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Xei'chrofan-class Cruiser

The Xei-chrofan is a Kingdom of Neshaten warship designed for use in closer quarters combat and for system patrol and defense. Designed in ER 775, and entered service in YE 33.

About the Xei'chrofan

The Xei'chrofan is a warship that was created to help bolster an already small defense fleet that was originally composed of only strike craft.




Statistical Data


Class: Destroyer Nomenclature: Ne- Type: Light Destroyer Designer: Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten, Shukara Volunteer Navy Production: Depend on fleet

Crew and Accommodations

Crew: 120 Emergency Capacity:


Length: 820 meters (? Feet) Width(rear): 340 meters (? feet) Width(front): 170 meters (? feet) Height: 65 meters (98 feet) Decks: 8 (3 meters each)

Propulsion and Range


  • Sublight Engines: .150c
    • Atmospheric Engines: 587 km/h
    • Hyperspace Drive: 324,182c
    • Note: The Xei'chrofan is intended for atmospheric flight.

Durability and Maintenance

Service Lifespan: Intended to last ten years with extensive maintenance

Refit Cycle: Once every two years

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Hull: 25 Shields: 15(Threshold 2)

Inside the Xei'chrofan

Compartment Layout

Ship Systems

Weapons Systems

Unlike most ships in the Neshaten's current navy, the Shetanora lacks the universal turrets mounts and instead goes with the typical, regular turrets. The system, however, is designed to one day be able to use universal mounts. The ships weapon system is directly connected into the ships Interactive Display Terminals system.

Emergency Support Systems

The Xei'chrofan has several different emergency support systems for use in an emergency, including fire suppressant systems and backup life support systems, but it also has the following systems as well:

Escape Pods

There are eight escape pods scattered along on the port and starboard side of the ship, capable of carrying four people each, more than the ship is capable of carrying but enough in case the ship has passengers. The escape pods have enough oxygen to last eight hours, but are also designed to seek out nearby planets and set a course, but also have emergency locator beacons.

Containment Fields

All of the ships hallway intersections have containment field emitters that work to protect those areas of the ship in the event of an emergency. The fields keep atmosphere inside, while keeping whatever caused the field to deploy out.

The fields can be overridden by the ships chief engineer and officers.

Backup Lifesupport

In the event the ships main life support systems fail, a backup system will come online to feed air to vital areas of the ship, including the bridge and engineering and crew areas.

Landing Gear

Located beneath the ship, toward the forward section and two on the rear section, are skids that serve as the ships landing gear. The skids are used for landing on planets or on stations that have a hanger deck large enough for the ship.

Computer and Sensor Systems

The ship is equipped with a quantum based computer system that is housed in the ships computer room. Alongside is an ECM and ECCM jamming system. The system also has passive and active sensors, spatial, gravimetric, and scientific sensor systems.

Life Support Systems

There are three different life support systems located on the ship, one primary, one secondary, and one thirthiary. The primary is used to provide a breathable atmosphere to all critical areas of the ship, including the crew cabins, bridge, engineering, armory, infirmary and corridors. The secondary system is used to provide air to areas of the ship not deemed as important, such as the cargo hold and shuttle bay. The third system is designed as a backup, and services all areas of the ship.

Air and water recycling systems allow the ship to continually use the same water for up to ten years, while the air filtration system gives the ship the ability to support its natural crew for up to fifteen years.

Artificial Gravity exists only in certain areas of the ship, such as the crew cabins, crew lounge, and the infirmary along with the cafeteria. Other areas, such as the main corridors, engineering, and the bridge do not have gravity.

Reactor System

The ship gets the majority of its power from a Lunebaren Reactors, there's also a backup fusion reactor to assist in providing emergency power in the event the main reactor goes offline - but is also used to jumpstart the main reactor during the initial startup sequences.


The Sha'tan'ora has only two forms of propulsion, one being the ships Crena Energy Engine's, and the other beings its Faster Than Light drives. There are eight smaller auxiliary engines, four each located around the port and starboard engines.

Anti-Gravity System

In order to faciliate take offs and landings on planets, the ship is equiped with an anti-gravity system similiar to that which is used on their vehicles but one that is designed for their ships. The system is configured universally, located around the ship itself in key areas.

Armored Hull

Because of it's hybrid design, its hull is designed out of a material called Crynatorium, which gives the hull its mirror-like effect. Titanium cross-bracing located in-between each deck of the ship improves upon the ships ability to survive.

Weapon Compliment

40x 10x 2x

Vehicle Compliment

wip_2023_or_older/faction/neshaten/starships/xeichrofan_class_cruiser.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/27 13:48 by wes