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Udano Veltin (Gravity Spike)

This is the technology used the Poku Saeruo Degonjo to prevent FTL travel. It has been in used since the clan arrived in the Kikyo sector. 25 CY (YE -694).


Class: Denial Nomenclature: HS-S4-W1101 Type: Anti-FTL Designers: Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) Manufacturer: Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) on Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth) Note: The Udano Veltin is mounted ventrally on the ship it is installed on. ==== Description ==== The Udano Veltin system harnesses the power of the ship's Tinvyma Movidoanor (Tunnel Drive) Heim Force Generators. When activated the Udano Veltin targets a specific point in space below the ship, typically 1 KM. It creates wide ranging gravimetric distortions. The distortions are sufficiently strong that they create an Anti-FTL Field. A ship that is producing a Udano Veltin, can not fire a Udano Rotyka Sakopa (Gravitic Shock Cannon) if it has one; as the power comes from the same source. Area of affect: Diameter of .5 AU or 75 million kilometers or 46.5 million miles Rate of Fire: As long as the Udano Veltin is operating the Anti-FTL Field remains in effect.

OOC Notes

Authored by nashoba and approved by Zack on Apr 6, 20101)

faction/hidden_sun_clan/technology/gravity_spike.1572700772.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:40 (external edit)