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Rima is a player character played by Nameless.

Species & Gender: Random Alien Female
Date of Birth: YE 45.4.10
Organization: Independent
Occupation: Mercenary
Rank: Freelancer
Current Placement: Galactic Horizon

Physical Description

Rima is a mechanical centaur with a feminine torso, 300cm or 9'10โ€œ tall when on all fours, 180cm/5'11โ€ from chest to back, not including the tail, and about 2 to 3 people wide, depending on stance. She stands on four legs with three toes each. On her sides are a pair of claws that split in half that she can then use to carry objects underneath her. These claws can also be extended from her frame and act as prehensile tentacles. Similarly, her 180cm/5'11โ€œ scorpion-like tail is also flexible and extendible to double its length, being useful to grip or attack with, in addition to being able to inject or spray out chemicals or other fluids. However, while the tail is extended, it exposes unarmored pieces between the segmented shells.

Her whole body is metallic, made up of nanomachines. The armor she wears is also made up of the same nanomachines, but fused to create a tough casing that rivals that of heavy power armor. Stored in her body, she has a reserve of nanomachines (referred to as 'freeforms') and various chemicals which she can use to create weapons and ammunition that are not compatible with most produced weaponry. She has her own blueprints and schematics stored in her databanks and were designed purely to be as unusable to anyone but her or be less effective overall. The freeform nanomachines can be used to replace parts of her that may be damaged or missing, but it will not be as strong or tough as her original parts.

Her reddish brown hair is also made up of freeforms. Its primarily there to assist with blending into society though its been given a secondary purpose to measure wind and to detect particulates in the air. Around her body are multiple other sensors, mainly proximity, to assist with navigation and awareness of her immediate surroundings, as well as any light, visible or otherwise that may be on her. Her face is little more than a smooth plate with glowing blue eyes. The glow can be dimmed, made brighter or turn off completely with no hindrance to her own visual perceptions as she uses multiple different perception sensors which allows her to visualize her surroundings despite a lack of light.

The pauldrons on her shoulders are also weapon platforms. The protective armor can retract to the back to allow freeforms to materialize shoulder-mounted attachments like rocket pods and miniature railguns. The gauntlets on her arms also serve a similar purpose.


Rima is a headstrong frontline warrior first and foremost. She will charge forward under a hail of gunfire to break enemy lines and she will revel in close quarters combat. She has no fear for her own personal safety, but that does not mean she is reckless.

Outside of combat she is a lot less intense. Past her intimidating stature, she is amicable and holds high regard for soldiers and combatants, though not dismissive to those who don't fight. She holds her own brand of chivalry and is not shy about expressing it. However she is an outsider to nearly all established cultures in the sector, so social rules and expectations often go unobserved.


Rima was constructed on YE 45.4.10 in a little-known mothership, Evita. She is one of few drones granted independence from the Evitian hivemind as part of a re-evaluation of the sector, as the hivemind had cut itself off from contact from the rest of the sector and attempted to strike it out by itself.

Rima's independence was important for the re-evaluation as the Hivemind is not trusting of others outside its own network.

Skills Learned

Optional section. Rima has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

CHARACTER name is connected to:

Weapon Blueprints

Below is a general list of weapon blueprints that Rima has access to and their typical configuration, and can form with her freeform nanomachines. These are just general types, nothing specific as they can be fine-tuned and re-scaled up to tier 6-equivalent weaponry, but generally function the same and occupy hardpoints on her pauldrons, arms, chest, tail and the claws on her side. Generally, bigger weapons take longer to form, and those that use projectiles consume stored freeforms and chemicals as ingredients for ammunition.

Simple weaponry - Has the least amount of moving parts and the fastest to form for its weapon grade, taking typically between 5-15 seconds to make functional depending on the size and tier. Due to not needing to continuously consume freeforms and mostly just needing energy to power the plasma fields, simple weaponry is usually created as T5 weapons, with it being able to shift one tier higher or lower depending on the power input. If the weapons are dropped or otherwise become separated from Rima, the plasma edges dissipate until picked up by her again. Multiple of these weapons can be created simultaneously.

  • Plasma Blades - Deployed directly from any grasping limb, blades are created grip/hilt first (the hilt is fused around Rima's side claws), followed by the blade itself and once the desired shape is achieved, the cutting edges are coated with blue plasma.
  • Plasma Axes - Created similarly to the blade configuration, but axe heads can directly be attached to the ends of Rima's side claws and the tip of her tail without the need of a handle. Comes with an alternative configuration where the axe head is replaced by a circular saw.
  • Plasma Spears - Classic spears where only the tip has a plasma field. The shaft is a little more flexible than previous constructs.
  • Tower Shield - A solid but very costly shield that is significantly weaker than her armor at only T4 due to the nature of freeforms (unless stronger materials are placed over it). The damage the shield absorbs also eats away at her nanomachine reserves. Primarily used as a shield cover for others. Only practical when generated at the arms. Can expand outwards to provide more cover by investing more freeforms.

Complex weaponry - Weapons and constructs that involve more moving parts and typically uses up resources for things like ammunition. Due to complexity, it may take 10 seconds (for T1 grade weapons) to a whole minute (for T6 grade weapons) to become fully functional, however upgrading or downgrading a tier (while changing weapon types or not) will cut down the time cost depending on the tier difference (10 seconds per step), and reconfiguring to a different weapon type of the same tier only takes 10 seconds. These weapons typically use the chest (only up to T3), pauldrons and tail as hardpoints, but Rima can generate hand-held versions as well. Resources are fed directly to the weapons for power and ammunition, as well as its operation. So long as its in contact with Rima, it can still function, otherwise it will be out of commission, save for any explosives as they remain volatile.

  • Railguns - Covers basic projectile weaponry from single-shot to fully automatic. This weapon type is the least expensive to operate, resource-wise as it uses minimal freeforms and don't normally consume chemicals. Lower tier weapons have higher fire-rates (due to faster weapon charging) but lower damage when compared to scaled-up tiers. Each compatible hardpoint can support a single instance of its highest tier weapon, or an array of lower tier equivalents.
  • Rocket Pods - T3 defaults for the chest hardpoints, which is usually covered by the chest armor. Panel retracts to allow firing of the weapon. Consumes freeforms for the casing and chemicals for fuel and explosive agents. Consumes almost double the chemicals per unit compared to equivalent grenade launcher ammunition. Firing arcs depend on which hardpoint is being used.
  • Grenade Launchers - T2 defaults for pauldrons. Similar requirements for ammunition. Firing arcs depend heavily on which hardpoint is being used. Smoke and tear gas variations are available.
  • Flamethrower - Default weapon for the tail hardpoint. Chemical-hungry.

The complex weapon schematics can be modified to use other types of ammunition that is more readily available, but this usually leads to damaging the freeforms due to uncontrolled heat buildup, residue and general incompatibilities.

OOC Information

This article was created on 2024/03/25 04:05 using the namespace template. Character art made with Microsoft Copilot

In the case nameless becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? YES
Character Data
Character NameRima
Character Ownernameless
Character StatusActive Player Character
Character's Pronounsshe/her

characters/independent/rima.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/03/26 22:14 by nameless