Sci-fi roleplaying and worldbuilding community

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Please carefully read all of these rules; they are designed to make Star Army enjoyable and consistent for all members. They are not meant to limit you unreasonably or to stifle anyone's creativity. The rules below were forged through experience and adaptation. They protect members from abuse and protect the community itself. Each is important and exists for good reason.

The list is being continually refined but ignorance is no excuse to ignore the rules - they are posted here for all to see and to subscribe to. If you refuse to follow them, then the administration will take action. In the event something is questionable or not covered by the rules, the final say goes to the administration. Please have the courtesy to accept their decisions.


Character Creation

  • The Creating a Character article is the official guide to creating a SARP character.
  • All characters must be original. No characters from television, movies, or books.
  • Don't build your character as part of an existing family or as related to an existing character without their permission .
  • Importing an original character from another RPG is not allowed, but you can build a similar character.
  • Characters not on the wiki will not be approved.


  • Unapproved characters cannot used used in the roleplay, except for in the Cluster Flux freeform RP area.
  • non-player_characters do not belong to role-players, but can be played by them with GM permission.

Membership wishes to provide proper credit to the authors of the works created in the RPG. Please post your contact information on your wiki user page so other people will know how and when they can get a hold of you.

Forum Avatars and Signatures

  • Maximum allowed size is 125 pixels wide and 175 pixels tall.
  • Forum signatures are not displayed on the forum but are visible on member profiles.

Usernames and Passwords

  • Usernames should be 15 characters or less.
  • Only one account per person is authorized.
  • Don't share your password.
  • Don't use a username that is a technical error such as HTTP status codes.
  • You're allowed to change your username if you'd like. If you do, please:
    • Make a post letting everyone know.
    • PM wes with a link to the post and he will change it for you.

Plot Participation

Joining a Plot

  • Only approved player_characters can join canon plots.
    • Exception: The Open Roleplay forum does not require any approval to make or use a character.
  • Game Masters have the right to refuse a player.

Leaving a Plot

Don't just disappear in the middle of an adventure; it can create major problems.

See: Leaving a Plot or The Community

  • Players should tell their GM 3 days in advance if they're leaving the plot.
  • Players leaving a plot have the right to take their player_characters with them, if feasible.
  • non-player_characters belong to the GM and players have no right to take them.

If you have shown that you do not have the time necessary to take part in the RP, you may be asked to leave and open a spot for players who do have the time.


If a staff member, game master, faction manager, moderator, or administrator does not post in 30 consecutive days, we have to assume that they no longer have the ability to perform their duties; therefore, they will be relieved of them. If the member returns after a disappearance, these positions of power should not be restored until a reasonable amount of time has passed in which the member shows activity and good behavior.

  1. Moderators: 6 months
  2. Admins, Staff Global Moderators: 12+ months

Time limits may be excused or shortened if the member gave advanced notice, or disappeared because of a disaster (tsunami, etc) or medical emergency beyond his/control (car crash, etc).

Respect Others

Players must respect fellow players. Being deliberately hurtful to or harassing another player or Game Master will not be tolerated, including remarks made in private or without the victimโ€™s knowledge.

  • Do not harass, threaten, or libel the other players or other people.
  • Do not โ€œflame.โ€ Your post will be deleted or changed and action may be taken against you. Flaming is using abusive language and belittling comments towards other players. This includes sarcastic remarks.
  • If someone harasses you, Save a copy of the offending material. Let the Site GM know immediately.

Do not cuss/swear, threaten, harass, or use derogatory racial terms in your OOC posts; Profanity is allowed in-character, in a JP or SP post as part of a character's speech or thoughts, or in a non-public forum.

โ€œHate speech is a form of vandalism. It defaces the environment, and like a broken window, if left untended, signals to other hoodlums that the coast is clear to do more damage.โ€ โ€“ Gregory Rodriguez

Respect the Community

We want the community to be enjoyable to its members and to be a fun place. New players need to feel welcome, respected, and should be shown Star Armyโ€™s best.

  • No vandalizing or spamming the wiki, imageboard, or forums. People have worked hard on the content here.
  • Listen to administrators and moderators.
  • Do not un-do moderator changes if one edits something out of your post.
  • Do not pose as an administrator or moderator.
  • Stay on topic with the post title and the forum the post is in.

No advertising. Do not use the website to solicit members, promote any product, services, or games of chance (lottery, contests, etc.)

Anyone attempting to steal players (convince them to leave the community for another community) from Star Army will be immediately, permanently banned. Any unauthorized use of Star Army intellectual property or IP licensed by Star Army will be aggressively countered by all means available.

Additional Rules

guide/rules.1397514837.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 15:53 (external edit)