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Miska 'Doll' Vanderhuge

Miska Vangerhuge is a player character played by Charmaylarg.

Miska 'Doll' Vanderhuge
Species & Gender: Nepleslian Female
Date of Birth: YE 08
Organization: Nepleslian Star Navy
Occupation: Ship Captain
Rank: Commander
Current Placement: Battlegroup Warden

Physical Description

Miska stands at an average five foot five, her slender frame adorned with long, flowing green hair that cascades over her shoulders often curled and cascading over her shoulders. Her kind, heart-shaped face is often streaked with the pink of blush while her skin is an ethereal pale almost porcelain color. Her eyes, a soft shade of hazel, sparkle with kindness and wisdom.

With an ample chest and hips, Miska's movements are graceful and serene, each step and gesture infused with the quiet elegance of a former dancer. Her gentle smile, a mixture of real and porcelain replaced teeth is always at the ready and pulls two freckle-spotted dimples.

Miska has no cybernetics other than a NAM Medtech - Cerebral Chip.


Miskas' personality is a blend of kindness, compassion, and care, with a soft-spoken demeanor that matched with her looks and build give the impression of a timid and unconfident suburban housewife. Benevolent and kind she is always on the side of her crew and peers, providing support and encouragement, making her a comforting presence in even the most turbulent times and setting her as a pillar of support she is easy to like. Her gentle nature and motherly warmth often lead others to underestimate her or even look down on her as unfitting of her role. Even so she offsets her aura of timidity with exceptional competency and steadfast resolve. Her heart is as strong as her will, and even being soft spoken and gentle Miska is not the timid housewife shoved into authority she may seem.

As a ship captain, Miska merges the gentle touch of the ship-mom with the unwavering authority of a benevolent tyrant. She doles out orders with a soft yet confident tone, gives consequences and punishments without wavering, and fights her ship with the confidence of a veteran while maintaining a firm hand while never losing her compassionate edge. She is the one who metes out punishment when necessary, but always with a sense of fairness and empathy when it can be done. Her leadership style, characterized by this delicate balance, makes her a respected and beloved figure among her crew as both a well respected and even beloved leader who is approachable and reliable but also competent and steadfast in her duty.


Finish later

Skills Learned

Optional section. Doll has the following notable skills:

  • Communications (Trade, yamataigo)
  • Leadership
  • Performance (Singing, dancing, music)
  • Tactics
  • Stratedgy
  • Starship Operations
  • Humaities

Social Connections

  • Kovac Vanderhuge (MIA, presumed KIA)
  • Ajax Vanderhuge (Son)
  • Vanderhuge Clan

OOC Information

This article was created on 2024/07/09 05:34 using the namespace template.

In the case charmaylarg becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? YES

characters/nepleslia/doll.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/07/09 16:31 by charmaylarg