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HS-PD1-1a Anoka'ano Dahome (Combat Armor)

The Anoka'ano Dahome is the standard personal combat armor worn by members of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. The current model went into production in 755 CY (YE 36).

About the Anoka'ano Dahome

The Anoka'ano Dahome provides physical protection from attack, and life support for the wearer. The Anoka'ano Dahome is a modular design and must be fitted to the wearer for optimum performance. It also provides a fifty percent increase in the amount of weight the wearer can carry.

The interlocks that hold the sections together are physical and even a failure of the power system will not cause them to disengage.

The armor has two integrated weapon systems, but it can also use most clan hand held weaponry.


The armor consists of rigid armor panels that cover the body. Sections like the joints and the abdomen are articulated with overlapping panels which allow the section to bend and flex. From a distance the armor may seem to be smooth, but large surfaces are actually made out of small hexagons that are at various angles which help to mitigate weapon impacts.

The end of the tail armor the laser weapon can be seen, it has four focusing armatures and the central pump laser.

The upper and lower arm sections consist of overlapping armor segments with a seam along the side which allows them to open.. The joint at the elbow is articulated and the overlapping plates can be seen. The hand unit attaches to the lower arm, and its style depends on the wearer. Regardless of the style four small blades can be seen slightly protruding from the top of the fingers.

The three sections of the legs are also covered in overlapping armor segments, with a seam along them where they open. The upper and lower knees are covered in articulating panels to protect the joint.

The feet of the armor are slightly over sized for stability, and three rigid claws can be seen protruding from the front.



The design work for the Anoka'ano began during the clan's conflicts with the NMX. During that time a variety of prototypes were fielded with varying degrees of success. The data from those prototypes was used to create the new armor. The goal was to make the armor require little training to operate. With this design a new wearer of the armor can immediately perform normal maneuvers as they would without it.


The armor has the following modes of operation.


In this mode the armor only compensates for its mass. The wearer has their normal strength, lifting and carrying capacity and movement. This mode is also used for training.


Armor operates at half power, wearer has a 25% increase in strength, the control system also alerts the wearer to detected threats.


In this mode the armor operates at full capacity, the brain works in conjunction with the wearer. eg: If the wearer is knocked off their feet, or fall off a ledge. the brain will orient the wearer to land safely. Or if it detects an incoming threat, it will take action to dodge the danger.

Donning and remove the armor

There are two ways to for a person to put on the combat armor. First is manual which involves picking up each piece and positioning it, typically this is done with another person to assist with the backpack.

The second is with the assistance of the HS-UE1-1a Anoka'ano Fiqorka Wuny (Armor Storage Module). This system allows a person to install the armor without the assistance of another person.

Regardless of which method the order remains the same.

First the torso is put on and secured. The backpack must next be attached since without it, there is no power for the other pieces to engage. Once the backpack is attached and initialized, the legs are attached, then the arms. The last piece is naturally the helmet.

Removing the armor the order is simply reversed.

Statistical Data


Nomenclature: HS-PD1-1a Class: Powered Type: Armor Designers: Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect) Manufacturer: Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect)

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.


The armor adds two inches of width to each limb, and six inches in height to the wearer.

The armor weighs on average 22.7 kg (50 lbs)



Body Suit

The innermost component is a form fitting, environmental suit with bands of paramid fibers for strength and damage resistance. The interior of it is filled with tubes, which help to cool the wearer. The body suit is charcoal black with a dull sheen. It has ports on the back that attach to the torso. The suit also has hookups to allow the elimination of bodily fluids. The suit covers all of the body except for the hands and head. The suit also is intended to prevent having the fur pinched or pulled by the outer shell.

Outer Shell

The outer shell consists of the following pieces: torso, two arms, two legs, tail, helmet and backpack. The specific functions and features of each is listed below. The pieces are covered in a thin layer of Mâqirây (Bound Metal). That protects the components as well as the wearer. All pieces except for the helmet and backpack have HS-PD1-P755/00 Jâony Norjopa (Musculature) running through them. Each of the extremities has interlocks which secure them to the torso. Once engaged they receive power from the torso connections.


