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Jodau Fiqorka (Module Brain)

The Jodau Fiqorka Module Brain is a limited non-sentient AI used by the Poku Saeruo Degonjo the current model came into use in 724CY (YE 15).

About the Jodau Fiqorka

The Jodau Fiqorka is a less powerful version of the Jodau Sumanâjo (Synthetic Brain). They are designed to handle specific tasks and handle them very well. They are not as flexible as the Jodau Sumanâjo. They are incapable of becoming self-aware.

The brain has an independent emergency power system capable of operating it for several days. Jodau Fiqorka are fully fluent in Taka Norjopa (Machine Speech), and can control any Poku'vonai device that they can interface with it.

Only a qualified Jodau Bajao'a (Brain Technician) should work on this equipment.


A Module Brain are used on equipment that are unmanned, or as part of the control infrastructure of larger equipment. For example a Module Brain can be installed in the power generators of a starship, or the life support of a station. Any place that autonomy is needed.


The Module Brain was created after the clan arrived at their new home. They went into production in 26 CY YE -693 as one of the first developments of the Poku Movi Vamâqi (Clan Void Berth). They were needed because there were times without sufficient trained personnel. The Module Brain replaced the manual computer systems that were common before the Norka (The Exodus).

faction/hidden_sun_clan/computer_tech/module_brain.1554315831.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:36 (external edit)