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Star Army Logistics
First UsedYE 46
Last ReviewYE 46
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesmiscellaneous
Product NameKe-P8-R4600 Teleportation Pad
ManufacturerKetsurui Fleet Yards
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)1โ€ฏ,000โ€ฏ,000โ€ฏ,000.00 KS


188604 is a Independent plot run by GM Zack. Its concept is to create a space that can be interacted with fairly freely by the rest of the setting. If another plotship wants to stop by, or someone wants to stumble across the planet then a serious effort will be made to encourage the outside interfearance in the plot.

The plot itself centers around a low tech world listed as 188604 on Elysian starcharts. With Uso running low on cash she hatches a scheme to hire some friends and go use modern weapons to take over the planet. Though the planet's armies don't pose much of a threat to modern power armor, there are plenty of other concerns that go along with trying to run a planet.

Plot Details

Age Requirement: 16
Format: JPs when time permitting
Pacing: 1 Jp every 1-2 weeks

About Pacing

The plot is designed to give a small open area for RP to accommodate some RP that is fairly self-contained and doesn't require a lot of time committed. Though there will be a core 'storyline' there will also be opportunities for one off JPs involving whoever decides to stop by.

About The GM

Zack joined the site in 2005ish, and has GMed several plots including the tail end of the GSS Yui, The GSS Seigi, The NSS Alliance and the Nepleslian 4th fleet plot.

He is usually online between 8am and 11pm, with RP availability usually being later in the day.

About the Co-GM

Gunhand4171 was approached bout Co-GMing, and is authorized to handle cleanup of the plot if the main GM disappears.

dumont is also helping with Co-GM work, and is authorized to handle cleanup of the plot if the main GM disappears.


YE 38

During Love Day, Uso agrees to go on a blind date. For better or worse she ended up discussing hypothetically taking over a low technology world with Raphael Castiel. The low tech world in question was one the Elysians had stumbled across years ago, but had ultimately left alone as it was not worth the trouble.

A few weeks later she'd decide to go for it, putting together a team made up of friends and mercenaries. The bulk of the force being made up of the Ragnarok PMC.

The group arrived planet side, and immediately hit the largest city they could find, striking during the middle of a local conflict and killing many of the leaders. They quickly established themselves at the main power in the area, as muskets and cannons were essentially useless against power armors capable of throwing horses at people. When the dust settled, the group set about 'uplifting' their little corner of the world.

General Aaron Grant had participated in the conflict, and only just barely escaped being found by Uso by ditching his uniform. Him, along with his right hand Rubi and consort Celest would start forming a resistance movement against Uso's group.


After the initial battle of Osman City, the locals were terrified but not defeated. Their best and brightest started to gather together, forming a group with the intention of dealing with the outside threat. In order to minimize their risk of exposure they stuck with code names related to their professions and set in motion plans to infiltrate their invaders.

It was around this time that a friend of General Grant, azariel_nereopoulos, would reveal that he too was not from this planet and start advising them on their possible futures.

Grant's right hand woman, Rubi, would also be sent to kill the collaborator Reginald Braith around the same time as Azariel's reveal. Though instead of completing her assignment, she decided to infiltrate the invading group when the opportunity presented itself. This served to anger General Lewis Costanel, who vowed to take care of things himself upon hearing the news.

This would eventually lead to a split in the rebellion, with Lewis's group moving on to develop weapons to fight the invaders, while AAron's group would secretly make contact with Cyrus, the leader of the invader's military. This secret meeting would end in a pact that would eventually solidify Aaron as the first leader of the new government, while Lewis would go on to launch a massive attack against the invaders during a dust storm, nearly managing to kill uso.

When the dust settled, the point was driven home: It was pointless for the locals to fight back with weapons.

White Lament

During YE 38 the white_lament would end up landing on 188604 looking for spare parts in a manner that most resembled an apocalyptic crash and robotic spider invasion. It seemed that the spacer ship had lost its organic crew, and was looking to harvest organs from the locals in order to rebuild its crew, luckily the spacer Codebreaker Arccos Two Three 52-9683-7587 who was part of the Ragnarok PMC was able to subdue the ship. Arccos would go on to become the appointed Sheriff of the planet and de-facto captain of the White Lament

I'ee JTE

The I'ee Joint Technology Expedition would reach 188604 in the year YE 38. Where they were convinced to assist in developing the planet in exchange for Uso's help in defeating the NMX attacking the I'ee home system. It has yet to be seen if this promise can be fulfilled.



Star System: 0014 *

Planet: 188604 aka 'Usotza', 'Ragna-World', 'Camur',

Plant: algaeia



Uso's Crew
uso Fearless Leader PC 'Your Highness', 'Empress Tyrantpants'
Raphael Castiel Uso's Right Hand PC 'Raph' needs art
errowyn_dreamchaser Pilot PC aka 'Hellcat' needs art
Harhui Demolitions Expert PC aka 'Smalls' needs art
Ivory Medic NPC needs art
Reginald Braith Local General NPC
Tiberius 'Eight Ball' Aldrich Pilot PC needs art
Takimori Ronin Mecha Pilot PC
aashi_nath Privateer Captain PC
alex Ex-Popsicle PC 'New Boots'
ragnarok PMC
Cyrus Ragnarok's Leader PC needs art
ace PMC Soldier PC needs art
corgan_garret PMC Soldier PC 'Corgi'
Codebreaker Arccos Two Three 52-9683-7587 PMC Soldier PC 'High Sheriff Arccos' needs art
Scrabler PMC Soldier PC needs art
Rip D. Torr PMC Medic PC Dr. Hardbody
Tomblyn Ardane PMC Soldier PC
Buttonless Brigadiers
Josward Braith Head officer
Julie Osman Young Princess NPC needs art
Jacob Osman Young Prince NPC Dead
Serza Costanel Head Nurse NPC
General AAron Grant PC needs art
Rubi PC needs art
Celest NPC
General Lewis Costanel NPC
The Scientist NPC
The Procurer NPC
The Merchant NPC
azariel_nereopoulos PC
McLewski NPC
I'ee Joint Technology Expedition
Gut-Stripe Fearless Leader needs art
Sammy Ambassador needs art

plot/188604.1477925161.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:28 (external edit)