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The Azoreans are an aquatic species that has found a love for flying and mechanics. Due to their homeworld's extremely windy climate above the surface of the ocean, the Azoreans saw themselves as trapped on their homeworld. They simply saw it as an obstacle to overcome. Unfortunately, these strong winds and storms in the upper atmosphere have successfully delayed this species from attempting space travel. Several satellites have been launched, but a manned vessel has yet to venture forth into the vast unknown.



Many non-Azorean scientists, scholars, and philosophers have theorized that the Azoreans may have evolved from a shark-like creature. This conclusion is based on the fact that Azoreans have both cartilaginous skeletons and can produce their own body temperature. However, the fact that Azoreans have lungs perplexed them until they realized something. The creature that they may have evolved from could have been more of a whale then a shark, or perhaps a shark-whale hybrid of some sort. Whatever the case, they all agree that Azorean evolution was based off of some sort of amphibious creature.

Age of Citystates

Eventually, the Azoreans began to move in groups of similar interest and purpose. These were normally called citystates. Eventually, these peoples decided to settle down and build permanent structures. Seeing the coral and carbons along the ocean floor as a good building material, the Azoreans soon were able to construct housing and other buildings. As the Azorean population grew, so did the citystates. Eventually, the citystates became aware of each other, but no hostile action occurred for many generations… until something happened.

Birth of the Commonwealth

Shortly after the creation of the citystates, a radical group of Azorean heretics took control of several citystates, including Henatu, by force. Seeing this as a potential danger to both the Azorean people and culture, a young Azorean politician named Reterk decided to take action. He called his home of Edel to arms against the heretics in the name of Nimiss. Though he had few allies at the time, Reterk did not waver in his resolve. Eventually, he was able to convince the other citystates after soundly defeating the heretics in several open-ocean battles. The liberation of each citystate taken by the heretics took months, but the heresy finally ended. Henatu eventually recovered, but the other affected citystates were not so lucky. The lies and slander of the heretics still exist there… even today.

Reterk, after returning to Edel, called for a meeting to be held at his home citystate. The reason for this meeting was to coordinate the repair efforts of the damage done to the citystates during the respectable sieges as well as discuss a possible alliance between citystates to deride a future event like this. The discussions were heated, but eventually all of the diplomats agreed with Reterk, and the Azorean Commonwealth was formed. It took about four years to finally get all of the rough edges smoothed, but it kept the peace throughout the people for over three decades to this day.

First Contact

First contact with the universe was rather… sudden for the Azoreans. One Yuki Toshiro discovered an old stream of messages from 35-years ago. He was about to investigate when Hanako appeared, got the coordinates from Toshiro, and left without him. Unknown to her at that time, a Nepleslian stealth ship was following her. When she arrived, Hanako informed the Azoreans that she was landing, which caused a slight panic among the Parliament members, but Viceroy Raytim decided to ignore the danger and meet with her. While she was landing, Toshiro arrived and somehow detected the Nepleslian ship. Receiving the warning of its presence, Hanako fired upon and destroyed the stealth ship, which rained down upon the Azorean oceans. A large chunk struck a citystate, but no fatalities were reported. Nepleslian forces retreived their fallen comrades as well as the ship remains immediately. After some greetings and discussions, Raytim decided that Hanako and Toshiro were friendly. They even saved his life after an assassination attempt occurred within the Parliament Halls.

After a while, Hanako left, but Toshiro stayed to continue contact with the Azoreans. He was given time to speak with the entire Parliament to both advise and warn them of their future decisions.




Azorean hands have long, slender fingers with well-trimmed fingernails. Their palms are small, especially among the females. There is retractable webbing located in-between each finger. These are commonly used to help propel them through water.


Azorean feet are uncannily similar in size to humans. However, they, like the hands, have webbing in-between each toe. The difference is that this webbing cannot be retracted. That is one of the reasons most Azoreans walk around barefoot.


Azorean faces are thin and almost child-like. Without any facial hair at all, they always seem to have the appearance of teenagers. Major veins across their faces allow more blood to be transported to the eyes and brain, as well as bring the oxygen from their algae hair to the main blood stream. These veins begin in the aft lobe of their brain, extend to the frontal lobe, surface at the hairline of their forehead, and move down past the eyes, though the cheeks, and connecting to the primary veins in the neck.

