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Mizumitsu Samurai

The Mizumitsu (水密) samurai are the 2nd half (the Ryu Clan being the other) of the merged Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan. They are tasked with the protection of the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan and its business assets. Their modern organization was established in YE 43.



A Lianjia Clan that converted much of their culture to Yamatai, the Mizumitsu settled within the area that would become the Yumi Province of Yamatai. Due to their abnormal origin, the Mizumitsu have always been considered unorthodox when compared to the samurai of other clans of Yamatai. Where most are only considered samurai if they are born into a clan, the Mizumitsu are quite willing to adopt outsiders into them if they prove themselves willing and deserving to follow their traditions.

After YE 35, ashigaru began to be recruited and trained in order to supplement their losses from previous wars.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Amongst the Samurai of the Yamatai Star Empire, the Mizumitsu are known to be very unorthodox with their tactics. Where the Ketsurui Samurai could be said to mainly have only one look, there is a much wider diversity amongst the Mizumitsu in not only looks but also species with at least one adopted Kodians and Separa'Shan. But despite this, all from the lowest ashigaru to the daimyo share some characteristics:

  • Mizumitsu Samurai are not to show strong emotions in public.
  • Mizumitsu Samurai must display a decent standard of language in speech and never use contractions/slang.
  • Mizumitsu Samurai never put their sword back into their sheaths without drawing blood. The same is applied to firearms, it must be shot if it is pulled out/not in the low ready.

Mizumitsu Samurai Code

Another distinguishing characteristic of the Mizumitsu Samurai is the oath they are expected to follow. While it comes from a time when the Mizumitsu exercised more power and influence they no longer have, samurai are still expected to let the oath guide what legal actions they are capable of doing. Due to this, it has since evolved into 8 characters:

  • Righteousness (義, gi): A Mizumitsu Samurai leads by example and believes in justice, honesty, and integrity. He does not turn a blind eye to wrongdoing.
  • Heroic Courage (勇, yū): A Mizumitsu Samurai must always face fear, danger, or adversity (physical or mental) head-on.
  • Benevolence, Compassion (仁, jin): A Mizumitsu Samurai must use their training for good. He must always render aid to his fellows at every opportunity and make one when none are to be found. (Some Mizumitsu take this a step forward and see that they deliver vengeance on wrongdoers on behalf of the innocent. Normally within frontier space)
  • Respect (礼, rei): A Mizumitsu Samurai does not make judgments based on prejudices but on facts. A righteous heart can appear in the darkest of corners. He must also not be cruel.
  • Honesty (誠, makoto): A Mizumitsu Samurai do what is right, legally and morally. He does never break his word once it is given. Speaking and doing are the same action.
  • Honour (名誉, meiyo): A Mizumitsu Samurai lives up to the values of the clan. Decisions they make and how they are carried out are a reflection on themselves.
  • Duty and Loyalty (忠義, chūgi): A Mizumitsu Samurai bears true faith and fulfills his obligations to the Empire, Clan, and those placed under his charge.
  • Self-Control (自制, jisei): A Mizumitsu Samurai is a master of his emotions. He does deliver disproportionate punishment and he does not unleash his rage on the innocent.


Mizumitsu Samurai were historically trained in the rainforests of Yumi Province, Yamatai. But they are now seeking to expand locations of training grounds.


  • Trainees only wear white, like Ketsurui Samurai. When training, they don grey hakama and half-kimono. They are unarmed in such circumstances, wearing only tasers and bokken. The training lasts for 4 months for prior Star Army of Yamatai service and 7 months for non-veterans. They are not considered samurai yet.
  • Those that graduate training are given the title of Ashigaru. They are allowed to wear navy blue hakama and grey half-kimono and may wear them in non-combat duty stations. They are trusted to be armed with a single short blade in addition to their service firearm.
  • Journeymen and women are those that wish to formally become samurai and are deemed worthy. The probationary period ends when their sponsor thinks they are ready for full status after taking assignments in the interest of clan and empire. They are permitted to wear black hakama and black, white, or grey yukata. They are also required to wear a long blade (typically katana) in addition to their service firearm.
  • Those that complete their training and are either formally adopted (end of their journey) or born into the clan and reached maturity are considered full samurai. They wear black hakama, yukata with a color of their choosing (normally black), and wear a daisho. They may take assignments freely that represent the interests of the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan, though usually they serve positions of leadership over the security guards and ashigaru.
  • Daimyo of the clan wears all navy blue hakama and yukata. The Daimyo ultimately speaks for the Mizumitsu Clan.

The mon of the clan is located on the left breast of the half-kimono and yukata. When a haori is worn, the mon is also located on the back. All uniforms besides the trainee uniform have Dataweave sandwiched between Kinugoshi-ko to provide basic protection. For tactical purposes, heavier gear is worn as needed.

