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Restoration Of System Senators

Proposal #104: Restoration of System Senators proposed by hanako re-established a Senate of Yamatai voting system based on system representation in the Yamatai Star Empire as opposed to having all members of the Yamatai Star Empire vote individually in YE 34. This proposal passed unopposed after a short discussion.


  1. To restore the older, more efficient form of the senate.
  2. To hold voters accountable.


  1. Rather than direct democracy, the leader of each system would represent them. The wording of the Constitution would be updated to reflect this. In the case of planets without an existing representative, the representative would be elected by popular vote. In order to vote, a star system would require a population of over 10,000 citizens.
  2. All proposals and votes must be signed by their submitter, so that their origin is clear.
  3. Add language to the Constitution that The Commander of the Star Army, the Emperor or Empress of Yamatai, and the Imperial Premier of Yamatai cannot be senators representing a star system.

Pertinent Discussion

β€œEvery Yamataian citizen should have to declare a home system. This allows for Senators to represent all people based in that space whether on-planet, in a fleet stationed there, or on starbases.” ~Raz

OOC Notes

This bill was created by wes to facilitate roleplay with NPC/PC senators instead of faceless votes. As a result, the proposal received OOC and IC responses. The number of star systems in Yamatai’s holdings is enormous so it is feasible for most players that want to play a senator to do so, but this encourages players that are interested in political RP to engage while not requiring those disinterested to participate but enables them to provide their input.
It passed on 15 Nov 2012 with OOC and IC responses from andrew, wes, nashoba, Kim, Gallant, toshiro, yoshi, luca, and fred.
Kim created this article on 2018/01/04 15:33.

faction/yamatai/senate/restoration_of_system_senators.1554315757.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:19 (external edit)