Their noses are small and practically buttons on their faces. Azoreans also have two small fins with four spines to act as ears. These fins detects sound vibrations both underwater a lot better then in the air, but it still catches some of the vibrations to an extent. They might not be able to hear 'whispers' very well.. if at all, but they could still hear normal voices alright. The fins themselves have nerves that connect directly to the 'hearing' portion of the brain. This allows them to distinguish different sounds, voices from sounds, etc. More nerves are found in the front of the fins, and thus are easier to 'hear' things from the front then to the sides and definitely from behind. These fin-ears are also highly sensitive to the touch. They are easily damaged if tugged upon hard enough, but a light pull will only make the Azorean squeak in pain.


Azorean skin is a complete color at birth, depending on where they live, but gray starts to mix into that pure color as the Azorean ages. The older the Azorean, the more gray can be found in the skin. An all gray Azorean is considered a respected elder within the citystate. For skin colors from birth to old age, Azoreans vary from place to place. The most common skin tone for Azoreans is a shade of cerulean (blue), but other common skin tones include varying shades of green, violet, and sandy brown. Uncommon skin tones are pale pink and brownish-orange. There is also a pure white skin tone, but it is extremely rare… being only found in the Isatel Citystate. They may also have other skin attributes, such as speckles or even stripes of a different color. The color for these skin attributes include all other listed colors as well as black for the stripes.

All major veins and arteries are close enough to the surface of the skin to be visible. They are a brownish-blue color. Since they are close to the surface, these veins are easy to puncture. Thus, Azoreans must be extra-careful around certain sharp objects.


Azorean 'hair' consists of an algae-like substance that doesn't grow any longer then shoulder length. While under the water, it captures oxygen found in the environment. Outside of the water, it absorbs heat and vitamin D compounds from the sun, while also releasing a pheromone that is primarily used for finding mates. Common hair colors are blue (that matches their skin), green, and white. Purple is slightly uncommon, but not totally unheard of.


Azorean eyes have a transparent fluidic lens that protects their eyes from water. If an Azorean's eyes are damaged in some way, this lens can act as contact lens as well as goggles. Common eye colors are violet, red, and white. Gray has also found its way into the gene pool on occasion.


The Azoreans have developed 'tails' to aid in their swimming. Their cartilaginous tailbones extend to the point on the tail, which is usually as long as their legs. The muscle surrounding the bone is tough and covered with the usual blue skin. A hole is usually placed on Azorean clothing to allow the tail to fit through. Unlike most tails of underwater creature, which slay back and forth, Azorean tails act like a rudder, spinning rapidly in small circles to increase speed. This feature is only used in emergencies, competitions, or any other time out in open water.

Build, Weight, and Bust

Both male and female have overall slim bodies. Males weigh approximately 130 pounds and have 5'6“ in height, while females weigh approximately 120 pounds and have 5'5” in height. Females usually also have a B-sized bust.


Unlike many aquatic creatures, Azoreans have lungs, smaller then a normal human's. Their lungs can breathe normal air, but have a much smaller air capacity so any toxic fumes (such as from smoking or fires) have a negative affect on them. Coughing, wheezing, and sometimes even death may occur. They can breathe underwater with the use of their algae hair. However, the 'hair' cannot absorb enough oxygen before the Azorean suffocates.

Thus, two sets of three-slit gills are located along the outer skin of the rib cage. Each individual gill is in-between two individual rib bones. This will allow simpler access to the lungs, easier visual aides for when cleaning them occasionally, as well as better protection from harm, both underwater and on land. Their skin suits absorbs water, and will even let it in to pass through to the gills.

Shark Qualities

Even though their young are birthed from egg sacks, Azoreans have a lot of shark-like qualities. They can produce their own body temperature. The temperature raises and lowers depending on their swimming water's temperature. They also have a cartilaginous skeletal system. They don't have a single true bone in their bodies. However, as Azoreans age, their skeletons become calcified, which makes them more brittle and like human bones.




Every single Azorean city is its own citystate. A citystate itself is usually composed of a mixture of both stone and several components for titanium alloy. Although united under one government, local law is enforced by the citystate. Major citystates have found their place just underneath surface of the vast ocean on their homeworld, which they call Sudran. Smaller, and poorer, citystates are deeper beneath the waves. In their deep underwater refuge, these citystates mine the precious minerals found in the planet core. The three largest, and most powerful, citystates are Edel, Teres, and Henatu. A few citystates exist above the surface of the oceans. However, they are considered curiously odd to prefer the windy surface then their cool, clean ocean home.

