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Tinacen (Language)

The main language used in the Kingdom of Neshaten

Shukaren and My'leke both speak Tinacen, which is a language that is a combination of their original two seperate languges: Shukati and Mylena. Their two languages were merged long after the two races became allies, and was done in order to make it easier for the two sides to co-exist, this was known briefly as the Era of Merging, which lasted forty one years and resulted in the Neshaten nearly reforming their language.

What you'll find here is information related to Tinacen, and the body gestures and language utilized by both the My'leke (Species) and Shukaren (Species).

Unlike most races, the Neshaten express a wide range of emotions and expressions through their body language and rarely in spoken or written words, because of this, it is important for people to understand how the flick of an ear may actually appear verus the stilling of a tail.

An example being that for the Shukaren, a still tail means that they are either curious or indifferent. On the other hand, for a My'leke a still tail means fear or that they are scared of something. In other words, the tail's motion is entirely different between the two species.

For a list of all known languages spoken in the SARPiverse, see Languages.

Body Gestures

A list of gestures that common amongst the My'leke and Shukaren

Shukaren Body Gestures

Because Shukaren are evolved from an animal, some of their gestures are reflected in how their ears or tail move.

Action Meaning Note
Constantly moving tail annoyed, angry, or frustrated
Still tail Curious, indifferent
Ears (flat) indiffernet
Ears (Flat and back) angry or hostile
Ears (Flat and forward) Curious
Ears (Up and forward) excited
Ears (up and Back) Scared
Ears (up and back and twitching Fearful
Tail moving slowly from side to side Indifferent, neutral
Tail moving slowly up and down Curious
Tail wrapped fully around body, tip is all fluffed up Sudden Fear or Upset
Tail up against body In pain
Tail all fluffy Startled Happens more when someone is suddenly surprised or an odd noise frightens the person, among-st other things.
Tail up, tip fluffy Excited
Tail up, grabbed with hand and stroking end Worried
Ears (One forward, one back) Confused
Tail off to the side, hand across chest, ears forward Highest form of respect, this also doubles as a military salute as well.
Stroking anothers Tail Love, Affection Warning: Only family members, or people with close relationships should do this. It is considered an absolute insult for anyone not family, or not in a relationship (or even friends) to do this.
Yanking anothers Tail Scolding, punishment, attention grabbing
Grabbing anothers Tail Attention grabbing
Growl Annoyance, Offending Common more amongst Kits, than adults.
Left knee down touching ground, right arm across chest, head held low Youth Corps Salute


My'leke body gestures are somewhat identical to those of the Shukaren, but with some notable differences

Action Meaning Notes
Teeth Bare Means hostility or anger
Teeth closed but head is cocked refers to curiousity
Tail whipping about Angry, nervous or scared
Tail wrapped around body in pain
Tail swishing back and forth casually Curious without the ears forward, VERY curious with them forward
Sitting down, body stright up Military Attention
Ears flat listening
Ears forward curious
Ears back startled or alert
Both front paws forward of the head Respectful gesture
Tailed wiped around front, tip over forehead Military style salute
Stroking tail sign of affection Warning: Only family members, or people with close relationships should do this. It is considered an absolute insult for anyone not family, or not in a relationship (or even friends) to do this.
Biting tail sign of hostility if the person is unknown, sign of scolding if known
Still fur fearful or being scared
Claws extended hostility

Language Dictionary

The following is list of words commonly used by both the Shukaren and Myleke, this list is expected to be updated as new words are created. These are words that are different from the English varient. Some words can sound demeaning or harsh if said in one way, or affectionet and cute in another.

