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Sui'tresh Class

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.
Class: Sui'tresh
Type: Stealth Observation
Designer: Shen'triuea Lauai'she, Shiue'ee Sui'tresh
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten, Shukara Volunteer Navy, Or'ion
Production: Multiples
Price: Can't be purchased
Crew: 8
Emergency Capacity: 15
Length: 120 Meters(main) 210 Meters (With nose)
Width: 40 Meters
Height: 30 Meters
Propulsion and Range
Atmospheric Engines: 497 kp/h
Durability and Maintenance
Service Lifespan: Fifteen years
Refit Cycle: When needed
Damage Capacity
See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.
Hull: 12
Shields: 20 (Threshold 4)
Internal Compartments
Command Small Assault Bridge
Damage Control Damage Control Center
Systems Information
Superstructure Dishe'trum
Reactor 1xLunabaren High-Energy Reactor, 2x Lunebaren Reactors provide back up power.
Computer and Sensor Systems Cordecon Quantum Computer, Neshaten Scanner Array Suite.
Weapon Systems Os'hane Combat Systems, Universal Turret Mounts
Life Support Systems Atmospheric Control Systems
Emergency Support Systems Emergency Support System, 10x K1-25 Escape Pod.
Stealth Systems Esi'enane Stealth Systems
Landing Gear Landing Claw
Propulsion 4x Class 3 Luxiton Gravitic Engines, 6x Suyrene Stealth Drive Mk 1
Weapon Systems
1x sicren_mine_launcher (Fore)
1x Tren'ton Torpedo Launcher (Aft)

Sui'tresh is a ship designed to serve the role of stealth, recon, and observation; equipped with the Neshaten most advanced sensor and stealth camouflage systems, it was put into service in EE 002 in response to growing concerns of possible foreigners.

About the Sui'tresh

Designed in EE 001, Sui'tresh was designed by Or'ion's top engineers and ship architectures; built to house some of the kingdom's most advanced sensor and RADAR systems along with a newly invented stealth system. In order for the class to serve its function, engineers designed it to hold no physical weapons, such as turrets or even broadside artillery; it also lacks any kind of a defensive shield as such a system would interfere with the on-board sensors. Its only method of defense comes in the form of a shield designed to block out the natural hazards of space; because of its rather specific role, the ship is equipped with rather specific weaponry - including one torpedo launcher in the front and a single mine launcher in the rear; the torpedo launcher is heavily modified to fire the type_2_catalyst_torpedo. While the mine launchers are intended to give the ship the secondary role as a mine layer.

Because of its rather specific and even unique role, the ship is equipped with multiple ECM and ECCM systems to increases its life expectancy in the event of detection, also including several decoy launchers. The ships outer hull lacks any form of armor plating, intended by the designers to further reduce the chances of errors in the ships sensor and even its stealth systems. Its outer hull 'is' covered in an experimental anti-EMP coating intended to reduce or even cancel out the effects of an EMP blast.

Internal space is at a premium, with most areas taken up by the ships rather complex nature of equipment; this also leave very little room for potential boarding parties since all of the livable space is located in the center of the ship and is accessible by only two airlocks. The ships rather long size but narrow body makes it appear to serve some other purpose, in reality, its long nose gives off this impression; the ships nose houses its main sensor array along with other scanning equipment, backup systems are located throughout the ship.

The ships external hull is composed of a sensor-negating stealth coating along with cloaking emitters tied into the stealth system itself; this reduces the classes cross section and sensor envelope further allowing to remain undetected by the enemy.


In the early days of ER 750, when the Neshaten began to turn their attention to exploring deep space, the Navy's foremost concern wasn't that they would find life but rather that said life might not be friendly; that there might be a possibility that life would find them first before they found it. Unfortunately, the early days saw little in terms of technological progress in the direction that Or'ion would need to create a class of ship necessary to accomplish the mission they had planned.

Shortly after exploration of space began, technology started to progress in the direction that Or'ion wanted, and in the year of ER 760, Or'ion began work on a number of complex systems - these systems would eventually lead them to the creation of the Sui'tresh. The Sui'tresth itself is the brainchild of two military soldiers by the names of Shen'triuea Lauai'she and Shiue'ee Sui'tresh; both of which also served as agents within Or'ion although this fact wasn't known to anyone.

While Shen'triuea designed the classes architecture, it was Shiue'ee that began work on the actual systems itself that would eventually populate the insides of the ship; both scientists however knew that the ship would need to not only be quite small but have a small crew, this meant that only Daur or My'leke would be able to command such a vessel as a Laibe would require it to be too big for it to be suitable for its task; since all of the current systems designed for it were purely experimental - at the time of its creation.

ER 750 saw the completion of a prototype which Or'ion tested, the prototype worked flawlessly and gave Or'ion and lets engineers and scientists the information they needed to make further improvements and even change out its design; this lead to the ships current appearance. In EE 002, just a few short days before the end of the Season that would mark the begining of the second half of the year, the first of its class was put into service.


The Sui'tresh appears to look like a flat iron with two elongated sections, with the forward section longer than the rear. There are bulbous protrusions along the top and bottom of the hull which house some of the ships sensor systems.

wip_2023_or_older/faction/neshaten/starships/sui_tresh.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/27 15:32 by wes