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Antibody Revenant 77-1493-4302

Antibody Revenant 77-1493-4302 is a Active Player Character played by Waffles.

Antibody Revenant 77-1493-4302
Species & Gender: Male Freespacers
Organization: Freespacer Independent Contractor
Occupation: Mercenary
Rank: Type III
Current Placement Task Force Piglet

Physical Description

If he is seen without his armor, his body is well-built, however there is evidence of scarring upon it from the accident which forced him to live in his armor. His skin is a dull gray and his eyes are obsidian. Due to the accident, both his right and left arms were replaced by cybernetic replacements in the same obsidian hue as the armor he commonly wears.


Thrillseeker which led to his becoming a mercenary. Hides his face behind heavy armor and an armored breath mask, due to his fear of breathing none recycled air. Uses a voice modulator to hide his identity, due to a fear of exposure.


Antibody Revenant 77-1493-4302 was born 17日 2月 30 in Arsenal. He was born upon the Stronghold planet Arsenal, and quickly became known as something of a brawler, during training early on there was a gas explosion which caused severe damage to 77’s body, which is what caused him to become something of walking set of armor, the only place he went without his helmet was either on the freespacer ship that he often utilizes or in his private quarters.

He has made a name for himself as something of a fixer, he is stubborn to the point of never giving up, which has led to his tenacity being known as almost a thing of legend.

Skills Learned

This is the list of skills for 77: Hand-to-hand, Long Blades, Close-range firearms, Mid-range firearms, Power Armor Usage, and Piloting

Social Connections

Antibody Revenant 77-1493-4302 is connected to:

Codebreaker Dios 59-1396-8021 (Job Contact)

Inventory & Finance

Antibody Revenant 77-1493-4302 has the following:

Rokheus & Surma Heavy Shotgun, HSG which is housed in his right Arm

BW-6AS “Sickle”

Zen .45 Kendo Special

13“ Duremium Alloy blade housed in his left Arm

Helios 7 A heavily-modified Phantasm Gunship

10000 KS

OOC Information

This page was created by Waffles on 01, 22 2023 at 13:56 using the Character Template Form.

In the case Waffles becomes inactive:

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? No
  • Can this character be adopted after I've been gone for a year? No
Character Data
Character NameAntibody Revenant 77-1493-4302
Character OwnerWaffles
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationGashmere
PlotsTask Force Piglet

characters/independent/antibody_revenant_77-1493-4302.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/25 21:03 by