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Nekovalkyrja Creation Process

Nekovalkyrja are the mainstay of the Yamataian Star Army. Filling more than 70% of the Star Army ranks, they are the most common soldier in the military. This guide covers the creation process of a standard Nekovalkyrja. This process is uniform, any body can be produced through it. However, in the case of Geshrin the advanced organ creation stage is not executed. Nekovalkyrja created by the Yamataian Star Empire are made in mass cloning facilities.

Phase 1 - Preparation


  • 1. The hemosynthetic container shuts and seals itself.
  • 2. Container then fills with NH-29 blood.

Duration: 3 Minutes



At this stage, an empty Hemosynthetic Reconstruction Tube is prepared for the production of the Nekovalkyrja.


The container begins its preparations by closing and sealing itself. Once that is complete the container begins to fill with hemosynthetic fluid, specifically NH-29 Blood.

Phase 2 - Body Creation

First is nothing… then there is sensation, data flows into you from multiple pathways, it is overwhelming, too much light, sound, tactile sensations flooding into you. A moment of confusion and you start to sort out what is happening. The light resolves into images, ceiling lights shining down on you, the sounds become whirs of machines, voices, and footsteps, a voice saying “please move wiggle your fingers and toes.” you do so without even thinking what fingers and toes are. You realize that your lungs are expanding and filling with air and exhaling somewhere deep inside you feel the rhythmic beat of your heart pumping. A small light shines in your eyes, you have eyes…, the voice tells you to follow the light. You realize that fingers and toes are attached to arms and legs, you try to move them but can not. Restraints comes to mind.

You wonder “Where am I? How did I get here? Where was I before?” Then realization occurs, there was no before, this is where your very existence has started. These mere 100 seconds of your existence at the moment is all there is. But you know more, but you can not recall…

The voice, no the technician the word comes from somewhere does something and the restraints are gone. The technician helps you to sit up and swing your legs over the edge. You take a moment to look at these legs and hold your arms out to see them.

“Motor control appears nominal.” the technician says. You realize the technician is 'male' but not what that signifies. “Repeat the following sequence of numbers after me.” he says and rattles off a series.

As you say the last digit, something opens, a door within you that you were unaware of. Information floods your consciousness. You realize that the numbers were your serial number, “I am a Nekovalkyrja.” you think. You know that on your left lower back that same number is tattooed. You realize that you have been constructed to serve the Star Army of Yamatai. That they have given you life to protect the Empire. Your tattoo is a sign of the agreement you are required to fulfill. Service to the Empire for freedom. But this does not bother you, after all the Empire gave you life, so why would not be willing to defend it.

Duration: 52 Minutes


  • 1. Necessary chemicals are injected into the hemosynth material.
  • 2. Material begins to coagulate and form inner body.
    • a. Skeleton (10 Minutes)
    • b. Advanced Organs (these enable inertial control and balance, as well as other abilities of the NH-29 Nekovalkryja). (13 Minutes)
    • c. Standard Organs. (10 Minutes)
    • d. Muscles. (10 Minutes)
    • e. Skin (including natural holographic projectors). (8 Minutes)
  • 3. Hemosynthetic fluids are drained from the container.
  • 4. Container is then filled with water and the neko body is cleaned thoroughly to ensure that there are no chemicals or hemosynthetic blood remaining.
  • 5. Body is then air dried (jet dryer style).



Once the container has filled with NH-29 blood, any other necessary chemicals are injected into the container. The combination of the chemicals, which provide a variety of base molecules for the NH-29 blood to manipulate, cause the liquid to change in hue to a transparent light red (from an opaque dark red).


The real work begins after the chemicals have been injected. The nanites inside the NH-29 blood begin to manipulate the chemicals injected in order to create the Nekovalkyrja (or whatever species is being created).

2.2a - Skeleton

Some of the chemicals begin to coagulate into the skeletal structure of the neko. They grow quickly though they will remain relatively soft until about phase D.

2.2b - Advanced Organs

If the created race in question uses any additional or different organs than a Nepleslian, they are created in this phase. These include:

Race Organs
All Digital Brain*
Yamataian Civilian Grade Gravity Manipulation System
NH-29 Military Grade Gravity Manipulation System
Control organ for Holographic Projection

2.2c - Standard Organs

This is where standard organs such as hearts, lungs, livers, etc. are created. Nekovalkyrja organs are built slightly differently to provide higher resistance to drugs, poisons, sickness, and disease.

2.2d - Muscles

At this stage the skeletal structure has fully hardened and muscles are now grown directly onto it.

2.2e - Skin

Once the muscles are formed the skin is then formed on top of them. If the body being made uses it, organic holographic projectors are also grown into the skin. These are so tiny that it is difficult for them to project too far from the body with any degree of accuracy. As the skin is created, hair follicles and their bases are also created.


At this stage the chemicals and NH-29 blood are drained from the container.


Once drained, the body is then jet dried before continuing on to the next phase.

Phase 3 - Standardized Programming Phase


  • 1. Facility Computers connect to the new body via the neko's SPINE interface (or for older models, SLICS though a different tube would need to be used).
    • a. Kessaku OS is installed into the neko's digital brain.
    • b. The neko's personality is loaded into the body, but it is not activated.
    • c. Occupation specific training is loaded into the memory centers of the brain. Appropriate portions are coded into the reflex portion of the brain.


In this stage standardized programming is loaded into the body.

  • Duration 5 minutes (New Soldier)
  • Duration 20 minutes (Soul Transfer)

Utilizing the new connections of the body (in nekos, specifically) the machine connects to the body via its SPINE interface. If the body lacks a SPINE interface it is done through a short range telepathy. Once connected the Kessaku OS is installed onto the digital brain of the body in question.


After OS information has been loaded, the personality profile is then downloaded into the body. It should be noted however that once downloaded, it is not activated immediately.


Once the personality has been installed occupation specific training begins. The memories centers of the brain are accessed and relevant occupational knowledge is directly downloaded and stored in them. Once that is complete, reflexive areas of the brain are accessed and combat as well as other critical reactions are programmed into the body.

Phase 4 - Activation and Deployment Phase


  • 1. The neko personality is activated.
  • 2. Orders are sent to the newly awakened Nekovalkyja.
    • a. Get Standard Issue Equipment (at the quartermaster's station).
    • b. Dress.
    • c. Proceed to appropriate deployment zone (various places throughout installation where nekos are collected and ferried to their appropriate assignments).


This is the final phase. In this phase the personality is activated. It receives orders to leave the container (which opens for them), get the standard issue equipment, get dressed, and proceed to a specific zone for transport to assignment. There are open-bay dressing rooms available for newly created Nekovalkyrja to dress in.

Nekovalkyrja are mingled with older Nekovalkyrja and trainers and taught, by example, the cultural norms of Yamataian society from how to eat politely to concepts like responsibility and ethics. Basically, through talk and activities they learn the Neko-Yamataian culture and how to be a good person and an effective team member. Naturally, loyalty is an important part of this.

OOC Notes

Authored and approved by wes on May 14, 20101)

species/nekovalkyrja/creation_process.1610086281.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 22:03 (external edit)