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Rufusland System Details

Rich in mineral and chemical materials, Rufusland has the following celestial bodies.

Rufusland Star

Information on the primary star of the system is below.

The Rufusland Star
System Registry Rufusland-Sk2a
Star Name Rufusland
Type M1V Red Dwarf
Surface Temperature 3,600 K
Average Mass 0.45 sol
Luminosity 1.43 x 1025 W (0.0.07 x sol)
Number of Planets 11

Rufusland I

Rufusland I is a hot gas giant that has migrated extremely close to its star over the life of the system. While it is a beautiful planet that has inspired more than one hopelessly romantic Nepleslian Red, it is an unremarkable Gas Giant for the majority of individuals.

Type: Medium Gas Giant
Orbital Radius: 6 million km
Orbital Period: 3.65 days
Moons: None

Rufusland II

A warm but barren rock planet, Rufusland II is tidally locked to its star. With very active volcanic activity, the near constant expulsion of material from the planet's mantle makes the planet a favorite target for miners. Most mining operations are done in the permanent shadow of the planet and northern polar regions, though some operations are conducted closer to the equator for those that can afford the protection.

Type: Small Rock
Orbital Radius: 28.5 million km
Perihelion: 25.65 million km
Aphelion: 31.35 million km
Orbital Period: 43.8 days

Physical Characteristics

Diameter: 8,705.97 km
Surface Gravity: 0.42g
Rotational Period: Tidally Locked
Axial Tilt: 22°
Atmospheric Pressure: None
Atmospheric Composition: Trace (Carbon Dioxide)
Average Surface Temp: 318.38 K / 175.71°C
Volcanics: Heavy

Rufusland III

A massive world completely covered in ocean, Rufusland III is the only habitable planet within the system. Due to it's dense atmosphere and warmth, the planet is subject to frequent heavy storms. Many volcanic chains can be found forming or fully exposed to the atmosphere. Though settlement is strongly discouraged do to the extreme volcanic and tectonic activity.

Due to the oceans being on average 10 kilometers deep (with a max depth of 25 km), zones of stability (around 30-50 meters deep) allow for settlers to have relatively normal lives within free floating or gravity anchored submerged settlements.

The extreme volcanism makes the planet rich in ores and minerals which continually being recycled to the surface. For those able to afford the technology that permits extreme-depth mining, one can strike it rich within the least active volcanic fields found throughout the planet. But even within such areas, spontaneous formation of new volcanoes do occur.

The atmosphere of the planet has high levels of sulfur compounds and rains sulfuric acid, which the ocean has a fair amount of levels of. If it wasn't for the vast wealth of mineral wealth, the planet would be avoided.

Despite being a garden world, very little life is present on the planet beyond microorganisms.

Type: Large Garden Terrestial
Orbital Radius: 36 million km
Perihelion: 90 million km
Aphelion: 210 million km
Orbital Period: 62.05 days

Physical Characteristics

Diameter: 20,396.84 km
Surface Gravity: 1.35g
Hydrographic Coverage: 90%
Rotational Period: 15.84 hours (retrograde)
Axial Tilt: 20°
Atmospheric Pressure: 6.75 atm
Atmospheric Composition: Very Dense (70% Nitrogen, 15% Helium, 10% Oxygen, 5% Trace Elements and Sulfur Compounds)
Average Surface Temp: 310 K / 36.85°C
Volcanics: Extreme
Tectonics: Heavy


Population: 500,000

Rufusland IV

An ice planet, Rufusland IV appears to be calmer when compared to its large neighbor. But the proximity to the star generates heavy cryovolcanism and tectonic activity on the frozen ice crust. Being an ice planet, it lacks any mineral wealth but industrial operations to extract water for Rufusland III and process volatiles found on the planet do exist, positioned in orbital stations.

