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NAM Armor Strober

The Strober, a cutting-edge innovation developed in YE 43 by the renowned arms and munitions manufacturer Nepleslian Arms and Munitions, stands as a testament to Nepleslian ingenuity in the field of military technology. This optional and installable component is a game-changer, introducing a disruptive element to the battlefield through the use of powerful flashing strobe lights that confound enemy targeting systems and even disorient infantry.


The genesis of the Strober can be traced back to its initial deployment as a trial system in the formidable Maximus class of heavy tanks. However, as the relentless march of technological advancement led to the advent of more sophisticated laser-denial systems for point defense, the Strober underwent a transformative redesign. This evolution saw its adaptation into a more compact and versatile form, finding application in various vehicles such as the Variable Turret Infantry Fighting Vehicle to grant them potent munition denial capabilities.

Function and Design

The Strober operates by harnessing high-intensity lights that remain visible even in broad daylight, creating a mesmerizing strobe effect. This effect plays tricks on the perception of observers, causing the vehicle to appear as if it's shifting and jumping erratically. This unpredictability makes the vehicle significantly more challenging to hit or track.

Furthermore, the Strober demonstrates its versatility by incorporating an alternative mode that utilizes different wavelengths of perceivable and non-perceivable light, such as infrared. In this mode, it β€œflashes” and confuses the targeting systems of guided munitions and lenses, significantly reducing their accuracy against the armored vehicle.

However, the system has its limitations. Mounted in the "Monoeye" Directional Sensor Suite, the Strober operates in a mono-directional fashion. Its effectiveness is restricted to close-range encounters and is contingent on the direction in which the monoeye is focused. Consequently, the system is less effective when facing the sides or rear of the vehicle. The Strober performs optimally in both day and night conditions but achieves peak effectiveness in darkness compared to well-lit environments.

In essence, the NAM Armor Strober stands as a testament to Nepleslian innovation, offering a dynamic solution to disrupt enemy targeting and enhance the survivability of armored units on the futuristic battlegrounds of the Kikyo Sector.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2021/04/13 10:26.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

wip_2023_or_older/faction/nepleslia/equipment/strober.txt Β· Last modified: 2024/01/24 11:26 by