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Unified Law Act

Yamatai Star Empire Proposal #61 Unified Law Act was submitted to the Senate of Yamatai in ye 27 by yui is passed by unanimous vote.


  1. To replace the collection of laws with a single source for Yamatai Star Empire law.
  2. To ensure all laws have punishments listed for breaking them, that way justices is fair from one person to the next.
  3. To remove obsolete laws such as the one making the Qel'noran Industrial Sector a Major Corporation.

Unified Law Act

  1. The senate will go through each law and add it to the new unified law, if applicable.
  2. Laws only pertaining to the military will be combined into a separate law document.
  3. Laws may be updated to reflect current conditions (council replaced with senate, GSA replaced with Star Army, etc.), preserving the original intent of the laws.
  4. Ensure all laws have punishments listed.
  5. Provide for the creation of better prison and court systems.

OOC Notes

Proposal #61 Unified Law Act was written by wes on 24 Jan 2005.
kim created this article on 2018/01/06 00:53.

faction/yamatai/senate/unified_law_act.1515229178.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:19 (external edit)