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The Kyzu system is a single star system. It comprises of both rocky and gas planets, both are very mineral rich. most of its planets are on longer day cycles than they should be, however that doesn't stop life from forming on Arret and Planet Xuno.

The Star is a type GV2, it’s a large yellow star. The size is around 2.009Γ—107 WΒ·mβˆ’2Β·srβˆ’1. The system consist of 10 planets. 2 of them are in the habitable zone and the others are too close or too far. The planet Xuno is populated while its neighbor Planet Arret has a similar ecosystem but has yet to be inhabited. The other planets consist of smaller dwarf planets and large gas giants. The Dwarf Planets known as Y0-1, Y0-2, Y0-6, and Y0-9. While the Gas giants are known as Y0-4, Y0-5, Y0-7, Y0-8, and Y0-10. There are 2 moons on both Arret and Xuno, while the dwarf planets have non and the gas giants range from 4-19. Y0-5 having 19.

The Kyzu system has remain untouched in western space for an extremely long time. The only sentient life is on Xuno, and they're humans that landed there hundreds of years ago and lost most of their technology. Most of their rocky planets contain massive amounts of rare and important metals. This is due to a previous red giant exploding creating heavy metals. The metals flung far away from the source and ended up in the younger version of the Kyzu system, before it had rocky planets. The debris from space as well as the fallen star created super metal rich planets.

Star Data

The star of the Kyzu system is a Kiva star. It is positioned to the galactic north east from Planet Osman. Below are statistics for the star.

  • Name: Kiva
  • Type: GV2
  • Mass: 1.989 x 10^30 kg

Planetary Data

There are 11 planets in this system. Below is their statistical information.

Planetary Overview
Order Name Type
1 Y0-1 Dwarf Rock
2 Y0-2 Rock
3 arret Habitable Rock
4 Planet Xuno Habitable Rock
5 Y0-4 Rock
6 Y0-5 Gas Giant
7 Y0-6 Dwarf Rock
8 Y0-7 Gas Giant
9 Y0-8 Rock
10 Y0-9 Gas Giant
11 Y0-10 Rock


  • Type: Rock
  • Orbital Radius: 150 million km
  • Mass: 1 M βŠ•
  • Period: 1.3 Years
  • Gravity: 0.9 g
  • Planetary Population: 3.2 Billion
  • Natural Satellites: 2
  • Facilities: Millions


  • Type: Rock
  • Orbital Radius: 150 million km
  • Mass: 1 M βŠ•
  • Period: 1.3 Years year(s)
  • Gravity: 1.07 g
  • Planetary Population: 1 Million
  • Natural Satellites: 1
  • Facilities: 16

More information:

OOC Notes

dragon_god created this article on 2018/03/30 20:14.

Will add future updates.

system/kyzu.1582756768.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:03 (external edit)