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Electronic Funds

Proposal #64: Electronic Funds was submitted by Ketsurui Yui to the Senate of Yamatai in YE 27 and passed with 3 Yay / 1 Nay votes.


  1. KS is a pain to carry and manufacture.
  2. KS cannot be easily tracked.
  3. Citizens need decent ID cards.


  1. No new KS coins will be issued.
  2. All monetary exchange will be handled electronically.
  3. All citizens and plebeians will be provided (free) a identification card that will keep track of money in conjunction with a computerized network.
  4. An implant may be used instead if preferred.
  5. All businesses will be provided with a card/implant readers upon request.

OOC Notes

Proposal #64: Electronic Funds written by Wes on 9 May 2005. Kim created this article on 2018/01/06 01:52.

faction/yamatai/senate/electronic_funds.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:25 by