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Possessions Of The Dead

Proposal #49 Possessions of the Dead was created yui in ye 24 this proposal unanimously passed into law on the Senate of Yamatai.


  1. To benefit those who recently lost a loved one.
  2. To free otherwise locked funds.
  3. To benefit the Yamatai Star Empire.

Possessions Of The Dead

  1. Any sentient beings (slaves, children) that a deceased person owned are freed. Unless, of course, they killed him or had him killed. In that case, they are sentenced to death.
  2. Possessions of a deceased person go to whoever the dead person willed it to. If the person has no will on file with the Yamatai Star Empire, the items go to the Yamatai Star Empire.
  3. If the dead person has a single closest friend or love, that person will get it. It it is disputed, the stuff goes to the Yamatai Star Empire.
  4. Non-sentient beings will go to the Yamatai Star Empire unless willed to someone.

OOC Notes

Proposal #49 Possessions of the Dead was written by wes on 09 Jan 2004.
kim created this article on 2018/01/05 18:22.

faction/yamatai/senate/possessions_of_the_dead.1515205744.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:18 (external edit)