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Roles Within the UOCPF

Enlisted Path

Enlisted Peacekeepers are the most common ranks, they are the devoted souls who have selected to serve their nation. They are also the jack-of-all-trades; since mission priorities are diverse they face several different situations requiring skills introduced to them at recruitment training. Specialization is only when the enlisted decides to or is invited to attend the academy to begin officer training. Jobs enlisted are called on to do:

  • Power Armor Piloting
  • Delivery of Humanitarian aide
  • Security
  • Engineering
  • Starship piloting
  • Cooking, Cleaning, etc.
  • Defend UOC holdings, ships, and bases
  • Assist in government funded civilian projects

See: Enlisted Peacekeeper Ranks

The Academy: Transition

When an enlisted has preformed their duties to the best ability, they may be recommended by their commanding officer to attend the academy. Enlisted Peacekeepers can also apply to attend, but it is easier to get in with the recommendation of a superior officer as support of their skills.

Attendance doesn't always mean leaving the ship the Peacekeeper is currently serving on, on many ships in the fleet courses can be taken by communications and in-the-field experience. Courses lead the Peacekeeper in the transition from enlisted to officer, aiding them in becoming specialized and preparing them for the learning experience that is command.

See: Cadet rank.

Officer Paths

Level 1:Officer

Level 1 Officer placements are the most common, they generally report to Level 2 Officers, and are next in line for Level 2 positions.

Level 2:Command Officer

Level 2 represents those ranks where the command of a ship or a squadron of ships is given. They report to Flag Officers.

Level 1:Logistics Officer

A Logistics Officer is specialized in getting personnel, equipment, and cargo from point A to point B in an efficient and protected manner. They have a tendency to keep enlisted Peacekeepers very busy.

On Planetary Bases/Other Bases

Logistics Officers:

  • coordinate with command for the placement, schedules, and assignments of personnel.
  • ensure personnel and power armors and are properly equipped.
  • coordinate the receiving, storage and distribution of cargo and supplies.
  • oversee orders placed by logistics officers on ships and in the field.

On Ships/In the Field

Logistics Officers:

  • coordinate with command for the placement, schedules, and assignments of personnel.
  • ensure personnel and power armors and are properly equipped.
  • coordinate the receiving, storage and distribution of cargo and supplies.
  • coordinate with engineers and command in regards to ordering products from command or military contractors.
  • oversee and coordinate the delivery of humanitarian supplies.

Level 1:Engineers

Engineers keep bases, ships and equipment in good condition.

All Engineering Placements


  • perform maintenance on systems and gear to keep them in good working order.
  • coordinate and perform repairs to damaged equipment.
  • regulate power-systems, propulsion systems, computer systems, etc.

Level 1:Operations Officer

Operations officers preform duties which pertain to the day-to-day running of a ship or base.

All Operations Placements

Operations Officers:

  • pilot ships or lead power armor wings.
  • coordinate with logistics an engineering for operations.
  • operate ship weapons and defenses.
  • coordinate and lead security details.
  • ensure mission objectives are being handled.

Level 1:Science and Medical Officer

Science and Medical Officers preform the following duties:


  • operate scanning equipment.
  • run laboratories
  • conduct field research.


  • serve as doctors on ships and bases.
  • coordinate medical teams in the field.
  • perform surgeries and other medical procedures.

Level 2: Executive Officer

Generally the second in command of a ship. Assists the Commanding Officer by:

  • coordinating and issuing orders to Level 1 positions.
  • capable of commanding the ship in the absence of the commanding officer.

Level 2: Commanding Officer

The Commanding Officer of a ship, or a group of ships depending on rank. Handles all ship business.

Flag Officer Paths

Fleet Division Command

Fleet Division commanders lead large groups of ships, coordinating all personnel beneath them. They report to the Fleet Admiral.

Fleet Command

Fleet Admirals are responsible for the command of the fleets. They must coordinate all personnel beneath them and they report to the Office of the Ranks of the UOCPF.

faction/united_outer_colonies/united_outer_colonies_peacekeeper_forces/roles.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/04 15:11 by wes