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Ay-P3-2a Orbital Shipyard

The primary ship producers of the Abwehran Star Empire.

About the Ship

Though considered one of the ugliest designs ever to come out of Abwehran Imperial Yards, there is a method to the madness. The Orbital Shipyard is the second shipyard design to come out and it the most modern and automated orbital facility in the Empire.

Key Features

  • N/A

Mission Specialization

To be the primary ship producer of the Abwehran Star Empire.


History and Background

Designed and built after the Pirate War, the second Orbital Shipyard has been constructing ships since then. Nothing really significant has happened to these industrial behemoths and production facilities with in can be rented out to other organizations for a monthly fee.

Statistics and Performance

Statistical Data


Class: Ay-P3-2a Type: Shipyards Designers: Kaiserlich F&E Manufacturer: Abwehran Imperial Yards Production: Six Fielded by:


Crew: 1800 operators are required. Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 200,000 people. About 2,000,000 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


Length: 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) Width: 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) Height: 11 kilometers (6.8 miles)

Decks: 1100 (10 meters each)

Propulsion and Range

Lifespan: 300 years constant use Refit Cycle: Once every 50 years

Production Stats

Building Times

Vessels take five times their SP value in days to construct during wartime and seven times their SP value during Peace time. This doesn't count Builder's Trials and Pre-Naming Tests.

Class Description Base SP Build Time Build Time (Peace)
Very Light Small Escorts and Patrol Craft 10 50 days 70 Days
Light Destroyers, Gunships 20 100 days 140 Days
Medium Cruisers 30 150 days 210 Days
Heavy Carriers, Heavy Cruisers 40 200 days 280 Days
Very Heavy Battleships 50 250 days 350 Days

Inside the Ship

Compartment Layouts

Agriculture Sectors

Though an industrial facility, the Orbital Shipyard still requires agricultural sectors to provide food and air for the entire station. Nearly 200 decks comprise the Agricultural Sector.

Docking Towers

Six towers located dorsally upon the Orbital Shipyard, these towers are able to handle both shuttles and cargo vessels. Each tower also has specialized transport tubes leading to the raw materials bay where material can be sent to be processed.

Industrial Sectors

The majority of the shipyard is comprised of numerous factory sections used to produce parts and pre-frabricated sections of ship to be used in ship construction.

Main Scaffold

Located in the center of the ventral side, the Main Scaffold is an expanding lattice work that enables the Shipyard to construct anything from 500 meters to 20 kilometers in length. It is also able to build multiple ships smaller than 10 kilometers.

Material Storage and Processing Sector

The large box-like structure located in the rear of the facility, this massive sector houses storage areas and processing plants to store and process raw materials into building materials.

Production Bays

The six sections located on the ventral side of the facility are production bays. Each bay has its own factory facilities and three slots for ship production. Each slot is large enough to build anything from 10 meters to 500 meters in length and can build multiple of anything smaller than 250 meters in length.

Recreation Sectors

Filled with parks, taverns, and a variety of other entertainments, the Recreation Sectors comprise only 50 decks of the station.

Residential Area

A section comprised of 300 decks to support living facilities for all workers and VIPs. Each room is in apartment-like fashion.

6. Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Shipyard is built using the Tri-Layer Armor system in combination with standard military hull and framework. It is one of the only civilian orbital facilities allowed to operate with these systems.

Computers and Electronics

CU-23 Multipurpose Computer System

A powerful and robust computer system using the standard military processors connected via molecular circuits to connect to the various Data Storage and Displays on board.

Detection Systems
Communications Systems

Emergency Systems

Life Support Systems

The essential air/water filtration system are provided by the Agricultural Sectors of the ship and city capable water treatment facility. Gravity is created by Unidirectional Gravity Plating.


The only propulsion system available are a series of fusion thrusters to keep the station in orbit.

Shield Systems

The Shipyard has a Hazard Shield system to protect it from radiation.

7. Vehicle Complement


  • 300

faction/abwehran_star_empire/technology/spacecraft/orbital_shipyard.1572701153.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:38 (external edit)