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Senate Voting Fairness Act

Proposal 99: Senate Voting Fairness Act was made in YE 34 by Wes in the Senate of Yamatai to allow all Yamataian voters enough time to respond and cast their votes before a law is motioned to close but still allowing a reasonable amount of time for laws to pass.


  1. To prevent laws from being passed through sheer speed rather than merit.
  2. To give every Yamataian a chance to vote.
  3. To prevent voter fraud.


  1. A period of 3 full days of open voting must elapse before a motion to close can be made.
  2. Poll topics are prohibited, so that all votes are public.

OOC Notes:

The original proposal and discussion was posted by Wes Proposal 99: Senate Voting Fairness Act. Discussion: Wes, Gallant, Aendri, Revolver, Andrew, Toshiro, OsakaOne, ShotJon, and Ira. Proposal was passed Nov 10, 2012 Kim created this article on 2018/01/04 12:39.

faction/yamatai/senate/senate_voting_fairness_act.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:25 (external edit)