Type: Standard, Ice
Orbital Radius: 55.5 million km
Perihelion: 49.95 million km
Aphelion: 61.05 million km
Orbital Period: 124.1 days

Physical Characteristics

Diameter: 17,660.68 km
Surface Gravity: 0.43g
Rotational Period: 28.32 Hours
Axial Tilt: 15°
Atmospheric Pressure: .21 atm
Atmospheric Composition:
Average Surface Temp: 221.84 K / 175.71°C
Volcanics: Heavy
Tectonics: Heavy

Rufusland V

Rufusland V is a cold desert planet. Like most terrestrial planets in the system, the planet has very active volcanism that regularly recycle trace elements to the surface. The lack of tectonics keep the lava and pyroclast flow fields in largely unmolsted. One able to predict which volcanoes will remain inactive for years or just stopped erupting in their cycle will be a rich individual.

As new volcanoes can form anywhere annually, most habitation is in orbit of the planet.

Type: Small, Rock
Orbital Radius: 88.5 million km
Perihelion: 75.22 million km
Aphelion: 172.5 million km
Orbital Period: 248.2 days

Physical Characteristics

Diameter: 6,981.36 km
Surface Gravity: 0.38g
Rotational Period: 29.04 hours
Axial Tilt: 44°
Atmospheric Pressure: None
Atmospheric Composition: Trace (Carbon Dioxide)
Average Surface Temp: 177.98 K / 175.71°C
Volcanics: Heavy

Rufusland VI

A tiny dwarf planet, Rusfusland VI's distance from its parent star keeps it tame compared to its sibling planets. But just enough tidal force is generated to keep its liquid core from completely cooling, allowing some volcanism on the planet. The planet is largely ignored by miners.

Type: Tiny Rock
Orbital Radius: 142.5 million km
Perihelion: 128.25 million km
Aphelion: 156.75 million km
Orbital Period: 503.7 days
Moons: 1 Moonlet

Physical Characteristics

Diameter: 3,316.56 km
Surface Gravity: 0.14g
Rotational Period: 35.04 hours
Axial Tilt: 32°
Atmospheric Pressure: None
Atmospheric Composition: None
Average Surface Temp: 142.17 K / 175.71°C
Volcanics: Light

Rufusland VII

A ringed large gas giant within the system, Rufusland VII has one icy moon of good chemical wealth. The remaining 5 icy moons and captured objects are largely ignored by the system's natives for being only average. It's massive ring add to its stunning visuals.

Type: Large Gas Giant
Orbital Radius: 243 million km
Perihelion: 194.4 million km
Aphelion: 291.6 million km
Orbital Period: 1120.55 days
Moons: 6

Rufusland VIII

The third Ice Giant in the system, the stunning rings of the planet are the only thing it has going for it. The planet only has 1 icy moon and a number of captured comets.

Type: Small Ice Giant
Orbital Radius: 243 million km
Perihelion: 218.7 million km
Aphelion: 267.3 million km
Orbital Period: 2485.65 days
Moons: 1

Rufusland IX

Another small Gas Giant with rings. The poor mineral and average chemical composition of the moons make it another planet ignored by miners.

Type: Small Gas Giant
Orbital Radius: 702 million km
Perihelion: 631.8 million km
Aphelion: 772.2 million km
Orbital Period: 5507.85 days
Moons: 3

Rufusland X

Rufusland X, located out in the outer system, makes it a common location for criminal elements hoping to ambush traffic entering the system. As one of the moons is abundant in volatiles, these elements often use it to support their ships and bases.

Type: Medium Gas Giant
Orbital Radius: 1.19 billion km
Perihelion: 1.13 billion km
Aphelion: 1.19 nillion km
Orbital Period: 12,205.6 days
Moons: 4

Rufusland XI

The last of the planets in the system, the Ice Giant Rufusland XI lacks an extensive ring system. Where it lacks in visual wealth, it makes up for it with one of its five moons having immense mineral and volatile wealth. Its close proximity to the hyperspace exit of the system makes it a common target for pirates for those brave enough to claim the wealth with no government backing.

Type: Small Gas Giant
Orbital Radius: 2.27 billion km
Perihelion: 1.93 billion km
Aphelion: 2.61 billion km
Orbital Period: 31,966.7 days
Moons: 5

OOC Notes

demibear created this article on 2022/10/28 19:39 using the namespace template.

This was approved by Andrew on 2022/11/06.1)

places/rufusland/system_details.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/27 07:55 by wes