Word Pronouciation Translation
Daur Da-ar Means altered, changed, or different
Laibe Lie-by Means Pure or Perfect
Foite Foe-et A predatory animal that had four legs and a long tail, primarily hunted in packs. Had long fur, slitted eyes, and was fast - fimiliar to a fox.
Ci'tiyous Ga'nudren Cii-tee-yus Gu-na-druen City Guard
Ci'tiyous Cii-tee-yus City
Tin'shaa Ten-sha Sister
Tin'chuu Ten'cuu Brother
Tini'shaa Ten-e-sh Little sister
Tini'chuu Ten-e-cuu Little brother
Lie'chen'da Lee-chi-da Salute, Give Thanks, Honourly Salute, Give Greeting Four seperate meaning providing four entirely different methods of salute. Military personnel do not use this, only civilians and honour guards.
Nit'ashe Nii-it-ash-ii Yes, Done, No, Go Away Depending on how it is used, the word can mean different things. When used in an excited tone, it can be yes and done, but when in an annoyed or angry tone could mean no or go away.
Vi'cana Vee-kaa-naa Cherished Friend
Ga'nudren Gu-na-druen Protect, Defense, Guard
Shukara Shu-car-ra Blessed
Shukari Shu-car-rii The Archaic term for Neshaten
Lhu'kafashe Luu'cae'faa'see Refers to any of the three main kingdom's species
Tri'tro Tree-tow Money
Teu'seon Tee-ya-son Star, Star System, Solar Flare, Solar Star
Shukaren Shu-car-ren No Translation
Lordis Lore-dis Neshaten word for 'hell' and their version of it
My'leke My-Lek-e No Translation
Kit(s) Ki-tes Child, Kid, (Children), toddler
Fiko Fee-koo Brat, stupid, idiot, fool
Drisa Dre-za Damn
Srisa Sher-za Shit
Dekazo Knee-ka-zoe Killed, Dead, Death, Parished
Kisha Key-sah-aa means cat
Sho'va Show-vaa Haunty
Kranemela Kri-nee-ma-laa Someone lacking of experience
Xerabe X-ear-bee Childish or immature, a person who can't or won't act like an adult
She'tan'ora Shee-than-ore Blessed Wind, Blessed as the Wind
She'ta Shee-tha Wind
Nora nore-ah Blessed
Sah Se-ah Respectful way of addressing a person who is their senior, simliar to 'sir'
Yuah You-ah Used to address someone who is a junior
Osfo'rium Oh-fo-ree-umm Used in relation to secret military sites, can also refer to Black Sites
Oiesal Oh-iee-sal Nocturnal
Me'erde Mi-ir-day Person of questional birth, bastard
Qui'tre Qu-is-try Thermonuclear, something of immense heat
Se’precon Se-pro-cun Means to 'Fight to the Death', it is a word that must never be uttered.
Shi'non'ha Shee-no-he Means 'daywalker' or someone who walks in the day, as opposed to the night. A diurnal species.
Shi'flo'ha Shee-foo-he Opposite of Shi'non'ha, a person who walks during the night. A nocturnal species
Shu'sha Suu-soo Class President, Student Body President, CEO, Foreman Shu'sha has a large number of different meaning behind it depending on how and when it is used, but the word typically refers to a person in a leadership or commanding position, which mean it isn't just restricted to a school or company setting but can also be found used within the military, although very rarely.

Military Terminology

Words typically used by military personnel.

Word meaning
Fast Mover Anything that penetrates a fleets or planets sensor net
Scramble To move ships quickly, such as during an emergency

Material Dictionary

A material dictionary is a dictionary for material names. This includs materials such as steel or alluminum, but that fall under a different name for the Neshaten. For the sake of simplicity and ease, players don't 'have' to use the Tinacen word for a material.

Word Pronouciation Translation
Yucrolium You-crow-lee-um alluminum
Sru'cra Strew-crow steel

Time Dictionary

The following are the words used in relation to time for the Neshaten.

Word Pronouciation Translation
Hectra Heck-ter-ah Means Hour
Mitura My-tour-rah Means Minute

Whole Sentence Dictionary

Sentenec Pronouciation Translation meaning
shi'va vest c'avi she-vaa ve-sit - ka-ve “With adversity comes great progress” Means that when faced with danger, a person can overcome it and learn
troh'u shaa tru-yu sha-aa “I shall never leave your side” is considered a form of honour amongst the Neshaten, to not leave one's side in the face of danger

Military Dictionary

The following are military language words, how they are pronounced, and their rough meaning.

Specific Military Words Pronounciation Rough Translation
I'Neubreca Eye-New-Bra-kaa New, Untrained, Recruit
D'Uruulin Da-You-Rule-In Soldier of the Third Class
C'Baruce See-Bah-Ruch Soldier of the Second Class
A'Fuereb Aaa-Foe-rib Soldier of the First Class
X'Muyeia X-Mue-yee-ea Corporal
O'Eytene Oh-Ei-ten Sergeant
F'Bantau Fah-Baun-toe Master Sergeant
G'Tyere Ge-Tii-eerie Petty Warrant Officer
Y'Verus Ye-Vear-Us Chief Warrant Officer
R'Mueta Rar-Mew-tay Master Warrant Officer
V'Quirese Vey-Qare-Rez Cadet Second Class
Z'Nyucese Zee-Nyuu-cease Cadet First Class
N'Marida Nin-Mare-ide Ensign
W'Xesna Wa-Xis-nay Junior Lieutenant
M'Aura Me-Aura Senior Lieutenant
E'Leuyte Eey-Lute-yetie Master Lieutenant
U'Cetrinal You-Cent-tri-nal Captain
J'Yura Jah-You-rah Senior Captain
P'Iurebe Paa-or-rebe Admiral
Q'Abrenal Qyee-Abe-ree-nal Fleet Admiral
Sere'ta'kon Seer-ree-tah-con Special

When a new ship is commissioned, it is given a name by its captain. Since most names have a meaning behind them, they are often included the military's dictionary of ship names. Sometimes, a ship isn't called by its given name, but by it's meaning. An example is the NSV-Gam'trosha, some may refer to it instead as the NSV-Light of Wings.

Ship Names Meaning Pronounciation
Gam'trosha Light of Wings Game-tru-sha

language/tinacen.1655696408.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:55 (external edit)