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Jennifer Strong

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Jennifer Strong is a GMNPC played by Scot.

Jennifer Strong
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Family: Adoptee mother - Jen Ann Strong
Father – Jack Lanstrum
Mother – Helen Lanstrum
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5' 5”
Weight: 135lbs.
Organization Self Employed
Rank Captain
Occupation Pirating
Current Placement Bounty Hunter Series

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5' 5” Mass: 135lbs.

Build and Skin Color: Jennifer has white skin color and a deceptive lean build when she is actually pretty strong

Facial Features and Eye Color: Jennifer has strong pensive lines that are starting to show her age, and highlight her fierce blue eye and her black eye-patch with a very faint red glow under it.

Hair Color and Style: Jennifer has red hair with a shaved, military like, hairstyle. She is often wearing wigs for disguises or her mood. Typically she wears long blonde hair with fancy curls with one long curl going over her right shoulder stopping midway between her breasts.

Distinguishing Features: Jennifer often wears an eyepatch to cover her cybernetic eye hidden behind it. Her eye can display in normal or infrared vision.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Jennifer is a impudent and self centered woman. The memory of her weak parents makes Jennifer strive to become a strong, self-reliable person that takes what she wants and doesn't care what other people think about her. She is careful, but often she would rather do something drastic rather than wait out or consider diplomacy.

Likes: Money, guns, explosions, freedom Dislikes: Weakness, lies, cowards Goals: -To become strong enough to be untouchable by anyone.



Life is rough in the skyscrapers of the Nepleslian Metropolos. On Nep Prime was a father who married a woman out of love, lust, and a baby girl. Jack Lanstrum was a simple car dealer who worked a side job with a mafia and Helen Satanaka was a “working girl” and professional gambler. These two train wrecks met at a gambling hall and produced a child a year later after a night of partying. They agreed to marry soon after the child was born, and Helen abandoned her life as a working girl.

However this put a lot of pressure on Jack, a simple Nepleslian car salesperson who did not think this all the way through. He began working more jobs with the mafia, and had to double his time at his sales job to support a child, and gambling addiction of his wife. Over time they began to fall the slippery slope of debt, but Helen managed to keep Jack convinced that the gambling will someday pay off all their debts.

Jennifer was 10 years old when her mother told her goodbye. Helen Lanstrum was crying as she tried to explain that everything was her own fault, blaming herself for the debts of her gambling and bringing her daughter into their despair. She left Jennifer a necklace and then ran away, leaving Jennifer's fate to her father.

Jack returned to find Jennifer all alone. Suddenly it seemed to him like the world fell on his shoulders and that he could hardly move at all. He knew the only thing keeping himself together was the hope that they would live their lives together, all thrown away now that his wife could not keep the hope alive. He took Jennifer to the mafia he worked for and asked if they could take her in or find a safe place for her. After several days of pleading they agreed to give the girl to someone, and sentenced Jack to work for the mafia full time for the rest of his life. While Jack found some solace that his bloodline might continue on somewhere in the streets of Nepleslian Prime, he no longer had the simple life he once had.

Jennifer was handed to Jen Ann Strong, who was a single, chubby, and probably unattractive Yamataian woman that had the lustrous job to be a janitor at a hospital, and doubled as evidence disposal. She loved the girl as though she was her own child and Jennifer loved Jen as though she was her mother. As Jennifer grew up she adopted the name of Strong, believing that Jen Strong was a strong person to be able to live in the condition she was in rather than her gutless parents who could not control themselves.

She worked for the Mafia as a grunt but never once ran into her father. She made minimal effort to find him, and was convinced that he was probably dead. There was little thought for her parents as she worked hard to become an independent person, honing her skills for what she planed to do later in life. At the age of 21 she left Nepleslian Prime to take up bounty hunting

For the next 5 years, she quickly gained the reputation as “Train Wreck Jen” for her notorious record for destroying the environment around her on the job It was a poor way of living her life, since she had to pay for collateral damage and ammo all the time. After building a substantial bounty on herself, she found it less fun to bounty hunt when bounty hunters were interfering and wanting to kill her.

Looking for more adventures and a little more security, she joined a pirate ship at the age of 26 and quickly moved up the ranks of the common bandits to be a trustful second in command to the Captain. The captain however took a shot to the head during a relaxing lunch, and after Jennifer's 4th year since joining the crew had became the captain of the ship.

Jennifer Strong now owned her own pirate ship, however now she was also low on money. Jennifer needed money for a ship and crew, what best way to get money than robbing someone.



Jennifer was taught how to use knives, handguns, and automatics in a Nepleslian mafia that was further reinforced throughout her life. She learned how to properly use explosives during her time as a bounty hunter and properly use Power Armor.


Jennifer has learned to lead others while working as second in command of a pirate ship. She uses the promise of money and fortune to keep her crew satisfied, and sometimes the use of fear to keep them in line. She can be diplomatic, though rather use force than talking things through.


Jennifer has learned slight of hand techniques from working as a grunt in a mafia group, and has learned to be a master of disguises during her time as a bounty hunter escaping bounty hunters. She also sometimes uses seduction with a wide faring range of results.


Jennifer is able to plan out strategies according to the supplies, skills, and people that is under her command.


Jennifer keeps up a strong workout regimen to keep herself in shape. She is strong and fast, though she isn't highly exceptional in any areas.


Jennifer knows how to speak and write Nepleslian and is learning Yamatain. She knows how to work with common communication equipment and has basic knowledge of cryptography.


Jennifer can play the flute, and has knowledge of several Yamatain and Nepleslian songs. Her singing is like listening to an Abrehran that is drunk trying to sing in Yamataian language.




- 1 Jinkan-class Escort and crew.

Personal Items/Things

- 1 Heart shaped necklace with a family picture inside - An assortment of different wigs and costumes


Jennifer is currently a Pirate Captain and receives money whenever she can. (Note: 1KS = 2DA)

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
2500 DA Starting Funds

characters/npc/jennifer_strong.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:55 by