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Submission Rules

The Star Army setting is unique and interesting because it has been built over the years by SARPers. These rules govern the addition of material to the Star Army's setting canon.

General Rules

  1. All articles submitted to the site must:
    1. Be useful and relevant in the SARP setting
    2. Have a reasonable level of plausibility and scientific explanation without being overly complex.
    3. Use proper grammar and spelling
    4. Use the standard format or template, if applicable
    5. Follow the Style Guide
    6. Have Damage Rating (Version 3) information, if applicable
    7. Have speeds in compliance with the Starship Speed Standard, if applicable
    8. Use the Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable
    9. Show Pricing, if applicable
    10. Comply with the Weapon Limitations, if applicable
    11. Have approval of the manager(s) of any factions or corporations producing any product/item.
      1. FMs should be consulted about the concept before work is started on the article.
      2. FM and article writer should maintain good communication during the development phase.
      3. FMs must post in the submission thread so we know they've seen the article in its submitted format.
    12. Have the in-character year they are released (should be the current IC year)
    13. Contain enough detail to be used in the roleplay.
  2. Articles submitted to the site must not contain:
    1. Copypasta (i.e. paragraphs copied from another page on the wiki; link to a shared article instead)
    2. Copyrighted material or trademarks
    3. Obscenity or excessive profanity
    4. Names of actual persons, living or dead, regardless of historical significance
    5. Hotlinks and/or images hosted on third-party websites (only images on Star Army are permitted)
    6. Second-person language (you, your), unless specifically talking to the reader/player (i.e. instructions).
  3. If a question/objection is raised during the review, it is not acceptable to merely answer in the forum thread; the wiki article must also be edited to reflect the response.
  4. It is not a valid argument to justify overpowered or questionable abilities on your submission by…
    1. pointing to an older submission, especially one of a different faction
    2. promising in-universe restrictions on use or availability
  5. Articles must be on the wiki in the correct namespace and URL to be approved.
  6. Articles will not be approved via forum private messages or in IRC. Approval should be posted in the thread only.
  7. Unapproved articles must contain a notice in the OOC Notes saying the page is not yet approved.
  8. If you're submitting a new warship, you should also submit a civilian ship (to help develop factions).
    • Alternatively, Instead of the normal civilian ship required with each military ship submission, you also have the option of submitting a ship or piece of useful equipment for an “enemy” faction. See Wes for details.
  9. If submitting a firearms or weapons article, the ammunition must be linked as a separate article. This allows other weapons to easily share the same ammunition type without having the ammo description posted in multiple places. Ideally, the ammunition should be submitted first. Ammunition goes in the guns: namespace Ammunition Template
  10. If your submission is an update of an older article, you must provide NTSE moderators with a complete list of changes.
  11. See Creating A Species for species submission rules and guidelines.
  12. OOC Notes sections at the bottom of articles are going to be mandatory from now on. They need to include:
    1. Art credits
    2. Who wrote the article
    3. When the article was approved and by whom (preferably with a link).

Unwanted Articles

Please do not submit articles of the following types:

  • New dimensions or planes of existence
  • New methods of faster-than-light travel
  • Self-replicating super battleships
  • Godlike beings
  • Technologies obviously designed to circumvent or ignore current SARP rules and systems
  • Nanotechnology-based anti-starship weapons
  • Technology that allows objects to pass through other objects (“phasing” etc)
  • Magic, in general

We also generally won't accept cutting edge or advanced technology for factions that don't have any role-play going on.

Tip: Make an effort to improve on existing designs; we have a lot of good designs that could use some refit or upgrading.


  1. Illustrations may be required for approval of articles.
    1. This depends on the faction.
  2. We strongly suggest creating or obtaining illustrations for the following article categories:
    1. Starships and vehicles (anything a character can drive or pilot)
    2. Uniforms (anything a character can wear)
    3. Weapons (anything a character can shoot)
  3. Artwork is always required for new species.

Articles for the Yamatai Star Empire require artwork if they're in the following categories.

  • Starships and vehicles
  • Uniforms
  • Weapons of any type, especially handheld weapons

Review Policy

  1. Reviews should include the checklist found in the guide: Reviewing Submissions.
    • Approvals that do not have the checklist may be revoked by any NTSE mod or admin for any reason up to three months after their approval date.
    • You, the submitter, have the right and responsibility to ask for the checklist.
  2. All reviews must be done in a constructive manner. This is an expectation and will be enforced.
  3. Remember Technology & Setting Forum Staff and Admin reviews hold the weight in terms of approval or disapproval. While it is important to keep the suggestions of your fellow players in mind, you should be focusing more on these reviews.
  4. Avoid submission_rot if possible.


  1. If your submission is denied, it may be locked. At that time it is the submitter’s responsibility to appeal this by contacting the staff/admin who locked and put “not approved” on it. When that staff/admin feels that the topic is ready to be unlocked pending your discussion on the submission, it will be done.
  2. If after the appeal, your submission is still not approved you should consider strongly the advice given by the staff/admin and move on.

Once your Submission is Approved

  1. Add a link to the article in the timeline's appropriate year.
  2. Make sure you add it to the list(s) if applicable:
  3. Any refits, modifications or overhauls that change the submission from its state at the time of approval must be submitted for approval. Include a list of the changes made, to point out the areas requiring focus. In particular, re-approval is required for changes to:
    • Speed
    • Damage output
    • Damage capacity
    • Special capabilities
    • Damage Rating version (i.e. converting from DRv2 to DRv3)
  4. We suggest that you add an OOC section to the bottom of your article that gives the following information:
    • Author(s) information
    • Copyright information, if applicable (for the article and art used in it)
    • The date and time of approval
    • The moderator who approved the article
    • Whether or not the checklist was used
    • Other relevant information such as faction managers who approved the article.

Permission Restrictions & Consequences for not following Submission Rules

  1. Any participant in the Technology and Setting process found in violation of the above rules will be served a 3-7 day permission restriction which will remove their ability to post in the Technology and Setting forum.
  2. Repeated offenders or in cases determined by staff to be serious will be permanently restricted from posting in the section.
  3. Continued abuse of policy may lead to banning.
  4. Do not try to rush the review process. This includes but is not limited to bumping threads and/or harassing the reviewer in chatrooms by spamming the link to your approval thread.

OOC Notes

wes created this article sometime in 2011; updated this article on 2018/04/18 20:14 after receiving approval from wes on 2018/04/18 16:18.

guide/submission_rules.1557101883.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:53 (external edit)