List of Citystates


Although most of the Azorean industries and facilities are partially funded by the community, they are directly controlled by independent sources. These 'corporations' compete with each other to collect, manufacture, and supply goods for the people. The total number of corporations per citystate depends largely on the size of each citystate. The corporations rarely compete or otherwise interact with rival companies of other citystates.


Names are considered to be a great honor among Azoreans. No Azorean has the same name. After an Azorean has reached pre-adulthood, the Kel'Moror ceremony takes place. The Kel'Moror basically puts the Azorean into a drug-induced coma. For about two or three days, the pre-adult's mind will be lost in a cesspool of nightmares. On the fourth day, an incantation of Nimue grabs the Azorean's hand and gives the Azorean a name along with a kiss on the forehead. For another day, the Azorean rests in the arms of the goddess. On the fifth day, the Azorean awakens with a name and an extreme hunger. An Azorean name never consists of both a first and last name. The reason for this is because a spawnling may never know the identity of his/her biological parents. Thus, an Azorean has only one name. Males usually have names that begin with either 'R' or 'W'. Females usually have names that begin with either 'A' or 'N'. Example names would be “Reterk” for a male and “Ameriss” for a female.


Azoreans are friendly, yet still a bit cautious, towards other species. Though they have never been in the stars, they believe from the teachings of Nimiss that others exist up there… somewhere. They consider them brethren, even if they are untrustworthy. Only an honorable few are actually referred to by their first name. Everyone else is given the title “Son or Daughter of” and then one of the seven goddesses name from their religion. Nepleslians are commonly called “Sons of Kyris”, and Elysians are commonly called “Children of Areeka”. Geshrin are known as the “Forgotten Children of Veminas”, while Yamataians are known as the “Praised Children of Veminas”. The Nekovalkyrja are called the “Daughters of Uriala”, the Mishhu are called “Children of Talica”, and all of the other species are designated “Children of Eiji”. The Azoreans sometimes even refer to themselves as the “Children of Nimiss”.


Each cycle is an Azorean year. Each cycle is one complete rotation of the homeworld as it orbits its star. Each cycle lasts about 280 'days'. The current date is CC (Commonwealth Cycle) 41. There wasn't a calendar system before the Commonwealth, but historians have guessed that written history began about 800 years before the first CC. These dates have been referred to as Before Unification (BU).


'Art' among Azoreans is simply random patterns and combinations of fish bones, kelp, scales, and shells. As the saying goes, one man's beach garbage is an Azorean's treasure.


Azoreans have a nutritious intake of a variety of fish, shellfish, and even a kelp-like substance. When introduced to alien foods, Azorean stomachs seemed to totally reject them. Vomiting is the most common remedy to this apparent food poisoning.

For more information, consult azorean_foods.



Azorean language is a combination of commanding voices and bluntness. Polite words are almost unknown to the Azoreans. In fact, they are extremely distrustful of anyone who say such 'false kindness'. Their written language was developed around the time that the citystates were constructed. Azoreans usually speak using high and low pitched sounds. This is quite effective both in and out of the water.


Azoreans love to make music, especially while underwater. The sound waves are greatly applified by the water, so it is fairly common to hear their music from miles away. The primary instrument used by the Azoreans is a five-stringed instrument that sounds similar to the harp. It also creates the same soothing, hypnotic effect. However, this instrument's appearance is that of a crossbow of some sort.



Azoreans have used their environmental conditions to create entertainment. The high winds of Sudran make it possible to windsurf. Windsurfing is nothing more than gliding using an almost flat piece of a lightweight metal with a large sail. If a windsurfer can catch a strong enough breeze, he can rise several hundred feet. The first windsurfing ship was actually a group of curious, teen-aged Azoreans who tried to build a boat-like device. Unfortunately, they had too large of sail. The crew of the small vessel were shocked at first as they floated off the surface of the ocean, but they soon found this new experience to be quite thrilling. The teenagers excitedly returned to their home to tell their friends and family of what they had just discovered. Thus, the creation of windsurfing boats became the trade of many an Azorean. Today, windsurfing is a popular spectator sport for the enjoyment of thousands of Azoreans in almost every citystate. During major competitions, surface dwelling Azoreans would record the event and broadcast it usually vibration communication technology.

