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United Outer Colonies Peacekeeper Forces Pirate Task Force Directives


The United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces' Pirate Task Force or the PTF for short, have establish a loose set of guidelines for the ships tasked with the job of investigating reports of piracy and the event of successful arrests or surrender of pirates.

The quoted sections below are the directives as given to the crew of the ucs_zenpyou by Commander Fleming before they set out on their first mission.


  • To investigate the reports of piracy we receive before we take any of the supposed pirates into our custody or harm them. Admiral Mitsuya and Prime Minister Tange wanted to be absolutely clear that we are not to act as Executioners, as that would make us no better than the pirates.

Use of Lethal Force

  • If we witness harm to someone or if we are fired upon, we have the right to protect and defend ourselves at whatever cost.
  • We are authorized to use as much force as the situation dictates to resolve any potential threats to life. We are not to use lethal force to protect property- only life.

Pursuit of Potential Suspects

If the pirates run- we are authorized to pursue; if they hide within a planetary population we are authorized to conduct a house to house search until we find them. We have been asked to use discretion and try our best to respect the privacy of our citizens but we cannot allow pirates to get back out and harm others.

Provided that no hazard to the general population is caused, Peacekeepers are allowed to pursue potential suspects at above normal speeds.

Treatment of Prisoners

Now, if we do end up with prisoners we are not authorized to treat them harshly or use β€˜grieving’ techniques to interrogate them unless we know for certain that the information will stop someone from dying.

Prisoners being transported to a holding facility for trial must be treated as ethically as possible. The only exception to this is if the prisoner endangers the life or causes physical harm to themselves, other prisoners or the Peacekeepers transporting them. Then Peacekeepers are authorized to take appropriate actions to protect themselves and the others in their charge.

All prisoners are to be given the things required for life: food; water; a clean and safe environment; and physical exercise to prevent muscles from atrophying. They will also be given things to help maintain some personal dignity: substantial clothing; clean undergarments; some measure of privacy to use the toilet; and the ability to keep themselves clean. Certain things are considered privileges and can be granted to the prisoners based on the discretion of the captain: such things as books; cigarettes; and personal items. Peacekeepers are allowed to restrict certain necessities as punishments but not enough to place the prisoner into physical harm.

Harsh treatment is defined as: subjecting a prisoner to verbal; sexual and/or physical abuse for reasons other than interrogation or as part of a legal sentence. Sexual abuse of prisoners will not be tolerated for any reason and any Peacekeepers discovered to be doing such will be arrested, removed of their rank and benefits and subject to criminal proceedings.

faction/united_outer_colonies/pirate/directive.1535993587.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:17 (external edit)