line: Akemi's fashion line is built around durability and combat effectiveness while being fashionable.

OOC Notes

Ametheliana created this article on 2018/03/12 17:19.

Approved here.

OOC ManagerAmetheliana

corp/akemis_umbrella.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 14:29 (external edit)