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Jaspis Trade

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress.

Orbiting the home world of the Abwehrans, the planet Abwehr, Jaspis Trade is the main hub of Interstellar Commerce and Interplanetary Industry in the Jaspis system. It's orbit is geosynchronous with grossartige_festung (city) and provides orbit-to-surface transportation to all major cities on Abwehr.


A Harbor-class Trade Station has 1000 spaces for offices and facilities for the purpose of representing their specific organization. The maximum amount of slots that can be rented by civilian companies is 50 slots while the maximum amount of slots available for embassies is 10 slots.

The Civilian Space Administration Agency automatically has 500 slots for the purpose of ship docks and maintenance, which doesn't count to the 1000 spaces for offices and facilities.

Organization Facility Type Amount of Slots Rented
Civilian Space Administration Agency Ship Maintenance and Dock Rental 500
iromakuanhe_embassy_suite Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth Embassy 10
Total remaining Slots: 990

Businesses / Locations of Note

A Harbor-class Trade Station has 2000 slots available for local businesses and establishments for the purpose of retail and recreation. The maximum amount of slots available for any business owner / franchise is 100 slots1).

Business / Firm Facility Type Amount of Slots Rented
Total remaining Slots: 2000

Nature Parks

There are 12 Nature Parks located in various locations around Jaspis Trade. Each Nature Park represents a specific biome from Abwehr:

<Amusement Park>

Space available for investment.

Jaspis Trade Agriculture

Jaspis Trade Agriculture is used to both supplement food production on Abwehr as well as using surplus to supply stations in the Jaspis IV planetary system and civilian vessels. Civilian vessels are able to purchase surplus food supplies at market price.

Imperial Gravball Arena

The largest Gravball Arena in Abwehran Territory, the Imperial Gravball Arena has the capacity for 50,000 individuals in the audience and the ability to run two games at once with its dual arena set-up. The Imperial Gravball Arena also includes a gymnasium, changing/shower rooms, and dormitories for at least 20 different teams.

Jaspis Recreation Park

Unlike the Nature Parks, Jaspis Recreation Park is an area that contains numerous sport fields from many cultures in the known galaxy. Jaspis Recreation Park has fields and spaces for the following sports:

Non-Abwehran Sports:

  • Baseball
  • Soccer
  • Space for Future Sports

Abwehran Sports:

  • Space for Future Sports

OOC Notes

:!: Individuals are free to add new businesses or offices to the station as long as they receive permission from the Abwehran Faction Manager, Abwehran Commander. Please contact him either by Forum Private Message or via the StarArmy IRC Channel. :!:

This page was originally created on 2013/05/21 14:15 by Abwehran Commander.

equivalent size of a Mall Department Store

wip_2023_or_older/system/jaspis/jaspis_trade.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 14:09 by wes