Water Sports

Most Azoreans prefer to find entertainment within their natural environment. Some enjoy racing each other to see who has the best swimming endurance. A common male sport would be the release of a quick and evasive fish. A group of Azoreans would then have to hunt the fish based on the vibration of its movements. A common female sport is a form of water ballet. Dancing below the waves has brought much enjoyment to both dancer and audience.


Traveling between the citystates was uncommon, except in recent years, due to the great distance between each citystate and, in past centuries, the general lack of fast vehicles that go faster than 40 to 86 knots. Supercavitating vehicles exist, but they are somewhat rare except for trade and military purposes. However over the centuries, a few creatures have been successfully trained to act as biological vehicles and transports, creating a cultural reason why civilian vehicles were not abundant even after the Great War when large fleets of military submarines came into existence. Unfortunately, these beasts have a bad reputation for not being very reliable. Many merchants have left a citystate to sell their goods but were never heard from again. After the development of windsurfers, transportation between surface citystates increases a bit, but travel between underwater citystates still remained relatively slow.


Azorean industry consists entirely of the construction of windsurfer boards on the surface and mining under the waves. These mines were built and sustained by the poor, deepwater citystates. Stone, components to create durandium alloy, and carbon tubes are the most common products of these mines. The actual mining, however, is done by mechanized beings known simply as the Rill. The Azoreans used their mechanical genius to invent the Rill to do extreme labor for them. The Rill are made up of carbon tubes wrapped around a durandium frame and a fairly simplistic AI. The AI allows them to take commands and remain mobile, but nothing more. They have the technological capabilities to build starships, but have never attempted to do so because of harsh global winds.

The Forgotten


Seven Goddesses

  • Eiji: goddess of nature, infinity, and the cosmos.
  • Uriala: goddess of light, life, and fertility.
  • Talica: goddess of darkness, death, and disease.
  • Veminas: goddess of earth, philosophy, and loyalty.
  • Areeka: goddess of air, wisdom, and order.
  • Kyris: goddess of fire, war, and destruction
  • Nimiss: goddess of water, peace, and honor.

Primary Beliefs

In the beginning of time, seven goddesses of every element existed. They were extremely lonely since the universe had no form. So, they set out to create the universe. After they formed planets, suns, and more, they still thought that the universe was empty and lacking of something. Thus, the goddesses realized that the universe needed beings like them. Beings that could think for themselves and populate the furthest reaches of the completed universe. Six of the seven goddess birthed six great and powerful peoples. The seventh, however, birthed many more peoples of different shape, intelligence, personality, and more. Thus, the universe was populated, and the goddesses saw that everything was good.

Nimiss, the goddess that birthed the Azorean species, taught her children to live in the water and lead peaceful, honorable lives. She also taught them that, if they must, they should defend themselves and make more allies than enemies. She, like all mothers, hoped for a better future for her children.


Azoreans do believe in an afterlife. Those who live honorably will end up in a sacred grove encircling a large moutain that has a giant waterfall. At the base of the mountain, there is a large pool. Nimiss, the other goddesses, and all those who died before them greet them with open arms. Unfortunately, those who live dishonorably are sent to a place know as “Talica's Pit”. Talica and her children dwell here. Eternal ravishment and suffering only greet those who enter this place.


Conception and Infancy

The conception part of the mating process is essentially the same as most other humanoids. The most comfortable, and pleasurable, position for both partners is penetration from behind. After an adult male and female Azorean mate, the female then goes to a special area known as the community's “spawning grounds”. She then emits the fertilized egg sack out of her body. Once an Azorean female has emitted her egg sack, she cannot give birth again for the rest of her life. Fortunately, egg sacks produce three to seven spawnlings. Attendants at the spawning grounds take care of the egg sacks and infant spawnlings.

The Azorean children are commonly known as spawnlings. When the spawnlings have hatched from the membrous egg sack, they are constantly nursed and cared for by the attendants until their third birthday. During these three years, they learn to speak, read, and write in basic form. After the first three years have passed, Azorean spawnlings progress to the next stage of life.


