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Proposal #82: Extradition Policies II

This proposal is still pending in the Senate of Yamatai, it was submitted in YE 30 by Senator Ha'leh 'Aegis' Yaweh Fyunnen.


1. To promote better peace between Yamatai and her neighbors.

2. Extradition policies will be put into effect which will allow for Yamataian citizens to be extradited to foreign powers for trial to ensure justice.


1: Extradition will be granted only in cases involving crimes such as murder, genocide, rape, and other death-penalty worthy crimes.

2: Each extradition request will be reviewed by three or more senators. Review will be conducted prior to the pursuit, arrest, detaining, and transfer of the suspect.

3: Extradition will also apply to known ST copies, which the nation receiving the copies must keep intact for the duration of the trial of the suspect. ST copies may be utilized by the suspect's prosecutors and defense.

4: Prior to extradition, defendants have the opportunity to surrender themselves in for questioning and trial.

5: An independent investigation will be conducted regarding the suspects crime, and will be presented at the suspect's trial.

6: Extradition rights will only be granted to nations with a policy of innocent until proven guilty, rights to expedient trial, and rules against cruel and unusual punishment.

7: The suspect has the right to appeal prior to extradition, and be granted an extradition appeal trial, where they will be allowed the opportunity to argue their innocence, and if it is determined by an unbiased court of law that the individual is innocent of the crime through factual evidence, the extradition request will be denied.

8: Each extradited suspect will have a legal representative assigned by the Yamatai Empire or where ever else the suspect requests. If this legal representative finds at any time that the suspect is being treated unfairly during trial, the extradition will be revoked. However, the representative must furnish evidence of mistreatment or prejudice.

9: (REMOVED) This proposal will override previous proposal statements in regard to conflicts of wording or interpretation.

faction/yamatai/senate/extradition_policies_ii.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:25 by