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Poku Afirmu (Clan Crest)

This page explains the crest of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo.

Clan Flag

The current crest was created in 0 CY (YE -719). This was done to further emphasize the change in the clan as a result of the Norka (The Exodus).


Crest of the Poku Degonjo Saeruo or Clan of the Hidden Sun details:

  • Crest sits on a field of gold and brown, this was a carry over from the original crest. This represented a continuity to the past of the clan.
  • Centered is a stylized star form in blue represents the Siama Rya (Soul of the Divine); it is the nebula the clan's home is in.

  • In the middle of the star is the Siamaka great divine symbol, also known as the Ida Siamaka Eye of God.

Clan Crest

OOC Notes

faction/hidden_sun_clan/emblem.1709707441.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/03/05 22:44 by hollander