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Star Army Military Laws

Proposal #4 GSA Military Laws Act” was created by Ketsurui Yui in YE 23 and was passed into law with a 10 Yay / 5 Nay vote. This was later elaborated on and replaced in YE 38 by the Star Army Regulations.

Military Laws Act

  1. On a starship, there shall always be two crew on guard, at minimum an officer will be on the bridge and a technician is in engineering. Exceptions to this regulation can be made when the ship is in a friendly dock.
  2. Officers of the Grand Star Army are authorized to confiscate any items they see fit from civilians, and to permit their enlisted men to retrieve certain items as well.
  3. Grand Star Army soldiers will wear Grand Star Army Uniforms approved by their fleet commander whenever on duty. The appropriate Grand Star Army rank pin will always we worn, except when the soldier is in a bathing suit, underwear, or naked. The sidearm is part of the uniform, and although the actual pistol itself may be replace based on the Captain of the ship, all Grand Star Army troops in uniform should be armed whenever in uniform.
  4. The Grand Star Army may discriminate on a basis of species, language, culture, social class, physical attributes, mental attributes, sex, and age so long as it is in the interest of promoting overall efficiency. However, it may not discriminate by not by race, religion, sexual preference, or ancestry.
  5. Citizens will become officers, and plebeians will become enlisted upon initial entry, except for officers of a conquered territory, who may become officers of the Grand Star Army.

OOC Notes

Proposal #4 GSA Military Laws Act was written by Wes on 21 Jan 2003. Kim created this article on 2018/01/04 17:10.

faction/yamatai/senate/star_army_military_laws.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:25 by