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Khorsoi Republic

Flag of Khorsovarolor

After the disaster of the Khorsovarolor Incident and the equally as disastrous Abwehran Occupation of Khorsovarolor, the Khorsoi have managed to pick themselves up and carry on with their lives. The former countries of Khorsovarolor still remain, but no longer have the power they once could muster. Instead, they act more like a divisions of governance under the Khorsoi Republic that was formed in late YE 32.

Considered a neutral, independent state in Abwehran Imperial Territory, the Khorsoi Republic has legitimately declared its protest of the Abwehran Star Empire's actions and as well as lodging formal talks of reparations. However, the Republic is held under the Khorsovarolor Peace Treaty, which limits its ability to project power militarily.

The Khorsoi Republic is divided into three branches of governance: the Judiciary, the Council, and the Governorship.


The Governorship is headed by the Governor of Khorsovarolor and is popularly elected into the position for two terms of six years each. In many aspects, the Governor acts and is chosen much like the Secretary-General of the old government. To be eligible for the Governorship, the Candidate for Governor must satisfy at least three of the following requirements:

  • Aged 35 years or older.
  • Natural-born or naturalized citizen.
  • Currently hold office of Governor1)
  • Served in the military for 20 years
  • Served as a politician for 10 years
  • Served as a civil servant for 10 years
  • Served 20 years in a public office at an administration level.

Exceptions to the eligibility rule may be made; it has already been established that there is a pool of 100 candidates at maximum, though the number is usually around 30 candidates. After the initial popular vote is tallied a second, private vote is taken by the Council. At the final stages the candidates are also asked to vote. Naturally they cannot vote for themselves but they are asked to choose which of their brothers they would wish to see hold office for the next twenty years.

The Governor has the ability to veto any laws that come from the Council, however this veto maybe overturned if 4/5ths of the Council vote to pass it afterwards. The Governor also has the power to appoint candidates for the Judiciary.

The Governorship also has seven offices responsible for managing the state of affairs on Khorsovarolor, each with a title that is appointed by the Governor and approved by the Judiciary. The seven main offices are taken from the old government and are as follows:

  • Protector of the Cities (Commerce, Industry and Agriculture)
  • Magister of the Relics (Science, Technology and information regarding such)
  • Chancellor of the Armada (Sea/spacefaring transit logistics and administration)
  • Grand Master of the Legion (Transportation Logistics and Administration
  • Lord Marshal of the Wings (Aerospace transit logistics and administration)
  • Grand Librarian (Education and Public Health)
  • Keeper of the Arts (Entertainment, Publication and Information)


The Council is a unicameral legislative body formed from 200 elected officials from different districts around the globe. Each Councilor can be elected for three terms of eight years each and must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Must be at least 25 years of age.
  • Must be a naturalized or natural-born citizen
  • Must have served at least 3 years of military or civil service.

The Council is led by a Prime Minister, who serves in that capacity for as long as he can form a coalition between the majority of political parties. The Prime Minister is elected by popular vote and maybe removed from office by a Vote of No Confidence if his coalition should fail to pass an annual budget. Candidates for Prime Minister are appointed by the Council and must have served as Councilor for at least two years prior to his candidacy.

The Council has both the Power of the Purse and the Power to Create Rough Drafts of Laws. With this, the Council is effectively the strongest part of the government. However, the other branches have their own abilities to check the Council from becoming too powerful. The Council also has its checks on the other branches. For instance, the Council might deny a Candidate for the Judiciary to check that branch. It also has the ability to call a Vote of No Confidence upon the Governor, though the Vote itself is done via popular vote.


The Judiciary is a group of twenty-four individuals that maintain the new Constitution of the Khorsoi Republic and maintain a constant vigil on the legality of Khorsoi Law. Each individual is known as a Magistrate and is popularly elected for life. Candidates for Magistrate are appointed by the Governor and approved/disapproved by the Council. Magistrates may also be removed from office based upon a Vote of No Confidence that maybe initiated by either the Council or the Governor, the Vote itself is done via Popular Election.

To be a Magistrate, a Candidate must satisfy all of the follow requirements:

  • Must be at least 35 years of age.
  • Must be a member of the Judicial System in some manner:
    • Prosecutor
    • Defender
    • Judge
  • Must have served in the Judicial System for at least 10 years.

The Judiciary has the Power of Interpreting the Khorsoi Constitution, which gives them the ability to remove laws that are considered unconstitutional from the “Law Books”.

Political Parties

After the Abwehran Occupation of Khorsovarolor, much of Khorsoi society became fractured even with the Unification and Creation of the Khorsoi Republic. Because of this, many parties were formed for further the goals and ideals of certain groups. These are some of the major ones.

Anti-Abwehran Party

An extremist party that finds popularity in many Khorsoi, the Anti-Abwehran Party has formed an almost permanent coalition with the Khorsoi First Party. However, while their allies tend towards isolationist policies, the Anti-Abwehran Party prefers more proactive policies. Many members express interest in ignoring the Khorsovarolor Peace Treaty, but tend to not voice it due to lingering fears of the Abwehran Star Empire's military might compared to theirs.

Khorsoi First Party

Currently the Major Party in power, the Khorsoi First Party holds a Coalition with in the Council that contains 70% of the Council Seats. The main objective of the party is to further the development and growth of the new Khorsoi Republic, so long as the Republic is led by Khorsoi for Khorsoi. They tend to favor isolationist and xenophobic policies.

Nationalist Party

Born from the former politicians of Khorsovarolor's Countries, the Nationalist Party's main concern is the return of power to those countries instead of having an overarching world government. Because of this, many of the policies they try to promote tend to be domestic policies leaning towards weakening the Republic and combining the districts back into their original Countries. The are considered the Opposition to the government Coalition.

Yamataian Annexation Party

Opposing both the Coalition of the Anti-Abwehran / Khorsoi First Parties and the Nationalist Party, the Yamataian Annexation Party is a group dedicated towards Khorsovarolor becoming a member of the Yamatai Star Empire. It is the profound belief of its members that the only reason they were “walked all over” by the Abwehran Star Empire was because they didn't have the power the Yamataians hold. Considering the inability of the Khorsoi to mount an effective defense against both the Plague and the Abwehran Weltraumflotte, the Yamataian Annexation Party believes that joining the Yamataian Star Empire and receiving the nearly-immune bodies they possess is the only logical option for the Khorsoi people.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/10/12 09:57 by Abwehran Commander.


faction/khorsoi/new_khorsoi_government.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 00:59 (external edit)