For the next seven years, the spawnlings are taught all that they need to know about life. Math, history, literature, art, music, and other things all fall into this important category. Soon after their tenth birthday, Azorean spawnlings are considered Pre-Adults by the society.


Before this stage of life, most spawnlings are referred to as “Children of Nimiss”. Since they have no name, a special ceremony takes place to grant the new pre-adult a unique name. Soon after the ceremony is over, the Azorean does two things: They begin to study certain trades to find a suitable career and also search for a potential life-long mate. By the end of Pre-Adulthood at the age of 20, the Azorean should be employed and have found a mate.

These trades that they are employable in are usually taught by a mentor, or “master”, who has worked in that trade for most of his/her life. The young adult students are referred to as “disciples” and will be taught everything that the master knows. Masters may take up to three disciples at one time.

Disciples that enter the service of the temples are always referred to by that term unless they are elected into priests, and in turn, high priests. Priests may only take a maximum of two disciples at one time, but after two years of servitude, those disciples are considered members of the temple and need no more training from individual priests now.

Those who decide to join the Commonwealth are instead given the title of Baeros and must serve under an Eccatus in a group of four to eight. This number varies with the skill of the Eccatus as well as the overall ratio of Baeros to Eccatus. The Baeros may, on occasion, call their assigned Eccatus “master”, etc.


Part of the initiation into adulthood is courtship with their respective mate. Inbetween the ages of 25 and 35 is usually when the female Azorean's eggsack is fertilized during the mating process. If an Azorean reaches the age of 70, then that Azorean is considered part of the geriatric (elderly) stage of life.

Geriatrics and Death

Though many Azoreans have died in glorious battle, some have tried to uphold Nimue's teachings and live peaceful lives. Once in a while, an Azorean will live up to the ripe old age of 70 years. Then, they are respected as wise elders of the community. There cartiligious bones become completely calcified (and almost like bones) at the age of 75. Azoreans, like all species, must eventually die. Whether through battle, disease, or naturally, Azoreans believe that their dead go to an afterlife. What kind of afterlife they go to depends if they led honorable lives or not.


Note: Most tech found here has not been approved of yet. They are still in the development process. If you would like to aid in the development process with your own ideas, please contact yoshi at your convenience.

Illegal Azorean Research


Vaneless Ion Wind Power

A vaneless ion wind generator is a proposed device that produces electrical energy directly by using the wind to pump an electric charge from one electrode to another. It is a type of wind power, although wind energy is usually extracted to make electricity by means of a wind turbine. Advantages of such a system over wind turbines include lack of vibrational noise and moving shadows. This design uses water sprayed from a nozzle facing a toroidal charged electrode. This induces an opposite charge in the water and when the water flows out of the nozzle, each drop carries a small amount of charge. These water droplets are then blown by the wind, going through the center of the charged toroid without touching it. The droplets then hit a fine mesh, adding to its charge.


Hydroelectricity is electricity produced by hydropower. Hydroelectricity is a renewable energy source, since it uses water that has usually been dammed. The energy extracted from water depends on the volume and on the difference in height between the source and the water's outflow. This height difference is called the head. The amount of potential energy in water is proportional to the head. To obtain very high head, water for a hydraulic turbine may be run through a large pipe called a penstock.

Thermal Energy

Biproducts of steam vents located in some of the deeper waters can be processed into forms of energy. These biproducts are emitted from the planet core due to extreme pressure. These vents releave that pressure, giving off a large ammounts of heat. Glowing crystallic materials have also been discovered in this vicinity. Their glow seems to be an efficient, yet environmentally safe, light source. Scientists have managed to grow artificial cultures, but they are not as bright as their natural cousins.


Water Filters AGN (Azorean Global Network) Rill Hehi Potion Fuel Cells Hyrdrogen Technology (rocketry, hydrogen collectors, etc.) Quantum Effect Generator

Construction and Materials

Carbon Tubes (C-tubes) Durandium Alloy Limestone Limestone-based Corral Titanium-like metal SythSetae


Ion Drive




Interesting Recorded Facts

  • Oldest known Azorean was a male at 107 years old.
  • Largest known spawn produced eleven spawnlings.
  • Ameriss, a female windsurfing champion from Teles, glided 140 km high during a major tournament.

Notable Characters

Azorean Creation Tips and FAQ

Species Categoryalien

species/azorean.1698002951.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:40 (external edit)