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Vehicular Barrier Projectors

In YE 35, YE 35, Terratech engineers came up with an idea to utilize the VOID's shield drone technology to better protect Nepleslian armored vehicles. Bubble shield technology was common and easy to produce, however they had too great of a power draw on vehicles that did not mount a UCF Generator. Therefore, to protect vehicles that had a power source but a need to economize its power draw, Terratech came out with the idea of fixed shield projectors.

These projectors work just like the VOID's shield drones, requiring multiple projectors to create a point-to-point two or three dimensional barrier. The simplest form is a triangle wall formed by three projectors. The more active projectors, the more complex and larger a shield can be formed. However, the trade off is that the more projectors used, the more power is required. In addition, these shields are not made stronger by the use of more projectors.

When used with a reactive computer tracking system, these fixed shields can be activated to intercept incoming rounds. Once the threat has been neutralized, the projectors can be deactivated, allowing the vehicle to make the best use of its power.

One fault with this system, however, is when the shield is defeated. If the shield is broken by a powerful attack, there is a possibility of a temporary power surge that takes down the system. This is easily fixed by a crew member who can repair the system but it does leave the vehicle without the benefits of a shield. A vigilant opponent would then be able to target the projectors and nullify the protection provided by the system permanently.

A version was introduced with stronger shielding and better wiring for use with heavier vehicles such as the maximus_hmbt.

Damage Rating

See Damage Rating (Version 2) for an explanation of the damage system.

The normal shield system provides: 3 SP (Threshold 3)

The improved version provides: 5 SP (Threshold 4)

Vehicles Using This System

technology/nepleslia/vehicular_barrier_projectors.1532447822.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:55 (external edit)