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Aisu is the seventh Planets in the UX-27 System, it was explored by yss_aeon in YE 31.


Basically a large chunk of ice and rock, composed of water, carbon dioxide, nickel, and iron. The crew of the Aeon named the planet Aisu because it is pretty much just a chunk of ice.

Statistics for Aisu
Type Terrestrial Planet
Radius 38.8 AU
Period 5 hr
Gravity .122 G
PAINT Station No
Facilities and Bases No
Colony No
Population None

OOC Notes

rawolfe created this article on 2020/03/05 15:01.

Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesplanet

planet/aisu.1616754030.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:23 (external edit)