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Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmoon


(Note: Any body systems not listed act exactly like they would do in humans.)

Common Appearance

The Separa'Shan is a race of Lamia, with a tail replacing the lower half of a human torso. While the lower body of all Separa is replaced by a long tail, their upper bodies slide between a snake-man or be more human-like sometimes close enough to be considered Nepleslian.

For more, visit the "How to Create a Separa'Shan" for more detail.

Skeletal Structure & Muscular System


The hair is in the same places as a human, Venis typically do not grow hair on the chin or sideburns.


The eyes are slitted snake like eyes in various eye colors and can track movements very easily, exception of a very young Separa'shan that have fuzzy vision but can still make out movements and shapes.


The nose looks normal for Pythus, but Venis have a snout like nose. Both noses have a reduced ability to smell when compared to a human nose, but this weakness is balanced by the tongue's abilities.


The teeth are fang like on the sides of their jaws in compliment of the human teeth, there is also a secondary bone structure that allows the jaw to drop farther than a human's and allows the Separa'shan to bite its enemy easier. The mouth can expand and open wider to allow a Separa'shan to swallow large portions about 2 to 4 feet wide and 6 feet long.


The tongue is a forked tongue rather than a human one that is used to smell and taste the air at the same time. The tongue has a smaller range of taste than that of a human's tongue, but can determine which direction the smell/taste is coming from, allowing it to track smell lingering in the air, and only needs a small mouth opening to dash out for a sample.


In part due to the change of digestive tract of the lower part of the body, the upper body's bone structure is geared to allow larger portions to be swallowed by moving the chest and all its organs away from the digestive system as something large makes its way down. A Separa'Shan can swallow about 2 to 4 feet wide and 6 feet long depending on body type and object swallowed, however there is a threshold of how large something can be swallowed otherwise if the Separa decided to eat something too large the strain on the body can cause serious strain.


Separa'Shan, regardless of their variation, all share similar layouts to their snake-like body. These can be found near their waist at the front, where males are known to have retractable hemipenes and females with traditional vulva. This is often why Separa'Shan can be seen wearing something where their bodies meet.

Arms and Hands

The same as a humans for exception that the hands tend to be more clawlike, especially true for a Venis who also have spines sometimes sticking away from the hands on the arms.


The Tail is made up of numerous smaller bones bonded loosely fit together with multiple muscles attached within, this allows the Separa'shan to push its body along the surface to move. On the outside of the tail is a sequence of scales that behave similar to something like stone shoes, the main purpose is keeping the tail protected from objects that could cause harm by simply slithering across them. The stomich is right at the waist where the tail and torso are joined, and their digestive track and reproductive organs are also located close to where you would expect a human would have theirs.


The Separa's primary movement is pushing their scales onto the surface to move forward. Depending on the environment will change how they move in it, but otherwise in the same ground normal two feet can walk in, the Separa can slither forward or in S-shapes in the same speed.


While all Separa have a venom sack in the back of their mouth, only the Venis race has an active one. The venom is secreted to the teeth in the same way saliva is used to break down proteins and is controllable as long as they don't think how hungry they are. The venom is a mix of nerotoxin and hemotoxins which typically paralyze the victim, though more powerful venom is rarer. The lethality and purpose of the venom is largely dependent on the Clan, as a war focused clan will more likely develop this trait to be more lethal.

Life Cycle

The Separa'Shan life cycle consists of four stages. It should be noted that the egg laying season and the Ascension period are biannual events but the times are different for each species (Venis and Pythus).

  • First Stage: Egg- The Separa'shan are egg layers by nature as their evolution still holds them to some facets. They consider this a sacred stage of life and once it has begun no living soul may interfere with the development of the eggs on pain of death by consumption or fitting means.
  • Second Stage: Young/Child- After they hatch, the Separa'shan appear to be nothing more than snakes that are slightly larger than average earth snakes. They are cared for by their parents who are probably the only ones who can recognize their own offspring.
  • Third Stage: Ascension- Another sacred right in their culture. Typically happens around the 14th birthday, this is the time in a young Separa's life when he or she transforms into their adult form. Always proceeded by a feast that provides the fuel for the bodily metamorphosis, the young are sealed into a quiet cave which they can only leave in their adult forms. The transformation typically takes about a week and begins with the child growing to the size of a teenager before the arms grow out. A stockpile of Fruits is always made available to the young adults because they're starving when they're finished, followed by a festival for the family.
  • Fourth Stage: Adult- This is the final stage of the life cycle, they'll continue to grow but not by much.

species/separa_shan/physiology.1527131352.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:04 (external edit)