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Starship Gravatronic Radar

The gravatronic radar uses specialized sensor arrays involving gravitons. The entire system is designed to actually charge and release a graviton burst in a 360-degree sphere from the ship. The graviton wave would then travel until it hits something, which would then register on the detectors of the Gravatronic Radar. Black Holes and other gravitational anomalies have been theorized to disrupt the Radar.

A Starship Gravatronic Radar is the second smallest of its type. Placed on all classes of Warships, it varies in reliable distance between the various types of warship.

Range Variation

Ship Type Detection Range (Passive) Detection Range (Active)
Escorts N/A 8 Light Seconds (2,398,339 Km)
Cruisers N/A 16 Light Seconds (4,796,679 Km)
Capital Ships N/A 24 Light Seconds (7,195,018 Km)

faction/abwehran_star_empire/technology/starship_gravatronic_radar.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:22 by