The torso is the heart of the Combat Armor. It covers from the groin to the shoulders. It contains the control system connections, sensors, and communications. The section has articulated armor panels that allow the wearer to bend normally. The Torso opens in the rear to allow the user to get in. From the lower back up to the top splits open. The wearer steps in putting their feet through the leg openings, and lifts it up and closes it around them.

The back of the torso has the mounting points for the backpack. This is why the armor splits in the back, because the backpack provides added protection over the joints.


The legs conform to the wearer's legs. When the armor is active the wearer can walk and run indefinitely as the HS-PD1-P755/00 Jâony Norjopa (Musculature) does all the work. The units have an overlapping seam that runs along the sides of the armor segments; this allows them to expand when disconnected. When activated the units retract and the seam seals. This facilitates putting on and removing the unit. The soles of the feet can emit a minor Heim Force Generator field. This allows the wearer to cling to the surface they are standing upon. The field is only effective when in contact as it is extremely localized.


The arms conform to the wearer's arm. The hands however, have to be swapped to match the hands of the wearer. So for this reason there are two styles. Both styles of hands are equipped with retractable claws for use with climbing and hand to hand combat. The units expand when disconnected; this facilitates putting on and removing the unit.


The tail is capable of moving in the entire manner that the wearer's natural tail can. The end of the tail is fitted with a four claw that can be used to grab and manipulate objects. In the center of the claw is a laser that can be used to cut through objects or even be used as a close range weapon. The units have an overlapping seam that runs along the sides of the armor segments; this allows them to expand when disconnected. When activated the units retract and the seam seals. This facilitates putting on and removing the unit.


The helmet is the primary interface for the wearer. It contains the following integrated features:

  • Integrated microphone
  • Integrated internal and external speakers
  • Headlamps
  • Polarizing face shield

The visor has a HUD that provides status armor's systems, as well as tactical and targeting data. It is composed of Mâqitua'tomin (Transparent Light Metal) and can be opened by the wearer. The helmet is over sized and attaches to the shoulder mount on the torso. This helps to prevent neck injuries as the helmet can only rotate.

Note: it is possible to operate the armor without the helmet attached. However, doing so is usually only done in safe areas.


There are two versions of the backpack. The backpack provides the power for the combat armor, control system, and life support.

Ground for use in environments with gravity.

Space for us in a zero-gravity environment. The armor will automatically orient based on visuals from the HUD.


HS-PD1-E755/00 Communications

The Armor is equipped with the following HS-PD1-E755/00 Ta'te Goly Norjopa (Communications systems) for its requirements.

HS-PD1-E755/01 Sensors

The Anoka'ano Dahome is equipped with the HS-PD1-E755/01 Anoka'ano Mâbor'a (Armor Sensors) to provide information to the wearer on the HUD in the helmet. The sensors are located in the shoulders to provide best coverage.

HS-PD1-P755/00 Musculature

The combat armor uses the HS-PD1-P755/00 Jâony Norjopa (Musculature) for its movement requirements.

HS-PD1-M755/00 Ground Backpack

The HS-PD1-M755/00 Wunyniud Ikâ (Ground Backpack) is the primary backpack designed for the Anoka'ano Dahome.

HS-PD1-M755/01 Space Backpack

The HS-PD1-M755/01 Wunyniud Movi (Space Backpack) is the alternate backpack designed for the Anoka'ano Dahome. It has all the features of the HS-PD1-M755/00 Wunyniud Ikâ (Ground Backpack); but adds zero g propulsion capability.

HS-PD1-S755/00 Shields

The combat armor is equipped with a HS-PD1-S755/00 Wotanu'pa Anoka (Defense Shield) to protect the wearer and the armor.

HS-PD1-W755/0x Weapons

The Anoka'ano Dahome comes with the following integrated weapons.

HS-PD1-W755/00 Tail claw/laser

HS-PD1-W755/01 Claws

OOC Notes

Authored by nashoba Feb 09, 2014 Artwork Purchased by nashoba from Mark Devera Jul 22, 2014 Submission Approved by Kyle on Mar 09, 2014. Forum Thread.

faction/hidden_sun_clan/equipment/body_armor.1581292645.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:36 (external edit)