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Lorath Reikan Park Embassy

Located on Yamatai, five kilometers north of kyoto in the embassy_park, the Lorath Matriarchy has established an embassy 'compound' in a space allotted to the Matriarchy.

More about Lorath Reikan Park Embassy

Largely, the embassy at Reikan Park has been established by the Matriarchy purely for the purpose of saying that it exists, and little more beyond that. However, for the sake of establishing an embassy which could be taken 'seriously', the Matriarchy has chosen to follow through by at least making the compound something serviceable.


Primarily, the Lorath Embassy compound is comprised of a central building which is a squat two surface-level building in a square frustum configuration, twenty meters in height, and 75×75 meters length and width at its base, and 50×50 meters at its top, with an additional thirty meters of subterranean depth. Exterior features of the building are comprised of high-density boron-carbide plates with a matte-white exterior layer of polished ceramic plate tiles, which have been treated with a non-stick and hydrophobic coating for minimal upkeep requirements. Conventional doors have been excluded from the construction of the central compound building, in favor of using LSDF-designed hatches and airlocks for the purpose of internal atmosphere regulation within the compound building. Within the primary compound building, there are the following spaces, which have been designed to conform to Matriarchy standard installation parameters.

Primary Structure Layout, non-comprehensive

Second Floor
Basement 1
Basement 2

Secondary Structure

A secondary structure is on the Lorath embassy grounds, and is 20x20x10 meters in size, and consists of a single LSDF General Purpose Wardroom which has been redesigned into a conference room. This building has been constructed to serve as the primary meeting ground for ambassadors and diplomatic representatives. At the entry to the structure is a security checkpoint, staffed by LSDF personnel.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2014/02/19 02:22 by doctomoe.

places/lorath_reikan_park_embassy.1614184274.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:18 (external edit)