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Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmoon

Levia (Planet)

Also known as Levia'Trecaste, it was named after the explorer who discovered it.

  • Type: Terrestrial, forested world
  • Stellar Radius: 8.23 AU's from the star
  • Surface Gravity: 1g
  • Length of Day: 31 hours
  • Length of Year: 445

Weather Patterns

Levia has a tropical monsoon like climate with the winds being exceptionally high during most of the year and tempering off only for a few weeks in the middle of the year, these high winds have resulted in cities and structures neededing to be heavily reinforced in order to stand the winds.

Background History

Settled in ER 687, Levia serves as the launching platform for FTL ships into deep space. It houses a starbase in orbit and one of the gates that takes ships from the edges of the Levia Star System to the inner planets, such as the capital. Levia is only eighty percent fully colonized, with it's surface having only a few small cities and start up towns and villages. Levia Four is plagued by powerful winds, which have caused the Neshaten to reinforce every structure on the planet but have also prevented them from constructing orbital elevators due to the risk of high winds destroying the tethers.

The planet also serves as the primary training base for military personnel, it is for this reason that it also possess several shipyards that orbit the nearby moon.


Forben - capital of Levia. Forben is the main city, it's a decent sized city that is mainly comprised of commerical and residential areas. It has an orbital elevator in the center of town that was in the mist of construction before being destroyed by the planets high winds, the structure remains as a reminder of natures fury. Because of this, a large starport was constructed at the location of one of the elevator's original tethers.

Vectes - A city located on a tropical island, Vectes is a military city with several bases that serve as the primary training base for the Neshaten. There are various training facilities for the volunteer militaries every occupation.

Ureca - Ureca is located on the planets north polar region and serves as an industrial city for the planet.

Virete'na - Virete'na is an entertainment city, designed from the ground up to serve that purpose.

planet/levia.1327106146.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:25 (external edit)