Compared to other samurai in the Yamatai Star Empire, the Mizumitsu Samurai are unique in not requiring formal wear at all times. So long as the clothing does not present an appearance of being dirty/unkept, it is generally acceptable.


Knowing you can't know every style of martial arts out, the Mizumitsu have opted to keep what is expected of them at a minimum. Should a samurai seek to learn new styles, that is up to them and they are expected to teach at least one fellow samurai once they are proficient in it. Mizumitsu Budo are currently splint between two schools of thought, Mizumitsu-ryu and Tenmitsu-ryu.


The school of martial arts claiming to be from an ancient folk hero of celestial blood, the Mizumitsu-ryu is a fairly aggressive style favoring focused power strikes using a nagamaki nodachi and the user having a controlled rage/high degree of focus on the opponent. Though despite that, other sub-arts are practiced, teaching practitioners to adapt to the situation.

The following arts are taught within the school:


Founded by Mizumitsu Takashi, Tenmitsu-ryu (Three Divines Style) takes the Mizumitsu tendency for philosophy almost to a religious level. Disciples of the school often take vows of becoming warrior-monks.

The following arts are taught within the school:

Neko Mizumitsu Samurai also often learn Collection of Infinite Ancient Leaves (Mugen'Yoshu Senko) making use of poems from the clan.


Like the Ketsurui Samurai, the Mizumitsu samurai classify their members into specialization classes. Though, with the exception of Sensei, the Mizumitsu rank them equally with each other.

  • Sensei-no-budô: This is a class reached after time in another class as they are the trainers of the martial and combat arts of the Mizumitsu Samurai.
  • Yojimbo: These are Samurai who are trained in the task of close protection. They guard members of the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan or important clients deemed worthy enough to contract with.
  • Hohei: Mizumitsu combat specialists, often functioning similar to the Ketsurui Gunsotsu. But Mizumitsu Hohei tempers their love for combat with a cause for justice and a pursuit for philosophy. They are typically the first to jump to action when the people of the empire are threatened.
  • Karibito-no-akuma: Mizumitsu demon hunters are the professional killers of the clan; they are dispatched as a secret force to eliminate enemies of the Empire. They are also often used to track down traitors of the clan, working with local authorities within the Nepleslian/Yamatai space. Outside of it, they operate in groups.
  • Fukei: The law enforcement of the Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan, lacking the wide jurisdiction Ketsurui Fukei have. As such they often work as private investigators in order to assist local authorities in their pursuit of justice. Outside of Imperial space, they act as knight errants, attempting to bring order to the frontier and provide protection of communities from pirates/bandits.
  • Arahoshi: Warrior-monks traveling within the Empire, often possessing another class (Fukei and Karibito-no-akuma most common). They act as spiritual guides, arbiters of justice, and provide some other form of community assistance. While an arahoshi's official authority is minimal, their influence can be far greater. Warrior-monks tend to settle within a community for some time, once they believe they have found their place to protect.
  • Technology Specialist: Combat Specialists that complement other classes with their abilities to hack/manipulate technology and usage of drones. They often act as scouts and are crossed trained as Karibito-no-akuma or Fukei.


Mizumitsu Samurai are typically trained in the following skills:

  • Communications: Mizumitsu Samurai are skilled in using various means of communication such as NH-lifeform digital telepathy and radios. They speak both fluent Trade (language) and Yamataigo (邪馬台語), with an expectation to learn a third language.
  • Fighting: A Mizumitsu Samurai is an expert in modern warfare. Each is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons they are an expert in include energy pistols, swords, spears, staves, and knives. They are also skilled in the use of rifles, grenades, and crewed support weapons.
  • Humanities: Mizumitsu Samurai are taught to spend much of their personal time cultivating their mental strength. They are known to be proficient poets (poetry/calligraphy) and philosophers (philosophy) as a result.
  • Knowledge: Mizumitsu Samurai are expected to know existing laws of the Yamatai Star Empire and how to reference them. They are also trained in the arts of diplomacy to help act as mediators in conflicts.

Player's Expactations

While they do not have the prestige of the Ketsurui Samurai, they are expected to present the best side of themselves at all times and follow a code. Those that decide to create a samurai of the Mizumitsu Clan should be familiar with the code of bushido (Meiji era entry).

For technology specialists, Computing Systems And Security is also a good read.

OOC Notes

demibear created this article on 2021/02/10 23:11.

Approved by Andrew on 03/12/2021. 3)

faction/yamatai/ryu-mizumitsu_clan/mizumitsu_samurai.1665577224.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:18 (external edit)