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Zeck D'rakol

Zeck D'rakol is a Active Player Character played by Damaske.

Zeck D'rakol
Species & Gender: Hermaphrodite Random Alien
Organization: Independant
Occupation: Mechanic
Rank: N/A
Current Placement: Sood Zadra (Plot)

Physical Description

Zeck stands at 5'6โ€œ with a decent build from working in the mechanical field. she has black hair and purple eyes and freckles. She has pointed ears and sharp teeth as well as red skin that is fire-resistant. Zeck's race is also comfortable in high temperatures but suffers in colder climates.


Zeck loves anything mechanical and she enjoys fixing things. she has a lack of self-confidence and has anxiety issues but she hyper-fixates on things related to engineering. If there is one she can be counted on and that is to fix the object even if there is a firefight raging around her or if she has put her hands in literal fire to do. It is not uncommon to see Zeck smiling or grinning and showing her teeth this is a natural response when she is nervous or anxious and people have used this in the past to try and add a tough face to meetings despite her not being tough. Zeck also loves to be around loud places especially engine rooms as they are not only loud but sometimes hot as well.


Zeck D'rakol was born 13ๆ—ฅ 8ๆœˆ 23. Zeck was born on her world a hot planet with technology comparable to that of the nuclear age. She was born with traits of the males and females of her race a rare genetic flaw that in the ancient past would have seen her disposed of. Regardless Zeck grew up and learned about mechanics and engineering. Despite not being neglected she was viewed on her world to be undesirable to either sex so when smugglers came to her world she quickly joined the crew and left her world behind despite having scholarships to many universities. She does send letters home and money in the form of rare metals when she can afford them to her family.

Skills Learned

No skills were listed.

Social Connections

Inventory & Finance

Zeck D'rakol has the following:

Crowbar etched with the words Freeman.

EM-G17-1a Basic Tool Kit

Standard clothing from her world.

Zeck D'rakol currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by ajax228 on 12, 30 2021 at 17:03 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? Yes
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? Damaske or Yuuki only.

This character was created using a character creator made by kmerolzzzz and used with free permission.

Character Data
Character NameZeck D'rakol
Character OwnerDamaske
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationISS Sobek
PlotsISS Sobek plot
Harm Limitinjuries only

characters/independent/zeck_d_rakol.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/07/20 12:58 by damaske